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We offer a full range of Arix Sternal system & thoracic reconstruction plates/implants in the most popular implant bone profiles specifically designed to fixate into cancellous bone.
We at Prosurgix provide sternal plate systems that are utilized to securely provide Rigid plate fixation of the sternum after a Coronary Artery Bypass procedure. Our Introduction Rigid plate fixation of the sternum (RPF) is a quickly expanding market due to its efficacy in post-surgical outcomes. There have been a multitude of studies on the effectiveness of rigid plate fixation compared to traditional cable and wire fixation, post open sternum procedures such as Coronary Bypass surgery and surgical Sternotomies. Until now, RPF has been cost prohibitive and typically only utilized in difficult to treat cases. There is a significant opportunity for low-cost RFP devices in the US and hospitals and surgeons are realizing the value of RPF due to superior clinical outcomes and decreased patient revisions which is far more costly to the hospitals. Prosurgix is a Medical Device company specializing in post-surgical fixation devices for the sternum. We provide Sternal plate fixation that are utilized to securely provide rigid fixation of the sternum after a Coronary Artery Bypass procedure. Our business is currently focused on sternal fixation products that we can provide to our hospital facilities at a significant cost savings compared to competitive products. Prosurgix specializes in wor king with individual hospitals, hospital systems, and surgery centers, specifically, the Cardiothoracic surgeons within these facilities. The
long-term goal of Prosurgix is to expand our product offerings into more sternal closure products including sternal wires and cables, which we are currently developing, as well as rib plating products on a nationwide scale. It is our mission to provide competitive quality medical device implants, particularly in the field of Sternal plating USA at a significant cost savings. We place our focus on greatly decreasing surgical spend for our facilities and our patients while at the same time improving long term surgical outcomes for these procedures and to increase the positive outcomes for our patients. Prosurgix is a Tennessee S – Corporation. Based out of Chattanooga, TN. The principal owners combined have over 40 years in the medical device industry, working for some of the largest medical device companies in the industry. By combining our experience and expertise, Prosurgix was created to address the true needs of this industry and develop a cost savings business model to save our hospitals and patients money. Double Sided, Low Profile Titanium Plates
Commercially pure titanium, double sided, dual locking plates. Low profile 1.6mm plates allow for reduced palpability compared to other sternal systems with higher profiles. Patient Specific Plates: Box, 100 degree, Wide Ladder, Narrow Ladder, JL Sternotomy. 2.4 Locking Screws: Sizes 8-18mm. 2.7 Emergency Screws: Blunt Tip, Sizes 8-20mm. T8 Torque Head Screws. Deep Cancellous screw threads specifically designed to fixate into cancellous bone. Low Profile Pure Titanium Plates (1.6mm]. Thoracic Reconstruction Plates 4 hole and 8 hole bridge plates for thoracic reconstruction. Double sided dual locking. Low profile 1.6mm. 20 hole plate for rib and sternal stabilization. Titanium Locking Technology Fully locking screw technology prevents backout. Locking screws range from 8mm- 20mm Torque drive mechanism allows for maximum torque and minimal chance for stripping Features and Benefits Commercially Pure Titanium 2.4 and 2.7 Locking Screws Low Profile 1.6mm Plates 8mm-20mm lengths Torque Drive Mechanism to Prevent Screw Stripping.
Smarto Disposable Driver Disposable one time use driver that decreases hospital spend compared to systems that have to be resterilized and aids in infection control. Torque limiting feature to prevent cold welding and screw stripping. Mechanical lockout for manual screw insertion. Forward and reverse functionality 40 Ncm torque at 165 rpm Visit Here: –https://prosurgix.com/resources/ Contact 833-399-5444 833-901-3027 Info@prosurgix.com Prosurgix Inc. 1961 North Point Blvd Suite 100 Hixson, TN 37343