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Safe Schools/Healthy Students (SS/HS) Initiative

The SS/HS Initiative is a comprehensive program aimed at promoting safe schools and healthy students. It focuses on implementing integrated community-wide plans that address violence prevention, alcohol and drug prevention, student support, mental health services, and early childhood programs. The initiative aims to reduce absenteeism, fighting incidents, truancy, substance use, bullying, and increase assets, mental health services, and parental knowledge.

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Safe Schools/Healthy Students (SS/HS) Initiative

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  1. Safe Schools/Healthy Students(SS/HS) Initiative Montebello Unified School District

  2. The SS/HS Initiative • A unique collaboration among the U.S. Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and Justice. • Created in 1999 in response to rising concerns about youth violence and school safety. • Empowers local communities to create coordinated, comprehensive programs that recognize the complexity of youth violence. • Consists of five elements and required partnerships with Mental Health, Juvenile Justice, Law Enforcement, School District and others. • A four (4) year grant at $2,208,378 per year. • 55/45 split for E123($1,217,417) and E45($990,961)

  3. Safe Schools and Violence Prevention • Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Prevention Activities • Student Behavioral, Social & Emotional Support • Mental Health Services • Early Childhood Programs SS/HS - 5 Elements Implement an integrated, comprehensive community-wide plan designed to create safe, respectful, and drug-free school environments and promote pro-social skills and healthy child development in our students that address the following:

  4. Overall Initiative • Element 1 • Safe School • Environments • & Violence Prevention • Activities: • Hire Police Officer • Hire Police/Truancy Officer • Hire a Probation Officer • Install Anonymous Tip- Line • Install Camera Security Equipment • Gang Prevention and Intervention • Protocols for Emergency Drills & Vulnerability Assessments • Too Good for Violence curriculum(K-8) • Element 2 • Alcohol, Tobacco & other Drug Prevention • Activities: • Too Good for Drugs curriculum(K-8) • Towards No Drugs curriculum(9-12) • Every 15 Minutes (re-enactment,11-12) • Project EX (smoking,9-12) • Drug Store (re-enactment,5-8) • Element 3 • Student Behavioral, Social & Emotional Supports • Activities: • Hire 40 Developmental Assets Coordinator • Implement 40 Developmental Assets • Olweus BullyingPrevention Program (K-8) • Ophelia Bullying Prevention Program (9-12) • Relational Aggression Prevention Mentoring Program (9-12) • Provide After-School Programs(SHS/CDS) • Element 4 • Mental Health Services • Activities: • Increase access to School-Based Mental Services • Increase access to • Community-Based • Mental Services • Develop Mental Health Services Referral Protocols & Universal Intake Form • Develop Social Marketing Campaign • Provide services to Emotionally Disturbed students • Element 5 • Early • Childhood • Social & • Emotional • Learning • Programs • Activities: • Provide additional parenting and Mental Health Services to Head Start Program • Support the Cal-Safe Teen Parents with Nurse services (case management, home visits, referrals)

  5. Outcomes • Element 1 • Safe School • Environments & Violence Prevention • Reduce student absenteeism resulting from safety concerns by at least 10% over the course of the grant. • Decrease the number of reported incidences of fighting by at least 10% . • Decrease the number of truant students by 12%. • Element 2 • Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drug Prevention • Decrease the percentage of students in grades 7-12 who report current marijuana use from 13% to 9% over the course of the grant. • Decrease the percentage of students in grades 7-12 who report current alcohol use from 28% to 22%. • Decrease the percentage of students smokers in grades 9-12 by 5%. • Element 3 • Student Behavioral, Social & Emotional Supports • Increase the number of students reporting a high level of assets(40) at school by 19% over the course of the grant. • Decrease the percentage of students in grades 5-8 who were bullied, threatened or pushed around, or afraid of being beaten up at school from 29% to 25%. • Element 4 • Mental Health Services • Increase the number of students receiving school-based mental health services by 50% over the course of the grant • Increase the number of students receiving mental health referrals and mental health services provided in the community by 20%. • Increase the number of emotionally disturbed students receiving mental health services by 10%. • Element 5 • Early Childhood Social & Emotional Learning Programs • Increase parents’ knowledge of their children’s age appropriate cognitive, physical and social development over the course of the grant. • Increase actual attendance for pregnant teens from 83% to 87%. Evaluation(Local/National)

  6. Montebello Unified School District Board of Education Individual School Sites Administrators School Psychologists Student Success Teams Site Coordinator Edward Velasquez - Superintendent Project Evaluator SPSG Individual School Sites Administrators School Psychologists Student Success Teams Site Coordinator Individual School Sites Administrators School Psychologists Student Success Teams Site Coordinator Individual School Sites Administrators School Psychologists Student Success Teams Site Coordinator Robert Henke - Assistant Superintendent Michael Cobarrubias, Project Director CORE MANAGEMENT TEAM Edward Velasquez, Superintendent, MUSD Robert Henke, Assistant Superintendent, MUSD Michael Cobarrubias, SS/HS Project Director, MUSD Lieutenant John Ortega, MUSD School Police Department Carol Sagusti,Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Felicia Cotton,Los Angeles County Department of Probation Angel Martinez,Department of Children& Family Services Stacey Newton/SPSG,Local Project Evaluator Administrative Assistant Helen Gutierrez Patrick Gittis Technology Integration Element 1 Safe School Environments And Violence Prevention Activities Police Services - Lt. John Ortega Element 2 Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Prevention Activities Substance Abuse - Beverly Cohen Element 3 Student Behavioral, Social and Emotional Supports After School Partnerships -Adolfo Herrera & Student Support -Mike Ladjevic Element 4 Mental Health Services Mental Health - George Muriel Element 5 Early Childhood Social and Emotional Learning Programs George Muriel, Diana Raya, Mike Ladjevic

  7. Our Vision: Working Together for Student Success School Board Surrounding Cities Schools Health Agencies Community Businesses Parents Administrators Family Support Services Teachers Law Enforcement Substance Abuse Prevention Services Mental Health Agencies Service & Civic Organizations

  8. The SS/HS Initiative Overview • $8.8 Million (4 + years) • A comprehensive community wide plan • Intended to support students and eliminate the barriers to promote student success • Create sustainability (partnerships, systems, grants) 8

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