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Embracing Olympics Values in School Curriculum for Student Engagement

Manor School Sports College integrates Olympic values into the curriculum to foster student interest and participation in the Olympic and Paralympic Games, resulting in improved behavior, student engagement, and staff cohesion. Cross-curricular projects and school-wide activities enhance the school ethos.

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Embracing Olympics Values in School Curriculum for Student Engagement

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  1. Living out the Olympic and Paralympics values through the curriculum to increase opportunities for all to shine

  2. Whole School Aim To enable all students within the school to become embraced by the Olympics and how it links into the curriculum.

  3. Starting Point- June 2011 • Student questionnaires to find out about their interests of the Olympic Games • Only 65% of students were interested by the games • 85% of students could not see how the school could use the Olympics in the curriculum. • 90% of students wanted to take part in Olympic Competitions. • 95% of students did not realize there was Olympic Values.

  4. Manor School Sports College has fully embraced the Olympics and Paralympics values. Our staff and students are committed to ensuring we use our Sports College status to advocate, develop and implement a wide range of activities and events to ensure that London 2012 is high profile in our school, our partner primaries and our local community. Linda Brooks Principle at Manor School Sports College

  5. Olympic and Paralympic Values Cards - Pledging to live out the values in all areas of the school and are rewarded for achieving this.

  6. How did we do this? • We selected an Olympic Council which required students from year 7-13 (Gold Ambassadors and Addistars) • They designed an Olympic Values Card which was student friendly. • Every form room has an Olympics Values Poster (Every student has signed one in their form) • A blank card at the start of each week. • Members of staff sign the card during a lesson or around school. • Linked to the House Cup.

  7. Impact: • A 20% decrease in any behavior issues in lessons. • From the student voice more closer competition in their houses (Development of House Identity) • A 70% increase in the number of praise cards and house points being rewarded. • Student friendly. • Every student is involved in the weekly challenges. • Developed staff cohesion.

  8. ‘The Olympic values cards have contributed to the whole school ethos. The students have engaged well and understood all of the qualities required to perform at the top of their game.’ Sarah Mitchell- Pastoral Co- coordinator for Key Stage 3.

  9. Olympics into the Whole School Curriculum. - Cross Curricular Projects.

  10. How was this achieved? One member of staff from each department is part of the Olympic committee. A timetable throughout the year when curriculum projects will take place (to ensure they are spread out during the school year).

  11. Examples of Cross Curricular Projects: • Year 7- PE, Art, Music, Drama (Suspended Day) • Year 10- PE to Maths (Using student data of performance against professional data.) • Year 8- English- Writing Olympic Poems and reporter competition (Olympic Newsletter) • Year 9- ICT- Designing an advertising campaign on the Paralympics. • Lesson 4a projects (Olympic Values, Inter house competition)

  12. The use of the Olympics away from the PE curriculum has allowed for me to see the different aspects of the games. Year 7 student

  13. End of School Year ‘Manor Olympics’

  14. Student Olympic Council ‘We want to celebrate and embrace the Olympics into the launch of the summer games.’

  15. What is happening • 3 Gold Ambassadors and 5 Addistars are the lead council. • Students can apply and have interviews to be part of the organizing committee. • The final 3 days of the school year all students are off timetable. • 2 local secondary schools and 6 primary schools are invited for an Olympic and Paralympics Games activities day for one of the three days (Year 7 and 8) • Whole school Olympic themed days across the school • Sports Day on the final day

  16. The 30 minutes a week competing in our houses is great. We have competed in football, uni hockey, goal ball, indoor tennis, table tennis already. Come on Johnson! Year 8 student Johnson House

  17. Additional Information: • - Olympic Torch is being designed by year 9 students in technology • Students to be selected to carry the torch. • Local Businesses are involved • Aim is to travel around the local villages, primary schools to pass the baton.

  18. Mid Point- January 2012. • Student questionnaires to find out about their interests of the Olympic Games. • 88% of students are now interest by the games. • 79% of students can now see how the school could use the Olympics in the curriculum. • 100% of students have taken part in the Olympic Competitions (Level 1 competition) • 93% of students now realize there is Olympic Values.

  19. The Olympic and Paralympics Games have enabled students to get excited about the sporting spectacle. I am excited in being a volunteer at the Level 4 games. Ben Cowling Gold Ambassador

  20. What are you doing in your school to embrace the Olympics?

  21. Additional Information glenn.martin@manorschool.northants.sch.uk

  22. Title • Bullets • Bullets • Bullets • Bullets • Bullets

  23. Insert quote here Name Position

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