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An Integrated Hydro+Boltzmann Approach to Heavy Ion Reactions at FAIR. Marcus Bleicher Institut für Theoretische Physik Goethe Universität Frankfurt Germany. Thanks to. Hannah Petersen Jan Steinheimer Elvira Santini Bjoern Baeuchle Gunnar Graef Gerhard Burau Sascha Vogel
An Integrated Hydro+Boltzmann Approach to Heavy Ion Reactions at FAIR Marcus Bleicher Institut für Theoretische Physik Goethe Universität Frankfurt Germany
Thanks to • Hannah Petersen • Jan Steinheimer • Elvira Santini • Bjoern Baeuchle • Gunnar Graef • Gerhard Burau • Sascha Vogel • Qingfeng Li • Dirk Rischke • Horst Stoecker Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Outline • Model Description • Initial Conditions • Equations of State • Freeze-out Scenarios • Multiplicities and Spectra • HBT Results • Elliptic Flow Excitation Function • Differential Flow Results • Conclusions (Petersen et al., PRC 78:044901, 2008, arXiv: 0806.1695) (Petersen et al., arXiv: 0901.3821, PRC in print) Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
http://www.ice.csic.es/en/graphics/phase.jpg The QCD Phase Diagram In heavy ion collisions heated and compressed nuclear matter is produced under controlled conditions Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Hybrid Approaches (history) • Hadronic freezeout following a first order hadronization phase transition in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions.S.A. Bass, A. Dumitru, M. Bleicher, L. Bravina, E. Zabrodin, H. Stoecker, W. Greiner, Phys.Rev.C60:021902,1999 • Dynamics of hot bulk QCD matter: From the quark gluon plasma to hadronic freezeout. S.A. Bass, A. Dumitru, Phys.Rev.C61:064909,2000 • Flow at the SPS and RHIC as a quark gluon plasma signature.D. Teaney, J. Lauret, Edward V. Shuryak, Phys.Rev.Lett.86:4783-4786,2001 • A Hydrodynamic description of heavy ion collisions at the SPS and RHIC.D. Teaney, J. Lauret, E.V. Shuryak, e-Print: nucl-th/0110037 • Hadronic dissipative effects on elliptic flow in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions.T. Hirano, U. Heinz, D. Kharzeev, R. Lacey, Y. Nara, Phys.Lett.B636:299-304,2006 • 3-D hydro + cascade model at RHIC.C. Nonaka, S.A. Bass, Nucl.Phys.A774:873-876,2006 • Results On Transverse Mass Spectra Obtained With NexspherioF. Grassi, T. Kodama, Y. Hama, J.Phys.G31:S1041-S1044,2005 Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Present Approaches (3+1)dim. hydrodynamics with nonequilibrium initial conditions (Nexus) and isothermal freeze-out or continuous emission scenario: • Hadronic dissipative effects on elliptic flow in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions.T. Hirano, U. Heinz, D. Kharzeev, R. Lacey, Y. Nara, Phys.Lett.B636:299-304,2006 • 3-D hydro + cascade model at RHIC.C. Nonaka, S.A. Bass, Nucl.Phys.A774:873-876,2006 • Results On Transverse Mass Spectra Obtained With Nexspherio F. Grassi, T. Kodama, Y. Hama, J.Phys.G31:S1041-S1044,2005 with Glauber or CGC initial conditions and hadronic afterburner: • See also recent work of K. Werner Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Hybrid Approach • Essential to draw conclusions from final state particle distributions about initially created medium • The idea here: Fix the initial state and freeze-out learn something about the EoS and the effect of viscous dynamics 2) Hydrodynamic evolution or Transport calculation 3) Freeze-out via hadronic cascade (UrQMD) 1) Non-equilibrium initial conditions via UrQMD (Petersen et al., PRC 78:044901, 2008, arXiv: 0806.1695) Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
The UrQMD transport approach UrQMD = Ultra-relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics • Initialisation: • Nucleons are set according to a Woods-Saxon distribution with randomly chosen momenta pi < pF • Propagation and Interaction: • Rel. Boltzmann equation • Collision criterium • Final state: • all particles with their final positions and momenta Very successful in describing different observables in a broad energy range But: modeling of the phase transition and hadronization not yet possible Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Initial State • Contracted nuclei have passed through each other • Energy is deposited • Baryon currents have separated • Energy-, momentum- and baryon number densities are mapped onto the hydro grid • Event-by-event fluctuations are taken into account • Spectators are propagated separately in the cascade (nucl-th/0607018, nucl-th/0511021) Elab=40 AGeV b=0 fm (J.Steinheimer et al., PRC 77,034901,2008) Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Equations of State Ideal relativistic one fluid dynamics: and • HG: Hadron gas including the same degrees of freedom as in UrQMD (all hadrons with masses up to 2.2 GeV) • CH: Chiral EoS from SU(3) hadronic Lagrangian with first order transition and critical endpoint • BM: Bag Model EoS with a strong first order phase transition between QGP and hadronic phase D. Rischke et al., NPA 595, 346, 1995, D. Zschiesche et al., PLB 547, 7, 2002 Papazoglou et al., PRC 59, 411, 1999 Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Freeze-out Chemical FO by Cleymans et al. • Transition from hydro to transport when e < 730 MeV/fm³ (≈ 5 * e0) in all cells of one transverse slice (Gradual freeze-out, GF) iso-eigentime criterion • Transition when e < 5* e0 in all cells(Isochronuous freeze-out, IF) • Particle distributions are generated according to theCooper-Frye formula • with boosted Fermi or Bose distributions f(x,p) including mB and mS • Rescatterings and final decays calculated via hadronic cascade (UrQMD) Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Final State Interactions (after Hydro) Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Baryon density distribution Time