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BRICK HANDLING BMS/BMM Point of view. D. Duchesneau T. Le Flour S. Lieunard. Summary From the extraction to the brick development. XRay Marking Shielded Area Hardware needs General DB for history. Basket Candidates Bricks. Surface Lab. Walls. XRay Marking. Shielded Area. Cosmic

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  1. BRICK HANDLINGBMS/BMM Point of view D. Duchesneau T. Le Flour S. Lieunard Brick Handling Meeting Nagoya T. Le Flour LAPP

  2. SummaryFrom the extraction to the brick development • XRay Marking • Shielded Area • Hardware needs • General DB for history Brick Handling Meeting Nagoya T. Le Flour LAPP

  3. Basket Candidates Bricks Surface Lab Walls XRay Marking Shielded Area Cosmic Pit Dev. Lab Basket Loading Bricks General Scheme • Brick flow • Brick States : • In the detector, Wait for XRay marking, Wait for CS Result, Wait for Dev.Lab Shipment, Wait for loading BAM Brick Handling Meeting Nagoya T. Le Flour LAPP

  4. XRay Marking station • Actions • Matrix code reading : Automatic or manual • BMM Controls • Expected brick • Brick already marked  consequence on the brick positionning for the XRay • XRay marking • Brick sent to Shielded Area • Remarks • Brick could be sent to Shielded Area before marking and sent back for marking  BMM has to accept brick arriving in the shielded area even if the marking has not been done Brick Handling Meeting Nagoya T. Le Flour LAPP

  5. Operator Interface : XRay Station Brick Handling Meeting Nagoya T. Le Flour LAPP

  6. Shielded Area Brick entrance • SA is the place where there will be the largest number bricks outside the detector • Actions • Matrix code reading  Check if brick is expected • Detaching the CS Cover • Printing the Brick id on a label • Sticking the label on CS envelop • Reading the shelf id • Storing the brick on shelf • Brick state : Wait for CS Scanning result Brick Handling Meeting Nagoya T. Le Flour LAPP

  7. Shielded Area Brick entrance(2) • Remarks • If brick has been marked many times  CS identification inside the envelop has to be marked differently (the brick id could be used alone) : • An identifier convention on the label sticked on the envelop has to be defined • A way of providing this info. to the label system has to be defined. • Shelf identification • Each cell id uniquely identified. • In order to add new shelf is need, the coding convention for shelf has to include : • Shelf Number, Row Number, Column Number. • Each shelf cell will have a matrix code label glued in front of cell • BMM could be the software part dedicated to the shelf cell matrix code printing. Brick Handling Meeting Nagoya T. Le Flour LAPP

  8. Shielded Area Brick Management • Depending of the CS Scanning result • Brick state will change • A expert “commission” will validate (thru a dedicated BMM GUI) the result in order to set the next brick state : • Send to Surface lab • Return to detector • Brick State : • Brick waiting for dev. Lab shipment • Brick waiting for loading Brick Handling Meeting Nagoya T. Le Flour LAPP

  9. Shielded Area : GUI Example Brick marked at the XRay and expected at the Shielded Area Brick ordered by The Dev. Lab Brick Handling Meeting Nagoya T. Le Flour LAPP

  10. Expert Commission : GUI Example Dedicated GUI to the expert commission in order to confirm the CS scanning result. These action will put the brick in the right state fro the next step of the brick life cycle Brick Handling Meeting Nagoya T. Le Flour LAPP

  11. Shielded Area Brick Shipment to Dev. Lab • BMM will offer a GUI displaying bricks with several criteria such as : • Development priority • Chronology (Extraction date, Event date ?) • Dev. Lab orders for shipment • Operator Actions • Brick selection in a list on display  BMM will locate graphically the brick on shelf • Reading brick and shelf matrix code  Shelf dissociation • Put brick in a transportation box Brick Handling Meeting Nagoya T. Le Flour LAPP

  12. Hardware needs • Same matrix code reader at all locations • Tests and code writing already done with the matrix code reader model used at the XRAY Marking • Data Matrix code printer • Data matrix code printing for the CS envelop • Computers : • Shielded Area : • To develop as the central place of the brick handling • A PC (lab top ?) with a matrix code reader connected  Brick Display and Management Brick Handling Meeting Nagoya T. Le Flour LAPP

  13. Hardware needs • Hardware availability ? • Who and When ? Datamax DMX-E-4304 TD (650,00 €.HT) HawkEye 50T Hand-Held Scanner Brick Handling Meeting Nagoya T. Le Flour LAPP

  14. General DB for Brick History • BMM will not deal with the brick shipment • In order to follow the brick shipment (date , location, …), WEB data displays will be based on General DB access. • BMM Database will be replicated in the Central DB  Actual BMM tools will be fully available Brick Handling Meeting Nagoya T. Le Flour LAPP

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