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Geocode Rare Endemic Plant Species REPS@1m3 globally and introduce studies in their photosynthesis and transpiration including their pollinating systems and productions of secondary compounds as signals. Unique Recognizable Complex Predictable Pattern
Geocode Rare Endemic Plant Species REPS@1m3 globally and introduce studies in their photosynthesis and transpiration including their pollinating systems and productions of secondary compounds as signals. Unique Recognizable Complex Predictable Pattern (ing) URCPP indicator Risk Anomaly@1m3. Carbon dioxide and other GHG Greenhouse Gases. Human influenced changes such as of air, soil, water, chaotic extinction and land cover or vegetation changes and including EIDs/Emerging Infectious Diseases. causing solar radiation and reflectivity changes at soil level. Measure albedo@1m3:10km3. Ecoplay at Kindergarden Verify sustainable carbon sinks globally K-12+4 remote sensing and ground truthing using 1m3 grid scale for volume. Geocoded Spatial Transparent Metric GSTM 1m3:10km3x2 Ecoplays K-12+4. Actions and monitoring including solar energy and Geocoded Agroecological Connection Plots GAECP@10km3 indicator or signals. Resilience
Ecoplay at Kindergarten..k+12+4..Transpiration.. Geocode Rare Endemic Plant Species REPS@1m3 Globally and introduce studies in their photosynthesis and transpiration including their pollinating systems and productions of secondary compounds as signals. Unique Recognizable Complex Predictable Pattern (ing) URCPP indicator ...map GIS layers for enhancing signal. Risk Anomaly@1m3 GIS Geographic Information System Carbon dioxide and other GHG Greenhouse Gases. 1m3 helps to notice: Human Influenced - Anthropogenic changes : ---air, soil water, chaotic extinction of species and Land cover or vegetation changes and including EIDs/Emerging Infectious Diseases and alien species These human influenced changes cause change in solar radiation and reflectivity changes at soil level called ‘albedo’ Measure albedo@1m3 Geocode Rare Endemic Plant Species REPS@1m3
Change. 1m3 1m3 Soil Cover by Plants Human influences. Dramatic changes in runoff volume from ice-free land are projected in many parts of the world by the middle of the 21st century (relative to historical conditions from the 1900 to 1970 period). Color denotes percentage change (median value from 12 climate models). Where a country or smaller political unit is colored, 8 or more of 12 models agreed on the direction (increase versus decrease) of runoff change under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's "SRES A1B" emissions scenario. water ++ -- runoff Is vegetation type cover a proxy for predicting climate locally? Meter cubed carbon gardening@1m3:10km3x2 Albedo@1m3
Starving for Water. Missing Beauty. Play Home 1m3
Geocoded Agroecological Connection Plot GAECP Natural Disasters....water shortages??? 1m3 Transparency 10km3 Climate change is a local phenomena with global implications. Geocoded Verification Tool 1m3:10km3 x 2 = geocoded spatial transparent metric = GSTM Where is the Metric?
Spatial Think Beauty urcpp=unique, recognizable, complex, predictable pattern, we call her Nature. Play in nature, ecoplay, agroecological restoration in the watershed or catchment in GAECP=10km3. Ecoplay Kindergarten tool=1m3 Play cohort of children=10=n
1m3:10km3x2 Action: Geocode Meter Cubed Carbon Gardening Human influences. Dramatic changes in runoff volume from ice-free land are projected in many parts of the world by the middle of the 21st century - relative to historical conditions from the 1900 to 1970 period. Color denotes percentage change - median value from 12 climate models. Where a country or smaller political unit is colored, 8 or more of 12 models agreed on the direction - increase versus decrease---- of runoff change under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's "SRES A1B" emissions scenario. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/319/5863/573?
1m3 1m3 Change. Human influences. Dramatic changes in runoff volume from ice-free land are projected in many parts of the world by the middle of the 21st century (relative to historical conditions from the 1900 to 1970 period). Color denotes percentage change (median value from 12 climate models). Where a country or smaller political unit is colored, 8 or more of 12 models agreed on the direction (increase versus decrease) of runoff change under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's "SRES A1B" emissions scenario. -- runoff water ++ Is vegetation type cover a proxy for predicting climate locally? Meter cubed carbon gardening@1m3:10km3x2 Albedo@1m3
Nature needs more water. We need more quality water and predictable patterns of quantity. • Changes in runoff patterns will change sea level and salt water intrusion in fresh water . • Connect endemic vegetation and agroecological space or volume 1m3 • GSTM = 1m3 within 10km3 both above and below ground or grade grade.
