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Going Deeper with Ministerial Development

The District Boards of Ministerial Development play a crucial role in preparing and sustaining future ministers for a lifetime of impactful ministry. Emphasis on spiritual calling, character, compassion, and transformational mindset is vital for lasting influence in ministry. Certification is highlighted for ongoing growth beyond ministerial credentials.

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Going Deeper with Ministerial Development

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  1. District Boards of Ministerial Development


  3. The role of the DBMD for The Wesleyan Church is extremely important not only for the preparation and credentialing of future ministers, but to ensure their success and sustainability for a lifetime of ministry.

  4. The Deeper we go the Greater the Impact Scope of Ministry Depth of Ministerial Preparation

  5. Going Deeper… More emphasis on their… CALLING than their COMMISSIONING for service.

  6. Spiritual Calling…not a career decision “Spiritual leaders are not made by election or appointment, by men or any combination of men, nor by conferences or synods. Only God can make them. Spiritual leadership is a thing of the spirit and is conferred by God alone.” - Oswald Sanders Spiritual Leadership

  7. Going Deeper… More emphasis on their… CHARACTER than their CHARISMA.

  8. The Inner Life “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies with us.” -Oliver Holmes

  9. Going Deeper… More emphasis on their… COMPASSION for people than their ability to CONTROL people.

  10. Serving and Leading “As pastors we lead by serving or we don’t lead at all. The servant leader serves by leading or he doesn’t serve at all. Servant leaders lead by serving and serve by leading.” --Bill Lawrence

  11. Servant-Shepherd Mindset “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers-not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve, not lording it over those entrusted to you , but being examples to the flock.” --I Peter 5:2-3

  12. Going Deeper… More emphasis on their… CHEMISTRY for ministry than their CAPACITY for ministry.

  13. Ministry Chemistry • Interpersonal relationships • Serving with a “team spirit” • Theological fit • Developing others • Transformational Mindset

  14. Transformational Mindset “Transforming leaders are those who are able to divest themselves of their power and invest it in their followers in such a way that others are empowered, while the leaders themselves end with the greatest power of all, the power of seeing themselves reproduced in others.” - Leighton Ford

  15. Going Deeper… More emphasis on their ongoing… CERTIFICATION than their ministerial CREDENTIALS for ordination.

  16. The Deeper we go the Greater the Impact Scope of Ministry Depth of Ministerial Preparation


  18. Commissioning Calling Charisma Character Control Compassion Capacity Chemistry Credentials Certification (cont. ed.)


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