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Evolution of Heavy Ion Physics at J-PARC & Worldwide Colliders

Explore the historical milestones, memorable events, and significant discoveries in heavy-ion physics at J-PARC, RHIC, and LHC colliders, highlighting the evolution from the 1970s to present-day research.

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Evolution of Heavy Ion Physics at J-PARC & Worldwide Colliders

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  1. February 26, 2016 Nagoya U. Toward Heavy-Ion Physics at J-PARC Shoji Nagamiya RIKEN/ KEK • Historical • Motivation 3) J-PARC vs. FAIR

  2. Bevalac & AGS Time (1974- )

  3. Memorable Year, 1974 • Three Important Meetings • Summer: LBL Summer Study on High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions. • Fall : Symp. at the Japanese Phys. Soc. Meeting on “Nuclear Physics with High Energy Heavy Ions”. • Fall: New York(Bear Mountain) Workshop on BeV per Nucleon Collisions of Heavy Ions. • Completion of the Bevalac • Initiation in Japan • Proposal of the US-Japan Collaboration in nuclear physics on heavy-ion collisions at LBL. • Proposal of the Numatron Project at INS (= Inst. For Nuclear Studies) of University of Tokyo. • First RI Beam Experiment in the field of Biology

  4. Projectile Fragmentation (H. Heckman, L. Schroeder) Target Fragmentation (A. Poskanzer, B. Price) Density Isomer (A. Kerman) Shockwave (W. Greiner) Lee-Wick Matter LBL Summer Study (1974) Lecture note of this school created by myself I started to be interested in central collisions (participant region)

  5. First Impact on High Baryon Density PionCondensation Density Isomer Lee-Wick Condensation 1976

  6. Packed High-Density Nucleus

  7. Existence of Quark Soup???

  8. Simple Phase Diagram

  9. One Puzzle on High-r QGP Actual Nucleon Overlapped Region

  10. Pulse Muon Pulse Neutron Neutrino K-Mesons Large Hadron Accelerator Facility (1985) High Intensity Protons 3 GeV, 100 mA (0.3MW) + 30 GeV, 30 mA (0.9 MW) Heavy Ions 1 A GeV + 10 A GeV After this, BNL started to accelerate heavy ions → p in Japan → HI in the US Due to cancellation of the Numatron Nuclear Physics Community proposed it. (I was a chair) Heavy-Ion

  11. JHP #1 (1987) Proposed by INS To install at KEK. High Intensity Proton Beam 1 GeV (>200 mA)

  12. First ET Data from AGS and SPS ET Spectra from an early days of AGS The nucleus seems black at the AGS energy ET Spectra from an early days of SPS

  13. Landau’s Note

  14. r = 2gcmr0 A. S. Goldhaber, Nature 275, 112 (1978)

  15. PS Collider in 1990

  16. PS Collider in 1990 Proposed to KEK but not successful. Many letters, for example, from G. Brown, L. van Hove, et. al. for encouragement, and many participants from the world.

  17. Goal at the PS Collider

  18. J-PARC and RHIC + LHC Time (1997- )

  19. JHF in1997 (after my returnto Japan) Heavy Ions

  20. Motivation of J-PARC • Proto-type in the 80’s (Large Hadron Accel. Facility ) • International Views on Neutrons and Nuclear Physics • OECD Mega Science Forum in both fields. • Neutron OECD Recommendations: • Many Users →One facility each in the US, Europe and Japan. • World Planning in Nuclear Physics: • Kaon Factory in Japan, Heavy Ions in Germany, etc. RI Beams each in the US, Europe and Asia. • Neutrino Beams from the Accelerator • World-class results from Kamiokande • Atmospheric Neutriono from Super Kamiokande →Necessity of neutrino beams from the accelerator →Following KEK-PS, 100 times intensity beams at somewhere.. • Necessity of ADS (Accelerator Driven System) • Disposal of long-lived nuclear wastes from the nuclear reactor • Nuclear transformation from long-lived nuclei to short-lived nuclei + Energy production, if possible, in assciation to this process. →Needs for Multi-Purpose Facilities, J-PARC. 11分

  21. 大型ハドロン 計画 Project at JAEA Project at KEK 0.6 MW 8 MW 1 MW Combined J-PARC in1999, however

  22. Two Major Discoveries at RHIC STAR PRL86,402 (2001) PHENIX PRL88,022301(2002) Strong elliptic flow Jet Quenching v2 RAA Strong Elliptic flow →Agree with the hydrodynamics → Low viscosity/entropy (h/s) High pT suppression → Particle energy was lost through a dense matter like QGP Dense and Low-Viscous Fluid is formed in nuclear collisions at RHIC. These results are confirmed at LHC also.

