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Ft. Lee Town Hall 24 August 2011 Kenner Army Health Clinic Ft. Lee, Virginia

COL Joseph Pina Commanding. Ft. Lee Town Hall 24 August 2011 Kenner Army Health Clinic Ft. Lee, Virginia. Integrated Disability Evaluation System Status Report. Legacy Disability Evaluation System (DES). Compensation Time….. PDES took 300 Days , Now I need to stand in the VA Line !.

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Ft. Lee Town Hall 24 August 2011 Kenner Army Health Clinic Ft. Lee, Virginia

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  1. COL Joseph Pina Commanding Ft. Lee Town Hall 24 August 2011Kenner Army Health ClinicFt. Lee, Virginia Integrated Disability Evaluation System Status Report

  2. Legacy Disability Evaluation System (DES) Compensation Time….. PDES took 300 Days, Now I need to stand in the VA Line ! PEB Rating MTF Examination Time MTF MEB My PEBLO My Doctor My Doctor says I have to Start a MEB. 30 Disability Review Administration System (D-RAS) Rating Wow this took 540 Days, Two Examinations, Two Ratings and a lot of paper! Compensation & Pension (C&P) Examination Another Exam! Just Received my Rating – It took Another 240 Days! VA Says I need Another Examination to be rated! 50

  3. Integrated DES Do I Meet Retention Standards I have received my Army Rating and my VA Rating & know how much I will get ! PEB determined I’m unfit, now I’m waiting Disability Review Administration System (D-RAS) MEB has reviewed my C&P exam - My Case is ready For the PEB PEBLO & MSC Counseling Completed. Pending a Compensation & Pension (C&P) Exam To PEB To PEB To PEB My Doctor has Referred Me for an MEB. WhooHoo Seamless Transition!! PEBLO / MSC MEB / PEB/ DRAS VA 295 days (or less)

  4. IDES Timeline

  5. Kenner Disability Cases Overall as of August 4, 2011

  6. Kenner Disability Cases Processing Days # Cases Average # of Days as of August 9, 2011

  7. Kenner Disability Cases • MEB By Population USAR/NG: 10 cases PERMANENT Party (PP): 48 cases AIT/ALU: 9 cases Other: 1 case Total = 68 as of August 9, 2011

  8. Kenner Disability Cases Processing Days as of August 9, 2011

  9. Kenner Disability Unit Breakdown • NATIONAL GUARD as of August 9, 2011

  10. Kenner Disability Unit Breakdown • 59TH ORDNANCE as of August 9, 2011

  11. What is in a Soldier’s MEBData needed from Unit CDR • ERB/ORB • Commander’s Evaluation Letter** • NCOERs/OERs (E-5 and above) (Last 3, if necessary) • APFT SCORECARD (Last 3 tests, if necessary) • LES (Current End of Month) • DA Form 4187 (Name changes, loss of rank, promotions, etc) • **RC Soldiers have additional requirements (see next slide).

  12. Reserve Component Data needed from Unit CDR • Personnel Qualification Record (PQR) • PQR equivalent to ERB/ORB • Orders for all active duty periods • where injury/illness incurred • Reserves – Chronological Statement of Retirement Points • ARPC 249-2-E, commonly known as RPAS • National Guard – Retirement Points History Statement • NG Form 23, commonly known as RPAM • Approved Line of Duty (as needed) • 20 Year Letter (if eligible)

  13. e-Profile tracks Soldiers who have a temporary or permanent condition that may render them medically not ready to deploy • -Provides fully automated profile process, from DA Form 3349 entry to routing final profile to Commander • -Standardizes profiling process • -Uses smart logic to complete DA Form 3349, including PULHES determination • -Provides view of active and historical profiles • -Eliminates duplicate entry and pocket profiles • -Automatically updates MEDPROS and the Total Army Personnel Data Bases (TAPDB) • -Implemented 1 Jan 2011 Army wide what is e-profile? 16

  14. What does e-Profile provide? Unit Commanders: • Provides visibility of health and Profile status of your Soldiers • Increases communication between you and the Providers • Helps ensure your Soldiers get corrective intervention, either medical care or board process Providers / Army Medical Community: • Provides profile standardization and quality control (less returned profiles!) • Provides fully automated profile process, from DA 3349 entry to routing • Provides view of historical and active profiles (including draft profiles) Plus – • Automatically updates MEDPROS and personnel systems (TAPDBs) for determining medical readiness and assignment limitations (no dual entry!) 17

