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Presentation On: Human Resource Management Practices on Bangladesh Shilpa Bank
Industries play a essential role in the economic development of every country. This is why Industrialization has been adopted as a vital instrument of economic development in many developing countries as well as developed countries. Realizing this, government of Bangladesh has created a development financing institutions named Bangladesh Shilpa Bank (BSB) on 31″ December, 1972 under the presidential order no. 129 of 1972 with a view to providing long term & intermediate term loan to the entrepreneurs for accelerating the process of industrialization of the country by providing financial assistance & equality support. Introduction
Institutional Information of Bangladesh Shilpa Bank • Established- October 31, 1972 • Head Office- Dhaka • Division- 5 • Department- 21 • Zonal Office- 3 • Branch Office- 15 • Personnel/Employees- 731 Capital Structure & Sources of Fund: Authorized: Tk. 2000 Million Paid-up: Tk. 2000 Million
Sources of Fund: The sources of Bangladesh Shilpa Bank is: • Government • Bangladesh Bank • Commercial Bank • Local/Overseas Financial Institution • Suppliers Credits Ownership: At least 51% of the authorized capital of BSB be subscribed bey the Government & the remaining 49% be subscribed by Bangladeshi nationals or by local or foreign Financial Institutions. 100 per cent ownership of the Bank belongs to the Government.
Management • The overall policy formulation & the general direction of the Bank’s operation vest in a Board of Directors appointed by Government. This Board of Directors consists of 9 members including the Chairman & the Managing Director. Non-Government shareholders subscribing to the capital of the Bank shall eventually elect 4 directors from amongst themselves. The Managing Director is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Bank. The General Managers assist the Managing Director in conducting overall business of the bank
Functions of Bangladesh Shilpa Bank BSB extends mainly long & medium term loan facilities in local & foreign currencies to industrial projects in the private & public sector. Besides the Bank also performs the following activities: • Provides working capital Loans to industrial Projects. • Provides equity support in the form of underwriting & bridge finance to public limited Companies. • Issues guarantee on behalf of the borrowers for repayment loan. • Extends commercial banking services along with deposit mobilization. • Purchase & sells of share/Securities for BSB & on behalf of its customer as a member of Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. & Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd. for capita market development • Conduct Project promotional activities along with preparation of various sub- sectoral study reports.
HRM Functions of Bangladesh Shilpa Bank • The Main HRM functions of Bangladesh Shilpa Bank is: • Recruitment • Selection • Orientation Program • Training & Development • Performance Appraisal • Promotion • Transfer • Communication • Customer Satisfaction • Compensation • Servicing
Recruitment Process Recruitment Policy: 1) At first, the department concerned fills up form & stating how the vacancy has arisen & how it has to be filled up. 2) Prepare a job fill for the position to be filled up in consultation departmental manager concerned. 3) Develop a man profile with the assistance of the concerned manager of the department. 4) Developing a job & a man profile is essential before HRM proceeds with the process of Selection and interview.
Recruitment Sources which is used by BSB: • Advertisement in Media • Notice Board • Educational Institutional Recommendation • Professional Association Principles: • Recruiting Qualified Personnel • Not to be influenced by others • Recommendation of Department & Management • Discipline wise.
Selection Process For the purpose of selecting new employees, BSB would Examine: 1) The cognitive ability 2) Physical ability 3) Measure personality and interest 4) Work sample test 5) For vacancies at senior level, it is advisable not take written test. 6) BSB would mainly use structured or directive interview, job related interview & board interview. Final decision will taken by Managing Directors & Board of Directors. 7) After that HR managers calls selected candidates & offers for the job. 8) If candidates accept offer, HR manager send for medical check up. 9) Then managers call the selected candidates.
Orientation Program Bangladesh Shilpa Bank (BSB) has formal orientation program for the new employees. BSB arranges formal orientation program after recruiting new officer level employees, but it has no orientation program for newly appointed staff or lower level workers. The immediate supervisor is responsible for internalizing the employees of the organization.
