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UNIT 6 ue oo ew u_e

UNIT 6 ue oo ew u_e. Day 1. What we’re learning: To read words containing the phoneme /ue/. How did we do? We can recognise at least 4 ways of representing the phoneme /ue/. ew. ue. u_e. oo. What’s Missing?. ue. ew. oo. u_e. Day 2. What we’re learning:

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UNIT 6 ue oo ew u_e

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Presentation Transcript

  1. UNIT 6 ue oo ew u_e

  2. Day 1 What we’re learning: To read words containing the phoneme /ue/. How did we do? We can recognise at least 4 ways of representing the phoneme /ue/.

  3. ew ue u_e oo

  4. What’s Missing? ue ew oo u_e

  5. Day 2 What we’re learning: To read words containing the phoneme /ue/. How did we do? We can read at least 5 words with the phoneme /ue/.

  6. ew ue u_e oo

  7. oo moon m oo n

  8. ue clue c l ue

  9. ew chew ch ew

  10. oo boot b oo t

  11. ue blue b l ue

  12. ew blew b l ew

  13. Day 3 What we’re learning: To read words with the phoneme /ue/. How did we do? We can read at least 5 words with the split digraph u_e.

  14. ew ue u_e oo

  15. u_e

  16. u_e flute f l u e t

  17. u_e prune p r u e n

  18. u_e brute b r u e t

  19. u_e rule r u e l

  20. u_e June J u e n

  21. It is hot in June.

  22. That dog is a brute.

  23. The king rules the land.

  24. Jim plays the flute.

  25. I don’t like prunes!

  26. Day 4 What we’re learning: To read words containing the phoneme /ue/. How did we do? We can read at least 10 words with the phoneme /ue/.

  27. ew ue u_e oo

  28. Fast Read soon glue brute flew spoon chew noon blue drew broom June hoot rule true pool

  29. Day 5 What we’re learning: To read new camera words by looking for parts we can sound out and then looking for the ‘tricky bits’. How did we do? We can read 6 new camera words.

  30. Camera Words half girl first saw good would

  31. Fast Read half girl first saw good would

  32. Day 6 What we’re learning: To spell words containing the phoneme /ue/. How did we do? We can spell at least 3 words with the phoneme /ue/.

  33. ew ue u_e oo

  34. oo

  35. spoon

  36. ew

  37. screw

  38. ue

  39. blue

  40. oo

  41. boot

  42. ue

  43. glue

  44. oo

  45. moon

  46. oo

  47. roof

  48. ew

  49. dew

  50. oo

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