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Annotated Bibliographies. Get Ready: You’ll work more on these than on your actual papers !. What is an annotated bibliography?. A bibliography is a list of sources, alphabetical by author , used for researching a topic Also known as a “works c ited” page or a reference list
Annotated Bibliographies Get Ready:You’ll work more on these than on your actual papers!
What is an annotated bibliography? • A bibliography is a list of sources, alphabetical by author, used for researching a topic • Also known as a “works cited” page or a reference list • An annotation is a summary describing the argument and supporting evidence of the source for quick reference. An evaluation of the source
MLA Formatting • Header with last name and page number • Can be continued from paper or independent • “Works Cited” title, or “Annotated Bibliography” • Citations and annotations should be formatted with a hanging indent • First line of citation is NOT indented • Everything else IS indented • TIP: Select sentence or paragraph Paragraph arrow on Home tab Indentation “Hanging”
What should be included? Each source entry will include the following 3 items: • MLA formatted citation • “Scholarly article” format (from a journal or periodical) will be used most often • Annotation • Précis format for this class! • A “Usage Statement” describing specificallyhow you will use the source to support your thesis/argument
Source Citations • MLA format • The Purdue OWL (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/) • Scholarly article (Periodical/Journal) format will be the one you use most often • Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume.Issue(Year): pages. Medium of publication. • Smith, Jones. “Financial Aid: A Necessity for Education." College Journal 15.1 (1996): 41- 50. Print.
Source citations cont. • Website article or online article from a newspaper Editor, author, or compiler name (if available). “Name of Article.” Name of Site. Version number. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher), date of resource creation (if available). Medium of publication. Date of access.
Annotations (précis) • A summary of the article with key points • Helpful for quick referencing of multiple articles • For our class, Précis format – 4 sentence structure • Thesis • Support • Purpose • Audience
Usage statements • A specific description of how you will use the source to support your thesis/argument • One or more sentences about what specific information in the source you will use (quotes, statistics, background info, etc.): • Bad: “This source will be helpful because it supports my argument.” • Good: “I will use the statistics on obesity in this article to support my point that college students exposed to unhealthy foods should be encouraged to use fitness centers.”
Additional things to note • Every source you cite in your paper MUST be in your annotated bibliography • If you cite something in your annotated bibliography, it must be cited in your paper