Training & Development The Main function of training program is: • To prepare & implement Annual Training Program. • To send officers to local training institutions for improving professional skills. • To organize seminar/ workshop/ symposium on key economic or banking.
Training Methods of Bangladesh Shilpa Bank which is provided to Employees: • Classroom Lecturer • Conference • Workshop • Seminar • Audio Visual Technique • Computer based Training Depending on the situation, training department selects training methods for training the employees.
Performance Appraisal System Performance appraisal is very essential to find out the best performance & also performer & vice-verse. Performance appraisal is a process of setting work standards, assessing the employees’ actual performance relative to those standards, & providing feedback to the employees with an aim of motivating that person to eliminate performance deficiencies or to continue to perform above par. BSB has formal performance appraisal system. It prepares performance appraisal system for newly appointed personnel quarterly for the probation period.
Promotion Promotion Policy of BSB: Promotion is a change within the organization to a higher position that has greater responsibilities and to acquire more advance skills. Promotion system of the BSB based on seniority and merit list. In every three year BSB provide promotion to the employees. Senior members of the organization play mentoring role to guide junior to build their career.
Transfer • Transfer is the process of changing the placement of the employees. BSB has no any formal rules to transfer of the employees. It follows govt. rules to transfer the employees. At any time the BSB can transfer any employees to any place or department based on the needs.
Communication Two way communication principles are used in the organization. Communication is transfer of information one person to other person. It uses following methods: i) Notice board ii) Staff briefing iii) News paper (If it public affairs)
BSB strictly follows the government rules. It allows long term & medium term loan to the industrial sectors. To get loan from the bank the customers face problems due to the practical complexity. It takes long time to appraise any loan proposal. As a result customer satisfaction of the bank is not moderate. Customer Satisfaction & Servicing
Compensation Compensation refers to all shorts financial & nonfinancial benefit providing to the employees/workers for their contribution. BSB follows government pay scale. The working hours of the employees of the BSB are 8 hours in a day. Their working days are 5 in a week. There are following methods & techniques to motivate employees: • Wages or salary • Financial Inducement • Work Sharing • Promotion • Giving responsibilities • Autonomy & freedom
Bangladesh Shilpa Bank also provides: • House rent Allowance • Conveyance Allowance • Medical Allowance • Entertainment Allowance • Recreation Allowance • Bonus • Telephone • Marriage Leave • Maternity Leave • A leave with Pay • A Sick Leave
Labor Relation & Collective Bargaining Labor relation is the relation between the general workers & management or administration of the organization. The workers generally build unions to bargain with employers group. A union is an organization of workers, acting collectively seeking to promote & protect their mutual through their collective bargaining. Collective Bargaining Process of Bangladesh Shilpa Bank: • Preparation for Negotiation • Negotiation • Contract Administration
Problems of HRM in Bangladesh Shilpa Bank There are some problems of human Resource Management (HRM) in Bangladesh Shilpa Bank. Such as: • Absence of Motivation • Lack of Team Spirit • Lack of workforce • Lack of Morality • Lack of Moral Teaching • Political Trade Union • No Fresh Worker
In this modern area of globalization & privatization, the national commercial organizations are still playing an important role in the development of economic condition of Bangladesh. Though Bangladesh needs huge industrialization to develop its weak economic condition and acute unemployment problem, for industrialization it needs infrastructure, communication facility, available energy, government policy & effective manpower etc. So all these things need capital & BSB is the name, which comes first for this assistance from Bangladesh government. As Bangladesh is one of the developing countries in the South East Asia with a challenging economic condition & unemployment problem. So huge capital investment is badly needed to enrich the economical scenario as well as employment opportunities. BSB is playing a vital role by investing huge amount in industrialization in our country. For proper utilization of human resource, the bank should overcome its limitation and follow the recommendation mentioned earlier. Conclusion
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