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1. WIPO implementation status report-IPC support systems Status report by the International Bureau

This report details the implementation status of reformed IPC support systems by the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization. It includes updates on RIPCIS, IPCVAL, IBIS, IPC-IEF, IPC calendar, TACSY, IPC Tutorial, and more. The report covers revisions, validations, symbol checks, conclusions, and validity files for the IPC. Get insights into the status of reference files, symbol validation services, conclusion classifications, IPC tutorials, and implementation progress. Stay informed about the latest developments in the IPC reform for efficient intellectual property management.

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1. WIPO implementation status report-IPC support systems Status report by the International Bureau

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  1. IPC Reform implementation Geneva, June 20, 2005 1. WIPO implementation status report-IPC support systems Status report by the International Bureau World Intellectual Property Organization

  2. 1. IPC-support systems reformed IPC compliance RIPCIS: http://www.wipo.int/ripcis IPCVAL: http://www.wipo.int/ipcval IBIS: http://www.wipo.int/ibis IPC-IEF: http://www.wipo.int/ipc-ief IPC calendar: http://www.wipo.int/ipc-calendar

  3. 1. IPC-support systems reformed IPC compliance TACSY : http://www.wipo.int/tacsy IPC Tutorial: http://www.wipo.int/ipc-training

  4. 1. RIPCIS Reformed IPC revision management system: • Source for the official publication of the RIPC • Source for the XML reference files of the RIPC

  5. 1. RIPCIS IPCR reference files - (RIPCIS output files) • General description, specification, DTD, samples drafts • Update under IBIS : http://www.wipo.int/ibis/index.html • Draft_IPC8 : Draft, samples, • IPC8 : finalized data for IP offices

  6. 1. RIPCIS IPCR reference files - status • Validity file: early July 2005 • Specification + DTD + sample • Scheme: early July 2005 • DTD+ sample file + sample tool and documentation

  7. 1. RIPCIS IPCR reference files - status • Concordance lists: September, 2005 Specification + DTD + sample • Electronic layer - illustrations: • DTD + sample • Electronic layer - Definitions: • DTD + sample

  8. 2. IPCVAL IPC symbol validation • Software available • Requires update with final version of the validity file • Public service on WIPO site

  9. 2. WIPO - IPCVAL IPC symbol validation • Service based on the RIPC validity file • One version in IBIS (before publication) • One public version on WIPO site • Possibility to call the service in batch (in preparation)

  10. 2. WIPO- IPCVAL IPC symbol validation • By classifying level (e.g. for a Patent Office) • By classification level (i.e. for the IPC symbol) • in preparation: • checking on priority date, • version indicator validation

  11. 2. WIPO- IPCVAL On-line IPC symbol validation • Input: IPC symbol, allotment date or expected publication date or period of time • Output: • conclusion: non-existing symbol, expired, valid & changed, valid,… • justification of the conclusion

  12. 2. IPCVAL conclusions for a time period Conclusion based on: • Presence in the Validity File considered • the CLASSIFYING LEVEL considered • the PERIOD OF TIME considered

  13. 2. IPCVAL conclusions for a time period Z= Symbol does not exist = not in the validity file (VF) N=Not valid = in VF but not valid T=Temporary valid = Not always valid during this time period C=Valid but Changed = Valid but Changed during this time period V=(always) Valid

  14. Time period Symbol status in Validity file= VALID C T V C N C C V 2. IPCVAL conclusions (1) N=Not valid T=Temporary valid V=(always) Valid C=Valid but Changed Pre reform Classifying level Advanced Core Z= Symbol does not exist Not in validity file T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 Time

  15. Time period Symbol status in Validity file= VALID N V V C C C T 2. IPCVAL conclusions (2) N=Not valid T=Temporary valid V=(always) Valid C=Valid but Changed Pre reform Classifying level Advanced Core Z= Symbol does not exist Not in validity file T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 Time

  16. 2. WIPO- IPCVAL Batch IPC symbol validation • XML Input file: IPC symbol, allotment date or expected publication date or period of time • XML Output file: • conclusion: non-existing symbol, expired, valid & changed, valid,… • justification of the conclusion

  17. 2. WIPO - IPCVAL Validity checking request (XML file extract) <ipc-validity-check> <classification-ipcr> <section>G</section> <class>06</class> <subclass>K</subclass> <main-group>1</main-group> <subgroup>12</subgroup> <ipc-version-indicator>20060101 <ipc-version-indicator> <classification-level>C</classification-level> </classification-ipcr> <validity-date-from>20060101</validity-date-from> <validity-date-to>20060901</validity-date-to> </ipc-validity-check>

  18. 2. WIPO - IPCVAL Validity checking results (XML file) • Tags of the Initial request • IPCVAL Conclusion tags • Relevant validity file tags

  19. 3. IBIS • http://www.wipo.int/ibis • draft IPC8 folder • IPC8 : information made available to IP office and some Patent information vendors before publication (e.g. validity file) • Style sheet adaptation required

  20. 4. IEF and IPC calendar Not affected by the IPC reform • ready to be used

  21. 5. TACSY Natural Language search in the IPC : Today • IPC 7 only • Languages: English, French

  22. 5. TACSY Natural Language search in the IPC : Plan • Update with IPC8 reference XML files • Study possibility of extension to Spanish language

  23. 5. IPC tutorials Training assistance for Reformed IPC • Software ready for use • Training examples to be produced (task force) • Will be public (Autumn 2005)

  24. 6. Specific items RIPC data flow at the IB: • E-forums, list servers, • Project amendments, views: RIPCIS • Before publication: IBIS/IPC8 • At publication time: RIPC official web site

  25. XML Paper 2nd generation rendition PDF ... HTML 7. Reformed IPC reference files RIPCIS Master files

  26. 8. IPC reform implementation web forum http://webforum.wipo.int/wb/default.asp?boardid=3 • Informal discussion about IPC reform • New topics can be added as needed

  27. Thank you

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