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Dark Energy and Neutrinos 高能所 李虹

Dark Energy and Neutrinos 高能所 李虹. Outline: Neutrinos and the fate of the Universe - X.Bi, B. Feng, Hong Li and X. Zhang:hep-ph/0403002 Testing the variation of the neutrino mass by short GRB - Hong Li , Zigao Dai, X. Zhang: Phys.Rev.D71:113003,2005 .

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Dark Energy and Neutrinos 高能所 李虹

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  1. Dark Energy and Neutrinos 高能所 李虹 • Outline: • Neutrinos and the fate of the Universe • -X.Bi, B. Feng, Hong Li and X. Zhang:hep-ph/0403002 • Testing the variation of the neutrino mass by short GRB • -Hong Li, Zigao Dai, X. Zhang: Phys.Rev.D71:113003,2005. • Constraints on the coupling of neutrino to Dark Energy from SN • -by Feng Bo, HongLi and X. Zhang (in preparation)

  2. 暗能量模型: * Vacuum : w=-1 动力学场 * Quintessence: * Phantom: * K-essence: or but cannot across -1 * Quintom: (mildly favoured) w across -1 相互作用暗能量: *与物质耦合实验限制强 * 与暗物质耦合实验限制弱 * 与中微子耦合实验限制弱 For Reviews, see Xinmin Zhang “Interacting Dark Energy” Plenary talk at SUSY 04; “Dark energy and its interactions with neutrinos” Plenary talk at PASCOS 05 • Any connection between Dark Energy and neutrinos? • ΛCDM: • QCDM: If yes, very interesting : 2 of the biggest discoveries in the recent years Connections ----- Interactions between dark energy and neutrinos Two types couplings

  3. Dark Energy 和 Neutrinos 可能的耦合形式: 导数耦合: Quintessential Baryogenesis -M. Li, X. Wang, B. Feng, X. Zhang Phys.Rev. D65 (2002) 103511 Gravitational Leptogenesis -Hong Li, M.Li and X.Zhang Phys.Rev. D70 (2004) 047302 f(R):function of Ricci scalar 直接耦合: 中微子质量的改变 -P.Gu, X. Wang and X.Zhang Phys.Rev. D68 (2003) 087301

  4. Cosmological evolution of Ineteracting DE with Neutrinos -X.Bi, B. Feng, H. Li and X. Zhang :hep-ph/0403002 Starting point: Interaction For relativistic neutrinos: the system is decoupled For non-relativistic neutrinos: the system is coupling The effective potential of the system: The attractor of the system: &

  5. Testing mass varying neutrino with short GRB -Hong Li, Zigao Dai, Xinmin Zhang: hep-ph/0411228

  6. Two-field models of Quintom Dark Energy -Xiao-fei Zhang ,Hong Li, Yunsong Piao and Xinmin Zhang astro-ph/0501562 Quintom model with Phantom field and neutrinos:

  7. The constraints on the coupling of Neutrinos to DE from SN -by Feng Bo, Li Hong and Xinmin Zhang (in preparation) 其中: 定义: 参数化 M(Φ): 其中,

  8. 小结: • 提出了一个Quintom model: Phantom ⊕ Neutrinos • 用SN数据限制模型参数 • 中微子暗能量理论一个重要预言:中微子质量改变 • I. 可以由GRB检验 • II. 有意义的宇宙演化和命运

  9. Thanks!

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