1m3:10km3x2 Rare Endemic Plant Species=REPS Covering and repairing our soils. Connecting our vegetation. Monitoring our pollinators on REPS Monitoring transpiration on REPS 1m3 geocoded REPS Spatial Learning k-12+4
Photosynthesis and the Sun our Earth Water quality access and predictable availability seasonally depends on local management of the catchment and watershed. Geocode Map at One Meter Cubed Spatial Scale Water quality, access, and predictable availability seasonally depends on local management of the catchment and watershed. Human rights in the global commons must include managing local endemic vegetation connectivity and attached pollinating species. Land plants control local climate-water. Human rights in the global commons must include endemic vegetation connectivity and attached pollinating species. 1m3 urcpp
GROUND TRUTHING USING GPS top carnivore lion frog as health indicator Tools for remote sensing = 1m3:10km3x2 endemic vegetation geocoded agroecological connection plots GAECP 10km3x2 Tools for remote sensing endemic vegetation and land based pollution can be analyzed using symbols = words, data cube sets = numbers, whereby entry by cohorts of children k-12+4 n=10. 1m3:10km3x2= Spatial Transparent Metric Ecoplays are n=10 cohort pedagogy using all aspects of spatial thinking. K-12 Spatial Think. 1m3 human footprint
11 Albedo, land cover surface reflectivity from sun’s radiation. REPS@1m3= Rare Endemic Plant Species indicators of sustainable biodiversity. Trading carbon, polluting emissions for $money$? $ for biodiversity extinction??? Verify carbon trading@1m3. 1m3 footprint albedo@1m3 above and below ground. Connect vegetation. Cover soil with plants. Zero tolerance for soil movement by air or water. Measure albedo, soil, air, water, and REPS@1m3:10km3x2
Buffering climate change can only be done locally. Water and human rights, soil and water per global citizen...ecological justice....? 70% of global fresh water is used for agriculture. What water is left for plants and soil? “Nature”?...”Beauty”? Connect endemic vegetation and agroecological space in land use patterns which reflect regard for local endemic plant species. Monitor plants using 1m3 STM= Spatial Transparent Metric < geocoded > within 10km3 grid times two, i.e 10km3 above ground into atmosphere and 10km3 below ground into interior Earth and Ocean. Photo: Old Northern California farm in Napa County, Autumn 2007. Water, access, quality, quantity, predictability. Ecological Justice. 1m3 70% global water is used for agriculture: can we balance this with managing ecosystem vegetation connectivity and soil health? BIODIVERSITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS Napa County, Old Farm, California
Land use changes cause climate change by altering local plant extinction patterns. Vegetation degradation causes increased local disasters such as fires, severe weather, as well as floods and drought. Famine, disease and EIDs. map@1m3 grid scale. Land use changes cause climate change by altering local plant extinction patterns. Vegetation change causes increased local disasters such as fires, severe weather e.g. tornadoes and hurricanes, as well as floods and drought. Cattle in wetlands is antithetical to the intentions of Ramsar Treaty and UNCLOS. Salt marsh restoration in the uplands of San Francisco Bay, California. Roads, cattle, housing, development, power and utility easements disturb and divide habitat causing local patterns of extinction in plant species cover of soil. Vegetation makes climate. REPS@1m3
The beginning on buffering climate change is local. Manage local soil cover with plant species. Learn something new. Geocode 1m3 in 10km3 space grid. 1m3
UNFCCC-1992/climate change Kyoto-1975/Bali-12-2007 $160 million for healing global forests.... not much money. Women and Girls participate in 1m3 sampling, verification of sustainable forest using CBD virtual k-12 watch dogs.,,and REPS@1m3:10km3 Trade seeds bioregionally. REPS@ 1m3 REPS= Rare Endemic Plant Species Local.
Circle of Heaven, Square of Earth. Sacred mountain source of water. Gate and wall protect paradise, the garden. Today we need to reconnect nature and protect rare endemic plant species = REPS@1m3. Gardening Nature Walled or enclosed garden soil, paradisos, the circle of heaven and the square of earth.