  15. User Roles e-Profile is a Role Based system • Register for access on: https://medpros.mods.army.mil/eprofile/ 18

  16. MEB Office Staff • Mr.  Juan Rodriguez-Negron 804-734-9319 • Ms. Ebony High 804-734-9349  • Ms. Aretha McLaughlin 804-734-9545  • Mr. Owen Son 804-734-9706  • Mr. Hector Laureano(eProfile) 804-734-9567 MEB Office Hours of Operation 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

  17. Informal Line of Duty

  18. Incident occurs signaling LOD: • KAHC Physician/ SM or Unit Rep notifies PAD to Initiate DA 2173 andpresents LOD request memo, MEPS orders to KAHC PAD Patient Affairs Bldg 8204-2 Rm#23 • KAHC PAD Completes DA 2173 - Section I • KAHC PAD Forwards to Unit CDR with SM or Unit Rep* *approximately 5-7 days from time of initiation

  19. Soldier’s Unit Commander • Completes Section II, DA Form 2173 • Company CDR forwards to BN/BDE S1 section for Approval Authority Signature (usually the BDE CDR 0-6)

  20. 2173 Appointing Authority • Reviews and approves LD • Uploads original to Official Military Personnel File or sends to PSB • Sends approved LOD packet copies (not originals) to KAHC PAD to be placed into AHLTA e-medical record • Sends copy to SM • Sends copy USAR/NG unit (as needed)

  21. Completed 2173 • Original: goes into SM’s OMPF • Final Copy: mailed to USAR/NG UNIT from unit in which LOD was initiated • Process takes approximately 35 days

  22. Formal Line of Duty d + 50 calendar days d + 60 calendar days d + 75 calendar days death HRC ORIGINAL - mail Special Court Martial Convening Authority (O-6 or delegated) COPY- scan CAC General Court Martial Convening Authority (or delegated)

  23. RELEASE OF INFORMATION TO COMMANDS What can be Released: • Command requests pertaining to the Soldiers’ general status, adherence with scheduled appointments, profile status and medical readiness requirements. • Information can only be released to Commanders or the Commanders Designee in writing • Documentation should be a Memorandum for Record (MFR) appointing person(s) as a designee for that Commander with a start and end date • Information about whether a Soldier kept an appointment, or the scheduled time of an appointment (if it hasn’t happened yet). • Profiles- if a SM is prescribed a medication that affects driving, carrying a weapon, or other details the command needs to know (such as medication side effects).

  24. RELEASE OF INFORMATION TO COMMANDS How to Request the Information: • Any information released to someone other than the patient needs to go through a HIPAA Privacy Officer for approval. • Command must complete a DA 4254 (Request for Private Medical Information) for review by the Kenner AHC Privacy Officer (for HIPAA) PRIOR to release of the requested information. • Privacy officers are located in medical records • Additional guidance relating to release of information to Commanders can be found in OTSG Policy 10-042 (Release of Protected Health Information to Unit Command Officials), dated 30 June 2010.

  25. RELEASE OF INFORMATION TO COMMANDS Medical Conditions that do not affect the Soldier’s fitness for duty/mission are not provided to the Command Unit (i.e. SM is prescribed birth control, SM self refers to mental health). Regarding appointments, the SM can be ordered by their command to change an appointment to meet readiness requirements, however, the Command can not change the appointment for the Soldier. No information can be provided to the Command regarding information about a spouse or other non-military personnel. Behavioral Health Services (BHS) to include FAP/SWS and ASAP have their own set of regulations regarding release of information. A Command-directed behavioral health evaluation can be released, however, command does not have the need or right to know if/when a Soldier seeks BHS through self-referral. What can NOT be Released:

  26. Resources Kenner Army Health Clinic website: http://kenner.narmc.amedd.army.mil Go to “Other Services” and select “Patient Administration / MEB”

  27. Resources Hyperlinks to additional information

  28. Questions Comments Concerns

  29. Acronyms / Terminology • APDES – Army Physical Disability Evaluation System • APDAB - Army Physical Disability Appeal Board • ERB – Enlisted Review Brief • EPTS – Existed Prior to Service • FFD – Fit For Duty • HIPAA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act • IDES – Integrated Disability Evaluation System • MDCO- Medical Data Collection Object • MEB - Medical Evaluation Board • MAR2- MOS Administrative Retention Review • MMRB - MOS/Medical Retention Board • ORB – Officer Review Brief • PDR – Permanent Disability Retirement • PEBLO – Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer • PEB - Physical Evaluation Board • PPES – Physical Performance Evaluation System • SWSP – Separation with Severance Pay • SWOB – Separation without Benefits • TDRL – Temporary Disability Retired List • USAPDA – U.S. Army Physical Disability Agency

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