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Kindergarten Information Meeting for the 2014-2015 school year. Welcome to Rochester Primary. Current Rochester Primary Staff Members Mrs. Roney - Principal Mrs. Teagle - Counselor Mrs. Althauser - Kindergarten Teacher Mrs. Bretherton - Kindergarten Teacher
Kindergarten Information Meeting for the2014-2015 school year
Welcome to Rochester Primary Current Rochester Primary Staff Members Mrs. Roney - Principal Mrs. Teagle - Counselor Mrs. Althauser - Kindergarten Teacher Mrs. Bretherton - Kindergarten Teacher Mrs. Jeans - Special Education Teacher Mrs. Lowe - Kindergarten Teacher Mrs. Moog - Kindergarten Teacher Mrs. Nakano - Kindergarten Teacher Mrs. Orkney - Kindergarten Teacher Mrs. Van Ree - Kindergarten Teacher Mrs. Mejia - English Language Learner Assistant
Health Issues • Required vaccines for school attendance • Certificate of Immunization • Exemption process • Health Care plans • Medication administration at school
Health Issues • Vaccinations – Vaccines – or immunizations – are important ways to prevent illness and death. They have played a huge role in almost ending diseases that were once very common. • The Washington State Board of Health lists the immunizations that Washington children need. Schools require that new students prove they have had the immunizations on the list. • In Washington state, children are routinely immunized for: • Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis • Polio • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella • Hepatitis B • Haemophilus Influenza B • Varicella • Hepatitus A • Your Doctor may suggest you immunize your child against other diseases, such as the flu also.
Registration and Kindergarten Round-Up It also gives parents information that assists in making an informed decision about their child’s readiness for success in our academic Kindergarten program. Round up is a screening method that helps us see how well prepared children are for Kindergarten instruction and create equitable classes. Registration packets are available in the main office starting April 14, 2014 – all children must be registered before signing up for Round Up.
The Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (WaKIDS) is a transition process that helps to ensure a successful start to the K-12 experience and connect the key adults in a child’s life. • Three Components: • Family connection welcomes families into the Washington K-12 system as partners in their child’s education – including the Introducing Me booklet. • Whole-child assessment gives kindergarten teachers information about the social/emotional, physical, cognitive, language, literacy and mathematics development of the children in their classrooms, so they may tailor their instruction to the individual needs of each child. • Early learning collaboration aligns practices of early learning professionals and kindergarten teachers to support smooth transitions for children.
Kindergarten Work Entry tasks: Color sheet Math/writing worksheet Journal writing Reading/Writing Telling stories Drawing pictures Sight words Letter names/sounds Blending to read Penmanship Grouped reading Worksheets, journals, book-making Specialists – Library, Art/Music, PE, Successmaker computer lab Math: Calendar activities Shapes Patterning Number sense to 31 Place value Addition and subtraction Measurement SuccessMaker – computer Science Animal unit in the spring Centers or Free time Creative centers Books Games
Food Service • Children can bring lunch from home or eat hot lunch at school. • Hot lunch cost is $2.00, milk is $.35 and Breakfast is $1.15 • If you send money to school for meals, please send it in an envelope marked with: • your child’s name • their teacher’s name, • purpose of the money • money amount • Breakfast and lunch money can be turned in to your child’s teacher or an office secretary. • Meals can also be paid for online through Family Access
Busing Please help your child learn the way home from his/her bus stop as soon as possible. Have your child ride the bus from the first day of school to encourage self-reliance. Make sure your child is wearing a nametag with their name, phone number, address, teacher’s name and bus route number (that they will ride home) for the first two weeks of school. First Student Busing contact number is 273-0292.
Parent Pick up • Green pick up area – gym – for parents who pick up children every day. Parents do not have to leave their car, just drive through. • Purple pick up area – at end of Kindergarten hall – for parents who pick up children at Grand Mound and RPS. Parents must park and meet children at door. • Red pick up area – library – for parents who ……….pick up children occasionally. Children ……….will be released when they identify you.
FAST • Started in September 2000 Families and Schools Together (FAST) is a group of Rochester Primary School parents and staff volunteers dedicated to improving the K-2 experience for each child attending our school. What is FAST about? • FAST’s purpose is to enrich the basic school experience for all children by organizing and funding special activities and purchases to foster an increased sense of community, and pride in Rochester Primary School. When does FAST meet? • FAST meets the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. (September through June) in the Rochester Primary School library.
School Messenger Rochester School District strives to keep parents well informed. Currently we have the ability to notify parents of late starts, emergency school closures, absences, lunch account balances, and school activities via calls to home and cell phones, text messages and emails. Please provide your most current information on the sign up form in your registration packet, and update us if necessary. Please be assured that your contact information will only be shared with those groups you authorize. When you are contacted concerning an absence, please return the phone call as instructed. This will make it so the secretaries in the office do not have to contact you again.
Family Access If you are interested in accessing Family Access online, please fill out the application form in the office. If you already have access to Family Access, your current password and login stay the same for all children involved in Rochester School District. Family Access makes it possible for parents to view their students information, such as: • Attendance • Discipline • Food service information • Address, phone number, emergency contacts • Health information, etc.
ACT Early Release on Fridays • Academic Collaboration Time (ACT) provides a short weekly opportunity for teachers to work with their grade level or subject area peers for the purpose of designing engaging lessons, analyzing student growth, and implementing new curriculum and technology. • Act Fridays replace seven half-days that have previously been on the RSD calendar for teacher professional development. • Friday was chosen as the early release day based on the recommendations of two of our neighboring districts whose parents found Friday to be the most convenient day of the week for ACT Early Releases in their communities.
Thank you for coming!Have a good evening. • If you have further questions, please contact Carrie Teagle, Rochester Primary School Counselor.
Please join us! Right from the Start Early Learning Resource CenterInside Rochester Primary School7440 James RoadRochester, WA 98579(360) 388-8875 Contact Bella Mendez bmendez@unitedway-thurston.org