  23. Energy Loss Observed from Jets Much Clearer Evidence that Dense Matter is formed at RHIC. ^ Parameter related to the energy loss in QGP, q q = 1.2 + 0.3 GeV2/fm at T = 370 MeV (RHIC) q = 1.9 + 0.7 GeV2/fm at T = 470 MeV (LHC) ^ - ^ - JET Collaboration, Phys. Rev. C90,014909 (2014)

  24. Current Tentative Understanding for Flows C. Gale, et al. , PRL 110, 012302 (2013) Current RHIC & LHC flow (v2,v3,v4,v5) data are explained. h/s (LHC) = 0.2 and h/s (RHIC) = 0.12 > 1/4p = 0.08 h/s (LHC) ~ 1.6 h/s (RHIC)

  25. Viscosity in QGP in NN Collisions 4π x h/s VeryLow-Viscous Fluid formed in nuclear collisions, as compared with other liquids.

  26. U(3S) even more suppressed in HI? Sequential Melting of Quaokonia U(2S) more suppressed than U(1S) in HI CMS, PRL 109, 222301 (2012) p + p Pb+Pb Deconfinement observed in HI Collisions?

  27. What Have We Learned from RHIC and LHC and Their Future? ^ • Energy loss q, η/s Initial temperature Tinit, TC. • RHICand LHC Plans ^ - ~160 MeV - From Photons T = 220 MeV & >300 MeV GeV2/fm Ratio = 1.6 RHIC LHC Heavy Flavor etc. BES II sPHENIX 6.5–7.0 TeV Protons p+p, p+Pb, Pb+Pb 6.5–7.0 TeV Protons p+p, p+Pb, Pb+Pb LHC Upgrade ALICE Upgrade

  28. New Puzzle in p+p and p+A Figure taken from CMS The above is still a puzzle

  29. Post J-PARC Time (2012- )

  30. Temperature vs. Baryon Density LHC RHIC STAR’s BES FAIR NICA, J-PARC Neutron star

  31. Event-by-Event Fluctuations Variance : 2 = <(N)2> ~ 2 [c(2)/c(1)] Skewness: S = <(N)3>/2 ~ 5.5 [c(3)/c(2)] Kurtosis: K2 = <(N)4>/2-32~ 9 [c(4)/c(2)] 4th-order fluctuations The 3rd and 4th-order fluctuations are sensitive to critical point and phase boundary. Detailed studies at lower energies are, thus, challenging & interesting. FAIR/J-PARC region STAR, PRL 112, 032302 (2014)

  32. RI Beams p r = 2gcmr0 Central Region at 10-30 A GeV • Formation of High Density • Production of Multi L States A. S. Goldhaber, Nature 275, 112 (1978) J-PARC 5-10 r0

  33. Ken-Ichi Imai, J-PARC HI meeting (2013/4/24)

  34. Formation of Hypernuclei HI collision: Spectator-participant picture K+ beam nucleus beam fragments spectators L L absorption in fragments p+ L participants L n p coalescence target nucleus target fragments rapidity

  35. Comparison: Collider vs. Fixed Target Comparison between collider and fixed target experiments Collider (Pb+Pb or Au + Au): 1027 ~ 1028 cm-2s-1 for RHIC and LHC If 1028 /(cm2/s ) for Au + Au →1028 x 7 barn = 7x104 /s = 70 kHz … 50 kHz data rate is a future challenge at both RHIC and LHC. Fixed Target Equivalent : ~ Currently, 109 per bunchat AGS for RHIC If, an interaction rate of 1% target order → for Au + Au collisions, 109 x 0.01 = 107 = ~ 10 MHz/bunch →If 1 pulse = 5 bunches and 5seconds = 1 pulse, per bunch is almost equal to per second. ~1010-11 beams/s on a fixed target, 1% target implies 100MHz to 1GHz collision rate → A new physics may come out with high intensity heavy ion beams on a fixed target, and this direction could be interesting.

