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Two questions. To what extent is the Community Mutual Model as put into practice by Bron Afon
1. The community housing mutual model in practice: evolution, devolution or revolution?
Tamsin Stirling,
Chair, Bron Afon Community Housing
April 2009
2. Two questions To what extent
is the Community Mutual Model as put into practice by Bron Afon �new�?
has the emergence of Community Housing Mutuals influenced wider debates about the role, governance and service delivery within the Welsh registered social landlord sector?
3. A bit of history Welsh Housing Quality Standard � to be achieved by 2012
Early 2000�s � blockage re stock transfer
Community Housing Mutual � introduced by WAG in 2001 as preferred option for transfer (Better Homes)
Described as �a real opportunity to create a structure for Wales that reflects the many communities that comprise every local authority area�
The �politically acceptable� face of transfer/privatisation � retrospective links to other agendas
4. Community Housing Mutual model rules developed by Mutuo and Cobbetts - 2002 Give tenants a constitutional stake in the management and ownership of their housing
Emphasis on tenant empowerment and community focus
�Tenant-centered� organisations
�sense of direct involvement, participation and ownership distinguishes the community mutual model from other structures�
5. Stock transfers in Wales
6. And � Negative ballots
Wrexham - Jan 04 � �quasi� community mutual
Swansea � Mar 07 � community mutual
Further positive ballots � working towards transfer
7. Early research University of Glamorgan research, 2004 Housing, Mutuality and Community Renewal: a review of the evidence and its relevance to stock transfer in Wales
comparison of community mutual rules/potential with other forms such as co-ops and emergent Community Gateway
scale of community housing mutuals larger than co-ops � challenge re representation and accountability
three thirds board membership limits tenant influence
some difficulties in distinguishing mutual characteristics from standard transfers
danger of being imposed from top down
range of policy recommendations
8. Bron Afon Community Housing Long process of consultation
Tenants wanted:
community ownership and democratic accountability
services shaped around communities
people at the heart of everything the organisation does - genuinely mutual
a regeneration agency working in and with communities
control by locally elected people
an organisation that works in close partnership with other local organisations
Positive ballot March 2007, transfer 31 March 2008
9. Bron Afon Community Housing Ownership
just tenants and residents of Torfaen with tenants in the majority
currently 1,200+ members
one third of board are tenants elected by ballot of all 8,200 tenants
membership have to be notified and have opportunity to veto appointment of independent board members
board members can be removed by membership
10. Bron Afon Community Housing Wider objects
promoting community involvement in Bron Afon
community development through training and the provision of information
enabling and empowering members of the community to participate in Bron Afon and local groups
delivering strategies in partnership with the local authority for the well -being of the community
one of five aims is to be a democratic organisation with high levels of community involvement
11. Bron Afon Community Housing Accountability
committee of member representatives elected (Membership Committee)
receives all board papers except confidential ones
can require explanation of any Board decisions and carry out its own review of services or policies
participated in appointment of Chief Executive and senior management team
monitors performance
quarterly performance report to the Council
Bron Afon Chief Executive can be required to answer questions at Council�s Scrutiny Committee
Board must have a community involvement strategy, a community development strategy and a mechanism for communities to communicate their wishes and aspirations
Board meetings open to the public unless confidential business is being discussed and non confidential papers and minutes on website
12. Bron Afon Community Housing Degree and scope of tenant/resident involvement
Range of different ways to get involved - to Membership Committee, Community Forums and Quality and Design Forum, etc
Significant budget for involvement and empowerment
Everybody�s responsibility and in all job descriptions
Shared development of approaches � rather than traditional consultation
Practical example � expanded DLO undertaking majority of internal WHQS work
14. To what extent new/different? Paul Griffiths review of governance for CHC
�There need be no sharp distinction between the governance of a housing association and a community mutual. All are required to implement
strategies for tenant and community engagement. All are expected to have tenant members. All can provide spaces on boards for local authority nominees�.
15. To what extent new/different? Constructing Excellence in Wales commissioned study (forthcoming) � in depth case studies of RCT Homes, Valleys to Coast and Monmouthshire Housing
cause and effect of mutualism difficult to track
unable to identify a range of distinctive characteristics of community mutual compared to other two LSVTs but noted
�mutualism allows the aims of the organisation to be communicated coherently because the model structures a narrative about the organisation as well as its governance, and attracts staff to the organisation who share its aims and are willing to work hard to achieve them�
and - mutual is starting to mean something a bit different - greater visibility and accountability
16. To what extent new/different? Bron Afon
only tenants can change the rule that says tenants entitled to be members (tenants always a majority of members)
real democracy not in the rules but in working practice
people involved early in discussions
values written by tenants and staff
offer document written by tenants and staff � legally binding document
highly tenant influenced, not tenant led
leadership style crucial
17. Wider influence? View that Community Gateway is an evolution of the community housing mutual model
Only 2 of the stock transfer LSVTs in Wales have community housing mutual rules
Influence not an explicit outcome of individual RSLs � delivering locally is
However, doing something different can generate influence (or defensiveness!)
18. Wider influence? Evidence that LSVTs (rather than community mutuals) are having wider influence
providing challenge within the sector
upping the anti on regeneration and procurement
RSL sector-wide initiatives, eg CDFI
change of name by trade body � Welsh Federation of Housing Associations to Community Housing Cymru
i2i view that community mutuals in vanguard re values, accountability and control and regeneration � if don�t get these aspects �right� � constructive residualisation of RSL sector will be the result
19. Wider influence? Potential for wider influence
demonstrable examples of
distributed leadership
collaborative co-production
bringing significant service user influence alongside engagement with the private sector � non-profit distribution public private partnerships
but need clear track record
Vehicles for influence
Community Housing Cymru
i2i/inform to involve � developing a framework by which community ownership can be measured in all RSLs
emergent regulatory framework
Commission on Co-operative and Mutual Housing
beyond housing?
20. Back to the two questions A new type of organisation?
debated/contested, but yes in a number of details and certainly in leadership style
Having wider influence?
LSVTs yes, but community mutuals to a v limited extent as yet, although greater potential dependent on proven delivery/outcomes
Might credit crunch have more significant influence on sector views re mutualism (Co-op Financial Services and Britannia �)?