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•. W a y 2 On l i n e i s a ne w a ge di g it a l m e dia c o m p an y t h a t f o c u ses on f a ci l i ta t i n g d i ff e r ent i a l an d Smart p r o p o sit i o n t o its users b y c o n s t an tly r eno vating t h e dig i tal s o l u ti on s p la t f o r m t h r o u gh

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  1. Way2Onlineis a new agedigital media companythat focuses onfacilitatingdifferentialand Smartpropositiontoitsusersbyconstantlyrenovating thedigitalsolutions platform through pioneering ideation,cutting edgetechnology andidealistic servicemodels. • Apart from consumerengagement platformsWay2Onlinepartnerswithmarquemedia brands and turnkey associates intheecosystem forcontributing optimum valueinthedeliverychain. • Smartcrossplatformconvergenceovertheinternet and mobility drives thebrillianceinformulating platform agnostic solutions forourusers,partnersand businesses. Brands under the flagship: • World’slargest p2pfreemessaging communicationdesignation. Over 40millionusers across120 countrytrustourplatform forseamlesscommunication • features intop50sites inIndia constantly • Features intop10most searched keywords inIndia–AcclaimsGoogle Zeitgeistaward for2 consecutive years • India’slargest OnlineReward’s destinationforthe youth • FreeP2P messaging destinationwith16 millionregisteredusers • Text,games,quiz, polls,bids,fun-bucks, badges– chillout destination and muchmore

  2. • India’slargest emailmarketing network • 55millionplusregistered users acrossnetwork • Historical knowledgeofperformance across variouspublisherinventoriestodeliveroptimal results tobrands Enterprisegrade performanceoriented e-mailplatform that helps maximizesuperiorqualitydelivery– Inbox! • Over 400 advertisers using ourEmailmarketingservices • Wedeliverover 600 Millionmails amonthand constantlygrowing • Vastexperienceinemailcampaigns deliveringover12.60billionmails acrossIndia • We arethedelivery experts–Morethan90%Inbox Placement (thebestintheindustry)with 15,000+I.P’s a way2onlineinitiative. Whaaky.com offersawiderangeofproducts& combos ranging from latestgadgetsto exquisitelifestyle products - cooldeals atcrazyprice Your Inbox isyour new shopping destination Vision: IndIa’slargest Consumer Internet brand

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