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Monitoring and Result-Based Monitoring. Dilip Kumar Chapagain. Supervision: A critical watching and directing (course of action) The action or process of watching and directing what someone does or how something is done.
Monitoring and Result-Based Monitoring Dilip Kumar Chapagain
Supervision: A critical watching and directing (course of action) • The action or process of watching and directing what someone does or how something is done.
Inspection: An Inspection is the act of monitoring authority administering an official review of various criteria.
What is Monitoring ? zAbsf]ifdf Monitor eGgfn] • Something that serves to remind or give warning • A pupil appointed to supervise student to oversee, supervise or regulate • To watch closely for purpose of control • Maintain regular surveillance over
Monitoring : • Act of monitor of. • Observe and check the progress of quality of (something) over a period of time • Monitoring is the systematic collection and analysisof information as a project progress.
cg'udg s] xf] cg'udg M eGgfn] s'g} sfo{s|d sfof{Gjogsf nflu lgwf{l/t nufgL ;fwg, sfof{Gjog sfo{tflnsf, nlIft k|ltkmn / o; ;DaGwL cGosfo{x?sf] k|jfx tyf sfof{Gjog of]hgf cg'?k 7Ls ;+u eO{/x]sf 5g\ jf 5}gg\ egL sfo{s|d sfof{Gjog ug]{ k|To]s txsf] Aoa:yfkg 4f/f lg/Gt/ / cfjlws ?kdf lgu/fgL /fVg] sfo{ xf] . -/fof]cf_
cg'udg s] xf] ========= • cg'udg sfo{s|d cjlwe/ lg/Gt/ ul/g] k|ls|of xf] . o;nfO{ cfof]hgfsf] Pp6f cfGtl/s sfo{sf] ?kdf klg lnO{G5 . • cg'udg sfo{ cfof]hgf sfof{GjogPj+ ;+rfngsf] cj:yfdf dfq ul/G5 . • cg'udg sfof{Gjogsf] cj:yfdf b]lvPsf sdL, sdhf]/Lx?nfO{ ;'wf/ ug]{ ;+:yfut k|ls|of xf] . • cg'udg sfo{ cfof]hgfsf] k|ls|of, nufgL / k|ltkmn;+u k|ToIf ?kdf ;DaGwLt x'G5 . • cg'udg Joa:yfkgsf] k|0ffnLsf] Pp6f c+u xf] . • cg'udg sfo{ sfof{Gjog ug]{ lgsfox?af6 g} ul/G5 .
Objectives of Monitoring • To meet the Objective • To provide feedback to Manager and Policymaker • Optimum Utilization resources.(efficiency) • Effectiveness • To promote Transparency and accountability within organizations and Governments.
Need of RBME The Power of Measuring Results • If you do not measure results, you cannot tell success from failure. • If you cannot see success, you cannot reward it. • If you cannot reward success, you are probably rewarding failure. • If you cannot see success, you cannot learn from it. • If you cannot recognize failure, you cannot correct it. • If you can demonstrate results, you can win public support
What is RBME ? • RBME is a continuous process of collecting and analyzing information to compare how well a Project / Program is being implemented against expected results. • cfof]hgfsf] nuk|]mddf lgwf{l/t p2]Zo / nIocg'¿k glthf k|fKt x'g] u/L nufgL, k|ltkmn / pknlAw xfl;n eO/x]sf] 5 5}g egL glthfnfO{ s]Gb|df /fv]/ ljsf; glthfsf nflu Joj:yfkg / glthfd"ns cg'udgsf l;4fGt / cjwf/0ffcg'¿k ul/g] cg'udg g} glthfd"ns cg'udg xf] . • cfof]hgfsf] sfof{Gjogaf6 ck]lIft glthf s]–slt k|fKt ePsf] 5 egL t'ngf ug{sf nflu lg/Gt/ ¿kdf ;"rgfsf] ;+sng / ljZn]if0f ug]{ k|lqmof glthfd"ns cg'udg xf] .
