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Affluent- 1. Having an abundance of wealth, property, or other material goods ; prosperous; rich: an affluent person. 2. Abounding in anything; abundant. 3. Flowing freely: an affluent fountain. The affluent businessman would often fly to Italy in his private jet.
Affluent- 1. Having an abundance of wealth,property, or other material goods;prosperous; rich: an affluent person. 2. Abounding inanything;abundant. 3. Flowing freely: an affluent fountain. The affluent businessman would often fly to Italy in his private jet.
Feasible-1. Capable of being done, effected, or accomplished: a feasible plan. 2. Probable; likely: a feasibletheory. 3. Suitable: a road feasible for travel. It’s feasible the we may some day in the future have time travel.
Discern- 1. To perceivebythesight or some other sense or by the intellect; see, recognize,orapprehend:They discerned a sail on the horizon. 2. To distinguish mentally; recognize as distinct or different; discriminate: He is incapable of discerning right from wrong.
Sally-A suddenrushingforthoractivity. The teenagers would sally towards the window if they thought they saw their favorite singer.
Consternation- A sudden,alarming amazement or dread that results in utter confusion;dismay. To the consternation of the teacher there were a lot of students who wanted to take the test.
Precocious- Unusually advancedor mature indevelopment, especially mental development: a precocious child. The precocious little boy graduated from high school when he was 12 years old.
Perfunctory-1. Performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial: perfunctory courtesy. 2. Lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; indifferent or apathetic: In hislectures he reveals himself to be merely a perfunctory speaker.
Chagrin-1. A feeling of vexation, marked by disappointment or humiliation. Verb (used withobject) 2. To vex by disappointment or humiliation: The rejection of his proposal chagrined him deeply.
Perverse- Willfully determinedordisposed to go counter to what is expected or desired; contrary. When I told her she was wrong, she was perverse enough to argue for an hour that she was correct. willfullydeterminedordisposed to go counter to what is expected or desired; contrary.
Deride- To laughatinscornorcontempt;scofforjeerat;mock. You should not deride someone who has ideas of inventing something great because dreams can become reality.