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SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO. Tanja Popovicki Department for International Co-operation Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment of the Republic of Serbia. Serbia and Montenegro. OBJECTIVES OF THE PRESENTATION.

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  1. SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO Tanja Popovicki Department for International Co-operation Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment of the Republic of Serbia

  2. Serbia and Montenegro Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  3. OBJECTIVES OF THE PRESENTATION • Short introduction of the Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia • Current situation in Serbia regarding development of IPPC Directive and BREF • Situation in the Serbian Industry and Case Study for the Cement Industry in Serbia Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  4. The Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia • Established in April 2002 • Currently 220 employees • Located on 4 different sites on the territory of Belgrade • Focal point for aproximately 40 International Agreements and Conventions and according to the Action Plan of Government of the Republic of Serbia has to ratify 26 International Conventions (UN/ECE, UNEP,EU etc) • Implementing around 30 international projects Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  5. The Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia • Following the reconstruction of FRY and forming the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, new Law on Ministries (in April 2003) has been adopted • According to this Law, the Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment gained authorities for the environmental issues as well as competences for these issues have been transfered from the Federal to Republican level Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  6. The Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia Overall Responsibilities: System of protection and sustainable use of natural resources (air, water, soil, mineral resources, forests, fish, wild flora and fauna) Specific responsibilities regarding air: • Transboundary pollution of air and water • Ozone layer protection • Monitoring climate changes • Works of national data bank and data on air and water quality Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  7. Current situation regarding development of IPPC Directive in Serbia • Current Legislation and Responsibilities for environmental issues • Harmonization with EU Legislative and Introduction of IPPC into the Serbian Legislation • The main priorities and future activities regarding IPPC Directive in Serbia Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  8. Current Legislation and Responsibilities for environmental issues • The Law on Environmental Protection adopted in 1991 with some subsidiary Laws from 92, 93, 94 and 95 is still in force • There is NO legal obligation for Competent Authority to ensure fulfilling requirements or measures for prevention or decreasing negative effects on the environment before start of operation of new Installation Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  9. Current Legislation and Responsibilities for environmental issues • The Investor has an obligation to enclose Environmental Assessment and accordance with assessment of the impacts of certain objects and operation on the environment only together with application for issuing construction or urbanism permit • Currently, several Ministries as well as Regional and local Institutions have the responsibility for issuing this permit Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  10. Harmonization with EU Legislative and Introduction of IPPC into the Serbian Legislation Through Project: ”Development of Environmental Legislation in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia” implemented on the basis of the agreement between Government of the Republic of Finland and the Federal Government of the FRY(started before the reconstruction of FRY) Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  11. Harmonization with EU Legislative and Introduction of IPPC into the Serbian Legislation The realization of Project covers period from 2002 – 2005 and its main purpose is transposition into the legal system of the Serbia and Montenegro of the EU Directives related to the: • Environmental Impact Assessment - EIA • Strategic Impact Assessment – SEA • Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control – IPPC • Public Access to the information on Environment Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  12. Harmonization with EU Legislative and Introduction of IPPC into the Serbian Legislation The Project has two phases: • Finalization of the Project and its approval by the Ministry for PNRE – by the end of 2003. • Preparation of guidelines for BAT (within the framework of IPPC Directive) for the certain industries in Serbia – BREF Reference Documents – by the end of 2005. Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  13. The main priorities and future activities regarding IPPC Directive in Serbia • Adoption of the new Law on System on Environment Protection by the Serbian Parliament which present the basis for the introduction of the IPPC activities in Serbia • The new Law will, inter alia, regulate issuing of the environmental permits for the operation of the both new and existing Installations Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  14. The main priorities and future activities regarding IPPC Directive in Serbia Responsibility for issuing the environmental permits will have: • Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia • Competent Authority on the Regional Level (Regional Secretariat for the Environment Protection and Sustainable Development) • Competent Authority on the local level (Environmental experts within the Local-self Governments) Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  15. Case Study of the Cement Industry in Serbia • Current situation in Serbian Industry with special emphasis on Cement Industry • Specific characteristics of the Cement Industry Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  16. Current situation in Serbian Industry with special emphasis on Cement Industry Installations in Serbia to which IPPC apply to and those for which the conditions for issuing the environmental permit and BREF have to be defined are more then 30-40 years old and they have significant impact on the pollution of the environment – this is the reason why those installations can not achieve proposed installation capacities in accordance with IPPC requirements Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  17. Current situation in Serbian Industry with special emphasis on Cement Industry To overcome these limitations and to allow to the companies to harmonize its installation with the IPPC requirements, The Article 128 of the new Law on the System of Environmental Protection will extend the deadline for issuing the permit until the 31.12.2010. according to the Program of harmonization of the sustainable use of natural resources and environmental protection adopted by the Serbian Government. Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  18. What is the meaning of the implementation of IPPC in the privatization process in Serbia? Agency for privatization of the Republic of Serbia and Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment of the Republic of Serbia signed the Agreement (on 19.12.2002.) on joint activities in the area of environmental protection, development, control and sustainable use of natural resources in the companies that are the subject of privatization process. Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  19. Specific characteristics of the Serbian Cement Industry • There are 3 Cement Installations in the Republic of Serbia: Beocin,Novi Popovac and Kosjeric • All of above mentioned Cement Industries have been privatized but the precondition for the privatization was preparation of the Environmental Impact Assesment of the impacts of certain objects and operation on the environment Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  20. Specific characteristics of the Serbian Cement Industry • The EIA in Serbia for the Cement Indusrty has been done according to the Rulebook on Assessment of the impacts of certain objects and operation on the environment (Official Gazzete,No. 61/92) • The practical tool for performance of EIA (emissions to the air) is the Rulebook on limited values of emissions, manners and deadlines for measuring and filing system issued in 1997 (Article 17, Official Gazzete, No.30/97) Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  21. Limited Values of Emissions for the Cement Industry in Serbia (according to the Article 17 of the Rulebook on limited values of emissions, manners and deadlines for measuring and filing system, Official Gazzete, No. 30/97) Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  22. Emission Values in the Cement Industry in Serbia LAFARGE BFC BEOCIN before Reconstruction (2000) The measurements of emission values of dust are in range 1.1 – 58 times higher than proposed by the Rulebook on limited values of emissions, manners and deadlines for measuring and filing system (LVE is 150 mg/m3) Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  23. Limited Values of Emissions for the Cement Industry (according to the IPPC BREF in the Cement and Lime Manufacturing Industries) Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  24. Limited Values of Emissions for the Cement Industry (according to the IPPC BREF in the Cement and Lime Manufacturing Industries) Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  25. CONCLUSIONS: Beside the fact that there are very detailed and strict regulations for the EIA, the emissions in Serbia are still very high and have negative impacts on the environment (due to the use of old technologies and equipment) but one should be aware that the only way for accessing the EU for Serbia is to regulate these issues!!! Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

  26. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!!! Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment Republic of Serbia

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