Results-based systems help answer the following questions: • What are the goals of the organization? • Are they being achieved? • How can achievement be proven
glthfd"lvcg'udgsflsl;dx? lg/Gt/ cg'udg cfof]hgfx¿df lglZrt ul/Psf ljleGg nufgL, lqmofsnfk, k|lqmof / k|ltkmn ;"rsx¿sf] cfwf/df sfo{ ;Dkfbg eP gePsf] lgwf{/0f ug{ lbuf]kgfsf] cg'udg cfof]hgfsf] lgdf{0f r/0f ;DkGg ePkZrft\ pQm cfof]hgfsf] lgwf{l/t cfo' ;Dd lg/Gt/ ;~rfngsf nflu cfjZos kg]{ ;|f]t ;fwg tyf dd{t ;Def/sf] lglZrt ug{
Result based approach helps to answer the "so what "question
Results-based M&E systems are designed to address the “so what” question. • s] cfwf/df Tof] output /flvof] • s] cfwf/dftLActivities /flvP • s] cfwf/df tL Activities af6 lgwf{l/t output s;/L k|fKt xf]nf • A results-based system provides feedback on the actual outcomes and goals of government actions.
glthfd"ns cg'udgsf tTjx? nlhsn k|m]djs{, ;"rsx? (Indicators) • clGtd tx -k|efj tyf c;/_ • cGtl/d tx -nufgL, k|lqmof / pknJwL_ • sfo{ ;Dkfbg tx ;"rgfsf ;|f]tx¿ ;e]{If0f ;"rgf Joj:yfkg k|0ffnL (MIS),
What is Evaluation ? • Evaluation: Evaluation is the comparison of actual project impacts against the agreed strategic plans. It looks at what you set to do, what you do have accomplish and how you accomplished it. • D"fNof+sg eg]sf] s'g} cfof]hgfsfo{qmdsf] lgwf{l/t pb\b]Zosf] ;Gbe{df To:tfsfo{x? slt ;fGble{s, ;Ifd, nfebfoL / k|efjsf/L nfebfoL / k|efjsf/L 5g eGg] s'/fsf] Jojlyt / pb\b]Zok"0f{ tl/sfn] n]vfhf]Vff Ufg]{ sfo{ xf] .
Sfo{qmdsf] ;'?dfk"j{ d"Nof+sg (Ex-ante), dWofjlws (Mid-term_, clGtd (Terminal) / ;+kGgd"Nof+sg ul/G5 . • d"Nof+sg sfo{ cfof]hgfsf] sfofGogsf] cj:yfdf / sfof{Gjogsf] ;dflKt kl5sf cj:yfx?df klg ul/G5 .
cfof]hgfdf cg'udg tyf d"NofÍg lrq != sfof{Gjog ;dofjlwdfcg'udgtyfd"NofÍg
cg'udgtyfd"NofÍgk|ltj]bg / k|of]u • rf}dfl;s, jflif{s k|ult k|ltj]bg M cfof]hgfsf] nIo / k|ultsf] oyfy{ l:ylt yfxf kfpg • cfwf/e"t tYofÍ ljj/0f tyf cWofjlws kmf/fd Mcfjlws of]hgf / jflif{s ljsf; sfo{qmd tyf jh]6 th'{dfsf cj:yfdf cfof]hgfsf] cWofjlws l:yltsf] hfgsf/L lng • :ynut cg'udg k|ltj]bgx¿ M cfof]hgfsf] ;DaGwdf cfjZos ;'wf/sf nflu lg0f{o lng • d"NofÍg k|ltj]bg M cfof]hgfsf] rfn' cj:yfdf ;'wf/ ug{ / csf]{ r/0f th'{df jf Dofb yk ug'{ kg]{ cj:yfsf] hfgsf/L k|fKtug{