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Designer’s experience of Finnish Railway projects

Designer’s experience of Finnish Railway projects . Railway Projects Finland- Seminar 30.10.2013 Kari Fagerholm. Pöyry – CONSULTING AND ENGINEERING experts.

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Designer’s experience of Finnish Railway projects

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  1. Designer’s experience of Finnish Railway projects Railway Projects Finland- Seminar 30.10.2013 Kari Fagerholm

  2. Pöyry – CONSULTING AND ENGINEERING experts Pöyry is an international consulting and engineering company, dedicated to serving clients across the world’s energy and industrial sectors • 6,500 experts • Over 15,000 projects annually • Solid track record in pulp and paper • Leading hydro and power market engineers • EUR 775 million net sales in 2012 PÖYRY - Company Presentation

  3. PÖYRY’S business SECTORS PÖYRY - Company Presentation 3

  4. Major rail bound projects in Helsinki metropolitan area Ring rail Kehärata Espoo City rail Espoon kaupunkirata PÖYRY - Company Presentation 4

  5. Norms and standards The norms and standardsused in Finnish Railway sectorarebased on severallevels: • Europeanunion/ European Railway Agency: Technical Specifications of interoperability • Trans-EuropeanConventionalRailSystems • High-speedrailsystems • Safety in railway tunnels - SRT TSI • Interoperability relating to ‘persons with reduced mobility’ in the trans-European conventional and high-speed rail system • Finnish Transport Safety Agency Trafiissues permits, regulations, approvals and decisions and prepares legal rules regarding the transport sector • Finnish Transport Agency • Technical guidelines for railways in specific railway technical sectors (RATO 1 … 21) • Project specific guidelines for railway planning • General technical specifications of infrastructure construction (InfraRYL 2010)

  6. New procurementmodels Finnish Transportation Agency (FTA) has been open-mindedly piloting new procurement models to enhance the productivity in the Finnish infra business: • PPP – model – mainly in big roadprojects • "Alliance model” – onepilot in railway and one in roadsector • Design-Build – more common in roadsector, butsomecasesalso in railwaysector Mostcommonlyusedmethodhasbeen the Design-Bid-Build(D-B-B) together with Construction Management services. Normally designer is notcloselyinvolved in the procurementphase. The documentsused for constructionprocurementarepreparedby the FTA’ s Project Managertogether with Construction management consultants. Design work is commonlyguided with externalqualitycontroler. OnlyFinnishlanguageis acceptedin majorpart of the projects.

  7. procurement of railwayprojects design New projects are in normal case led by a FTA’s Project Manager who is usually supported by PM team of consultants Tenderrequirements for design tasksaredependent of the style of the Project Manager and the type of the project.  There is a lot of variation of the tenderingdocuments Qualityaspecthaslatelybeenemphasized in the designer’sselection. For railwayprojectsthereareaboutsevensupplierswhichareable to deliverreasonablesizerailway design projects. Tightcompetition – pricelevel in nowlowerthanfiveyearsago. FTA expects the consultingorganization to takeresponsibility of the latedelivery in any case expectif the delay is causedby the FTA itself.

  8. railwayprojects design The design process is under a developmentphase. 3D modelinghasbeenincreasedsignificantlyunder the lastfewyears. Design workbased on 3D modelshasalreadybeendone for severalyears. Contractorshavenotbeenable to use the 3D models in construction, butnow the utilization of thesemodelshasstarted. Visualizationof design hasbeenincreasinglately For documentationand contractingtraditionalpaperdocumentsarestillrequired Town planningis on the responsibility of municipalauthorities. Thisregulatesstrongly the realization of new railwaylines. The dialoguewith the interestgroups and the inhabitant’s is vitalespecially in the preliminary engineering planningphase, butalsolateruntil the commissioning of the new railwayprojects.

  9. Railway contractors Therearetwo main contractors for railwayspecificprojects: • VR Track Ltd, • State OwnedCompany • Descendsfrom the lateFinnish State Railways • Sistercompany of the railways main operator VR • Ownsmajorpart of the railwayspecificmachinery • Hasowndesigningunitwhich is the biggest in Finnishrailway business • Operates the FTAsrailwayarchives • Destia Ltd, • State Owned Company • Descendsfrom the lateFinnish National Road Administration • Hasminorpart of the railwayspecificmachinery • Hasowndesigningunitwhich is the biggest in Finnishrailwaybusiness Remarkablepart of the constructionprojectscanbeperformedwithoutrailwayspecificmachinery. Normalcivilworkcompaniesareable to tender in thoseprojects.

  10. Thank you! Contact: Kari Fagerholm Pöyry Finland Oy, Railway Department Department Manager kari.fagerholm@poyry.com

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