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“Canada’s natural resource is not our oil, it’s not our minerals, it’s not our forests: It’s our young people.” Pierre Lassonde Co-founder of Franco-Nevada Mining Corp The Globe and Mail , November 1, 2011. Trent University.
“Canada’s natural resource is not our oil, it’s not our minerals, it’s not our forests: It’s our young people.” Pierre Lassonde Co-founder of Franco-Nevada Mining Corp The Globe and Mail, November 1, 2011
“To remain competitive in a global marketplace, we must build on our greatest strengths: education, innovation and entrepreneurship.” Monique F. Leroux President and CEO Desjardins Group
“With the support of [Brock] University research findings, we are able to truly commit to Canadians on the products we offer and the claims we make.” Iain Summers, Merchandise Manager Mark’s
“Combined with the expertise available from the University of Windsor, I believe we will achieve major research advancements while being mutually beneficial to both partners.” Grahame Clinch Global Account Director, Brüel& Kjær
« Une excellente infrastructure comme celle du Centre de recherches sur les systèmes énergétiques et la science nucléaire est la clé pour générer de nouvelles idées et les concrétiser au cours des prochaines décennies. » Jeffrey Boyce Président-directeur général Sure Energyinc.
Dr. Werner Enns, Dr. Ken Standing University of Manitoba
“The ability to certify product origin will ultimately allow us to expand our markets …we are also pleased that the techniques developed by this collaboration with Mount Allison will help protect sturgeon species from around the world.” David Cassidy, CA, Director, BreviroCaviar, a Canadian Innovation Commercialization Program (CICP) award winner, Pennfield, NB.
“UQO plays a vital role in the development of a strong and stable regional economy, particularly through its higher education and research activities.” Pierre Samson President of Samson & Associates and Ex Officio President of CGA – Québec
“At P&G Canada, we aren't looking just for the students with the best grades; we are looking for students who are well-rounded citizens ready to tackle the pressing issues of our times and who are prepared to capitalize on change as it occurs.” Tim Penner President, Procter & Gamble Canada
“Through the marriage of research and practice, programs like the Executive Masters in Technology Management at Wilfrid Laurier University have become possible and have benefitted leaders in their own learning journeys.” Jeremy Auger CTO & Executive VP, Desire2Learn Incorporated
“I look forward to expanding our collaborative efforts with the University of Guelph as we pursue future planetary exploration opportunities together.” Dr. Christian Sallaberger, Vice President and Director of Space Exploration at MDA
“What Ryerson has been able to do is to provide a focal point for people with great knowledge and great ideas.” Paul Godfrey President and CEO, Postmedia Network
“We believe that partnerships are essential in linking the private sector to a vast educational and research network and will positively influence the trajectory of our sector for decades to come.” Mike Roberts, Vice-president, Corporate Development Irving Shipbuilding
“We recognized in UBC not only a willingness to lead the way in demonstrating energy efficiency in their own facilities, but an ability to generate new ideas through their research activities, which will have a much greater impact beyond the campus boundaries.” Lisa Coltart, Executive Director, Power Smart & Customer Care
“Lockheed Martin is pleased to be expanding our relationship with Cape Breton University by becoming the first Chair in Renewable Energy at the Center for Sustainability in Energy and the Environment.” Tom Digan President and General Manager, Lockheed Martin Canada
“Through our partnership with UQAT, wireless telecommunications will be even better adapted to the specific needs and strengths of our local mining industry, and the region will undoubtedly benefit.” Mary-Ann Bell, Senior Vice-President Bell Aliant
“Vancouver Island University has been a valuable collaborative partner over the years…accessing the talents of their faculty and students has allowed us to become more innovative, especially related to managing environmental projects.” Mike Hooper, President and CEO Nanaimo Airport
“There is a very real sense of accomplishment when working closely with an institution to create inspiring and functional spaces for learning.” Al Hayes, P.Eng., Partner, CEO WALTERFEDY
“The success of the Centre de technologies avancéeshas exceeded all of our expectations. It allowed us to initiate projects with external partners that have led to unexpected business opportunities...” Pierre Pichette Vice-President, Communications and Public Affairs BRP
“The partnership with Queen's University has enabled us to significantly strengthen our product development program while also creating jobs for Queen’s researchers and staff.” David Dolphin, President, ENDETEC
“Our partnership with Lakehead is promoting better forest management practices and better forest policy across Canada, and will provide environmental, social and economic benefits for future generations.” Ray Hilts, Chief Forester Millar Western
“Our collaboration with uManitoba has afforded Cangene the opportunity to advance more novel cell culture platforms, assess current advancements in academic research and has afforded students relevant industrial experience.” Dr. GregorAwang Scientist, Cangene
“Students help us stay on top of the latest trends in digital media, while we offer them mentorship and national exposure on our website.” BrodieFenlon Senior News Editor The Huffington Post Canada
“Saint Mary's University's professionalism and expertise helped move our project forward quickly and seamlessly…we are now going forward with a much larger component.” Mr. Ray Halsey President, BioGas Energy
“We believe improvements and breakthrough innovations require external exchanges and close cooperation. That's the basis of the partnership we’ve developed with McMaster University – a critical collaborator for both research and training tomorrow’s best and brightest employees.” Sean P. Donnelly, Vice President Technology and Continuous Improvement ArcelorMittal Dofasco
“The opportunities that have come from our partnership with Acadia and the Springboard Network are game-changing for this industry. Acadia is helping to position Atlantic Canada as a key player in the North American wine industry.” Janice Ruddock, Managing Director Winery Association of Nova Scotia
“Cameco’s work with the University of Saskatchewan is really an example of the future – increased partnership between industry and the university research community. It’s the way we can advance knowledge in critical areas important to Canada and to the world at large.” Pat Landine, Chief Geo-environmental Engineer Cameco Corporation
University of Saskatchewan (Cameco Corporation)
« La ressource naturelle du Canada n’est pas son pétrole, ni ses minerais, ni ses forêts, mais plutôt ses jeunes. » Pierre Lassonde Cofondateur de la société minière Franco Nevada The Globe and Mail, 1er novembre 2011
« Pour demeurer compétitifs sur le marché mondial, il est crucial que nous misions sur de grandes forces : l’éducation, l’innovation et l’entrepreneuriat. » Monique F. Leroux présidente et chef de la direction Mouvement Desjardins
« Grâce aux découvertes faites à la BrockUniversity, nous pouvons véritablement garantir la qualité des produits que nous offrons aux Canadiens et affirmer les constatations que nous faisons. » IainSummers, gestionnaire des marchandises Mark’s
« Notre collaboration avec la University of Windsor permettra de faire avancer considérablement la recherche et sera bénéfique pour les deux parties. » Grahame Clinch Directeur des comptes mondiaux, Brüel & Kjær
« Une excellente infrastructure comme celle du Centre de recherches sur les systèmes énergétiques et la science nucléaire est la clé pour générer de nouvelles idées et les concrétiser au cours des prochaines décennies. » Jeffrey Boyce Président-directeur général Sure Energyinc.