evolution of the baryon density is smooth single event 1) in the reaction plane 2) in a central cell Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Time Evolution • Central Pb+Pb collisions at 40A GeV: • Number of particles decreases in the beginning due to resonance creation • Qualitative behaviour very similar in both calculations • UrQMD equilibrates to a rather large degree Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Dependence on tstart Variation of starting time by a factor 4 changes results only by 10 % Full symbols: 40 AGeV Open symbols: 11 AGeV Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Dependence on Freeze-out • Variation of the freeze-out criterium does not affect the meson multiplicities and mean transerve masses Full symbols: 40 AGeV Open symbols: 11 AGeV Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Time scales Pb+Pb, central hydro running time hydro start time Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Multiplicities vs. Energy full lines: hybrid model (IF) squares: hybrid model (GF) dotted lines: UrQMD-2.3 symbols: experimental data • Both models are purely hadronic without phase transition, but different underlying dynamics Results for particle multiplicities from AGS to SPS are surprisingly similar Strangeness is enhanced in the hybrid approach due to local equilibration L X W (Petersen et al., PRC 78:044901, 2008) p K P Central (b<3.4 fm) Pb+Pb/Au+Au collisions Data from E895, NA49 Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Rapidity Spectra full lines: hybrid model dotted lines: UrQMD-2.3 symbols: experimental data Rapidity spectra for pions and kaons have a very similar shape in both calculations Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Strangeness Centrality Dependence • Thermal production of the particles at transition from hydro to transport • Centrality dependence of multistrange hyperons is improved hybrid model (GF) ----- UrQMD-2.3 (Petersen et al., arXiv: 0903.0396) Pb+Pb collisions for different centralities Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Limitations in small systems • Small systems lack sufficient thermalisation • Lambda’s etc are still driven by initial state (Petersen et al., arXiv: 0903.0396) Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
mT Spectra Blue: pions Green: protons Red: kaons 11 AGeV 160 AGeV Full line: hybrid model (IF) Dashed line: hybrid model (GF) Dotted line: UrQMD-2.3 40 AGeV (Petersen et al., PRC 78:044901, 2008) • mT spectra are very similar at lower energies (11,40 AGeV) • <mT> is higher in hydro calculation at Elab=160 AGeV Central (b<3.4 fm) Pb+Pb/Au+Au collisions Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
<mT> Excitation Function • Resonance excitations and non-equilibrium effects in intermediate energy regime lead to a softening of the EoS in pure UrQMD calculation • Hybrid calculation with hadronic EoS just rises as a function of beam energy • Even strong first order phase transition leads only to a small effect p (Petersen et al., JPG 36, 055104, 2009) Data from E866, NA49 |y|<0.5 Central (b<3.4 fm) Au+Au/Pb+Pb collisions, Gradual freeze-out for hybrid calculation Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
HBT radii (freeze-out effects) (Q. Li et al., arXiv: 0812.0375, PLB in print) Freeze-out effects are small, if hadronic rescattering is included Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
HBT radii (EoS effects) (Q. Li et al., arXiv: 0812.0375, PLB in print) Hydro evolution leads to larger radii, esp. with phase transition Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
RO/RS Ratio • Hydro phase leads to smaller ratios • Hydro to transport transition does not matter, if final rescattering is taken into account • EoS dependence is visible, but not as strong as previuosly predicted (factor of 5) Data from NA49 (Q. Li et al., PLB 674, 111, 2009) Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Initial State for Non-Central Collisions Pb+Pb at Elab=40 AGeV with b= 7fm at tstart=2.83 fm Energy density profile Weighted velocity profile GeV/fm3 GeV/fm3 Event-by-event fluctuations are taken into account (H.P. et.al., arXiv:0901.3821, PRC in print) Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
v2 -Transverse Momentum Dependence Protons Pions NA49 (NA49, PRC 68, 034903, 2003) Hydro phase leads to higher flow values, but weak EoS dependence Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Elliptic Flow • Smaller mean free path in the hot and dense phase leads to higher elliptic flow • At lower energies: hybrid approach reproduces the pure UrQMD result • Gradual freeze-out leads to a better description of the data (Petersen et.al., arXiv:0901.3821, PRC in print) Data from E895, E877, NA49, Ceres, Phenix, Phobos, Star Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
v2/e Scaling • More realistic initial conditions and freeze-out Qualitative behaviour nicely reproduced • Uncertainty due to eccentricity calculation • Uniqueness of the hydro limit is questioned (Petersen et.al., arXiv:0901.3821, PRC in print) Data and hydro limits from NA49 compilation, PRC 68, 034903, 2003 Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009
Conclusions • Hybrid approach combines the advantages of a transport and a hydrodynamic prescription • Integrated approach with the same initial conditions and freeze-out for different EoS • Well suited for the FAIR-HADES, FAIR-CBM energy range • Particle multiplicities and spectra are reasonably reproduced, strangeness enhanced • Transverse momentum spectra indicate importance of non-equilibrium effects • Phase transition is visible in HBT radii, but long fireball lifetime so far not supported by the existing data • Flow results depend crucially on initial conditions and freeze-out Marcus Bleicher, SIS100, GSI 2009