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Conducting comprehensive surveys and ethnography on bilingual education in Welsh schools. Focus on language allocation in classrooms and higher education. Collaborative research with experts and practitioners.
Grŵp 4: Arolwg ac EthnograffegGroup 4: Survey and Ethnography
Staff y ProsiectauProject Staff • Pennaeth / Head: Yr Athro / Professor Colin Baker • Cydweithredwyr / Collaborators: Dr. Gwyn Lewis, • Dr. Eddie Williams • Swyddog Ymchwil / Research Officer: Bryn Jones • Cynorthwyydd Ymchwil / Research Assistant: Hunydd Andrews • Myfyriwr Ph.D. Student: Frances Davies
Prosiect Ymchwil: Addysg Ddwyieithog yn Ysgolion Cymru Research Project: Bilingual Education in Schools in Wales
Bwriedir canolbwyntio ar BEDWAR prosiect ymchwil: 1. Prosiect 1: Addysg Ddwyieithog yn Ysgolion Cymru 2. Prosiect 2: Dwyieithrwydd mewn Addysg Uwch 3. Prosiect 3: Ymchwil Canolfannau Cymraeg i Oedolion (dan drafodaeth) 4. Prosiect 4: Ymchwil Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin (dan drafodaeth) The aim is to focus on FOUR research projects. 1. Project 1: Bilingual Education in Schools in Wales 2. Project 2: Bilingualism in Higher Education 3. Project 3: Research on Welsh for Adults Centres (under discussion) 4. Project 4: Research on Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin (under discussion) BwriadauAims
Addysg Ddwyieithog yn Ysgolion CymruBilingual Education in Schools in Wales
Cynnal yr arolwg cynhwysfawr cyntaf o’i fath o ddulliau addysgu a dysgu dwyieithog mewn ysgolion cynradd ac uwchradd yng Nghymru Canolbwyntir ar y defnydd o’r Gymraeg a’r Saesneg gyda gwahanol grwpiau o ddisgyblion mewn amrywiaeth o wersi ar draws y cwricwlwm Carry out the first comprehensive survey of its kind on methods of bilingual teaching and learning in Welsh primary and secondary schools The focus will be on the use of Welsh and English with different groups of pupils in a variety of lessons across the curriculum Ffocws Ymchwil: Addysg Ddwyieithog yn Ysgolion CymruResearch Focus: Bilingual Education in Schools in Wales
Enghreifftiau o ymchwil blaenorolExamples of previous research
1. Arolygu ac arsylwi ymarfer presennol yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, a hynny’n arwain at deipoleg gychwynnol o ddyraniad iaith 2. Ymgynghori ag ymarferwyr ac ymgynghorwyr ynghylch y strategaethau dyrannu iaith mwyaf effeithiol 3. Llunio deunyddiau hyfforddi 1. Monitor and observe current practice in the classroom which will lead to an initial typology of language allocation 2. Consult with practitioners and consultants on the most effective language allocation strategies 3. Design training materials Bydd tri cham i’r ymchwil:There will be three stages to the research:
Dwyieithrwydd mewn Addysg UwchBilingualism in Higher Education
1. Adnabod a dadansoddi dulliau addysgu a dysgu dwyieithog mewn Addysg Uwch, gan gychwyn yn yr Ysgol Addysg, Prifysgol Bangor. Dadansoddi holiaduron myfyrwyr a staff mewn sefyllfaoedd addysgu dwyieithog. 2. Ymweld ag Ysgolion eraill yn y Brifysgol. 3. Ymweld â sefydliadau Addysg Uwch eraill yng Nghymru. 1. Identify and analyse bilingual teaching and learning methods in Higher Education, beginning with the School of Education, Bangor University. Analyse questionnaires completed by students and staff in bilingual teaching situations. 2. Visit other Schools in the University. 3. Visit other Higher Education establishments in Wales. Ffocws Prosiect Dwyieithrwydd mewn Addysg UwchFocus of Bilingualism in Higher Education Project
Darlith ddwyieithog yn yr Ysgol AddysgBilingual lecture in the School of Education
Defnyddir yr offerynnau casglu data canlynol: 1. Sgediwl arsylliad dosbarth 2. Sgediwl arsylliad ysgol 3. Cyfweliadau (gydag athrawon, darlithwyr, myfyrwyr, disgyblion) 4. Tystiolaeth Ychwanegol (e.e. Adroddiad Estyn, canlyniadau arholiadau ysgol) The following data collection tools will be used: 1. Class observation schedule 2. School observation schedule 3. Interviews (with teachers, lecturers, students, pupils) 4. Additional Evidence (e.g. Estyn Report, school examination results) Methodoleg Ymchwil:Research Methodology:
Gwahoddir y canlynol: Staff ysgolion Prosiect 1 Arolygwyr Estyn Ymgynghorwyr AAL Staff sefydliadau eraill i fynychu cynhadledd i drafod canlyniadau’r ymchwil, ac i rannu arferion effeithiol ym maes addysg ddwyieithog. The following: Staff from schools taking part in Project 1 Estyn Inspectors LEA Advisors Staff from other organisations will be invited to attend a conference to discuss the results of the research and to share effective practices in the area of bilingual education. Cynhadledd Addysg Ddwyieithog yng Nghymru:Conference on Bilingual Education in Wales:
1. Adnabod arferion effeithiol ym maes dysgu ac addysgu dwyieithog ar lawr dosbarth / darlithfa 2. Llunio modelau addysgu a dysgu dwyieithog effeithiol ar gyfer gwahanol garfanau o ddisgyblion / hyfforddeion 3. Cynhyrchu deunydd hyfforddiant mewn swydd ar gyfer athrawon / darlithwyr sy’n addysgu mewn sefyllfaoedd dwyieithog 1. Identify effective practices in the area of bilingual teaching and learning in the classroom / lecture hall 2. Design effective bilingual teaching and learning models for different groups of pupils / trainees 3. Produce INSET material for teachers / lecturers who teach in bilingual situations Prif ddeilliannau’r ymchwilPrinciple outcomes of the research