  36. Multi-Strangeness Hypernuclei? _ |S| > 3 Hypernuclei • Full intensity beam of 1011/s is ~10 MHz central collisions • 10-5 for 106 events means dN/dy = 10--4 = 0.3 events/hour Very marginal but not impossible S=-1 Hypernuclei Pb + Pb Central collision S=-2 Hypernuclei |S| > 3 Hypernuclei FAIR or J-PARC _ 10-5 A. Andronic, PLB697 (2011) 203

  37. n Neutron Matter Superfluid L n Strange Hadronic Matter High density nuclear matter with hyperons (strange quarks) p Quark Matter Deconfined quarks Color superconductivity X Mystery of neutron star matter Slide from H. Tamura • Final form of matter evolution in the universe Produced by supernova explosion, Observed asX-ray pulsars • Highest density matter in the universe M = 1~2 M, R ~ 10~20 km =>Density of the core = 3~10r0 (1~3 Btons/cm3) r0: nuclear density Nuclear “Pasta” • Various forms of matter made of almost only quarks Nuclear + Neutron Matter ?? ? High density formation may help multi-strangeness production

  38. Strangeness Production & L Distillation ~ = ~

  39. Importance of 3-Body Forces ? 6r0 Pure neutron starby n (+ L) only with 3-body repulsiveforce or More hyperons with quark matter at T ~ 0 Too soft for Eq. of State J. Schaffner-Bielich, Nucl. Phys. A804 (2008) 309

  40. M Mystery in EOS • Hyperons must appear at r = 2~3 r0 • EOS with hyperons (or kaons) too soft -> too high density • -> easily form a BH and cannot support 1.97±0.042Msun NS A big mistery in nuclear physics Framework should be reconsidered • Unknown repulsion at high r • Strong repulsion in three-body force (NNN, YNN, YYN, YYY) • Change of meson-baryon coupling • constants or baryon structure • Phase transition to quark matter • (quark star or hybrid star) Demorest et al., Nature 467 (2010) 1081 Quark Meson Coupling model with hyperons NS mass Hyperons J.Stone et al., Nucl. Phys. A792(2007)341 Quark matter NS radius(km) No direct measurement

  41. Actual Neutron Star ? R =10 km Realistic Neutron Star ??? (Taken from T. Hatsuda)

  42. Possible Ideas for Fixed Target Normal magnet Very strong magnet Primary Protons p Primary Beam Detector for stable object Primary Neutrons p- Primary Beam Search of strangeness related objects Lepton pairs Primary Beam Search for lepton pairs + many other ideas ….

  43. AGS-E886 Strangelet Search

  44. 10-6~-7 Sensitivity (near Target Rapidity) PID of fragments is easy if Z can be measured TOF

  45. The future FAIR is important for heavy ions in addition to the antiproton programs. (J- PARC might plan to accelerate heavy ions, if FAIR is late) Primary Beams • All elements up to Uranium • Factor 1000 over present intensity Secondary Beams • Rare isotope beams up to a factor of 10 000 in intensity over present • Low and high energy antiprotons Rare Isotope Production Target Storage and Cooler Rings Antiproton Production Target • Rare isotope beams • e-– Rare Isotope collider • 1011 stored and cooled antiprotons for Antimatter creation I presented this slide at GSI

  46. Current Plan for FAIR M0 M3 M1 M1 M3 M2 Fully stripped up to ~10 AGeV? FAIR Exp. Programs: M1: APPA M1: CBM/HADES M2: NUSTAR M3: PANDA, APPA, NUSTAR From K. Langanke - September, 2015

  47. Recent Scheme by the Accelerator Team ~ 1011/s Harada, Saha, et. al. Existing

  48. Beam transport lines to MLF to MR RCS Heavy-Ion Injection Scheme Inj. Beam dump HI Injection? Only kicker magnets End of extraction straight section Extraction section H- stripping Injection 1st foil H- H+ RF section H- Injection kicker magnets are necessary to RCS

  49. J-PARC Facility Hadron Beam Facility Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility Nuclear Transmutation (Phase 2) 500m Neutrino to Kamiokande 3 GeV Synchrotron (25 Hz, 1MW) 50 GeV Synchrotron (0.75 MW) Linac (330m) J-PARC = Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex Joint Project between KEK and JAEA

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