Like a sacred mountain, species isolated • or out of reach may now need • conservation protection • Map them. • One quarter of human population • calls mountain ecosystems home. • Still more people live along the • continental shelf and on islands • Ocean people depend on • protein from ocean biodiversity. • Map Mangroves species.1m3:10km3x2 Axis Mundi Coit Tower in San Francisco, California with a remnant of green plant species. The axis mundi, pivot of the four quarters has often been spiritually projected as the sacred mountain. 25% of the global population are mountain people. Rivers begin in the uplands and inspire our perception of nature. The continental shelf receives soil and pollutants from the uplands. The Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) outlines land based pollution. Measure water at 1m3 within 10km3 x 2 geocoded grid. Map Mangroves Globally Monitor Mangroves@1m3 Coit Tower, San Francisco, California, USA.
Electric utility. Cattle . Fence. 1m3 Anomaly Risk Indicator Granite rocks near Mexican-USA border and endemic vegetation in background. California, San Diego County. Cattle graze on marginal soil. Soil uncovered by plants erode. Road changes local albedo or reflectivity. Measure REPS or ‘rare endemic endemic plant species’, soil, and cattle using 1m3 geocoded metric. grid scale e.g. granularity. “ECOLOGICAL DISTURBANCE” Albedo differences@1m3. Soil erosion@1m3. Endemic vegetation, here called ‘chaparral’. Road. Habitat is soil and vegetation with attachedbiodiversity. FOCUS???
San Diego County, USA, burn in autumn of 2007 injects more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. In addition, the endemic vegetation can no longer do the work of photosynthesis that is local carbon sequestration called productivity or biomass nor can the endemic (local or native) vegetation support attached biodiversity like pollinating species. Anthropogenic increases of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere forces climate change. Ecosystem services including local hydrology and weather are largely controlled by transpiration, driven by photosynthesis, in plants both sets of agroeconomic and native plant species. Tecate Mountain on the California Mexican border from USA H94. This is the home of the narrow ranged endemic gymnosperm, the Tecate Cypress or Cupressus Forbesii, named California botanist, Jepson. Endemic vegetation=”chaparral”. Wildfires inject carbon into the atmosphere. Wildfires stops endemic vegetation photosynthesis or carbon sequestration, growth/biomass... <photosynthate:root-shoot-flower-fruit-seed-leaf>.>> instead injects carbon into the atmosphere.
San Diego County, USA, burn in autumn of 2007 injects more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. In addition, the endemic vegetation can no longer do the work of photosynthesis that is local carbon sequestration called productivity or biomass nor can the endemic (local or native) vegetation support attached biodiversity like pollinating species. Anthropogenic increases of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere forces climate change. Ecosystem services including local hydrology and weather are largely controlled by transpiration, driven by photosynthesis, in plants both sets of agroeconomic and native plant species. Tecate Mountain on the California Mexican border from USA H94. This is the home of the narrow ranged endemic gymnosperm, the Tecate Cypress or Cupressus Forbesii, named California botanist, Jepson. Endemic vegetation=”chaparral”. Wildfires inject carbon into the atmosphere. Wildfires stops endemic vegetation photosynthesis. Tecate Mountain after Autumn 2007 Wildfire, San Diego County, California Ecological resilience in the form of endemic vegetation???... 1m3
EIDs Emerging Infectious Diseases Buffering climate change is local. Birds act as indicators of a clean and healthy ecosystem and are in peril globally. Vandalism: cats and dog alien animal, plants, and EIDs.
Convention on Biological Diversity Nutrient-Calorie@ 1m3 Water@1m3 Soil@1m3 Albedo@1m3 ‘Rare Endemic Plant Species’ + associated biodiversity @ 1m3 1m3 1m3:10km3x2 10km3 above and below grade altitudes:latitudes:depths:heights OCEAN LAND ATMOSPHERE
Women and children are disproportionately impacted by climate change. “There is a lot more that the scientific community can do besides the ongoing need for research to increase our knowledge and understanding of potentially hazardous events. Better integration and collaboration between different scientific disciplines to improve understanding of impacts and the links between different types of hazards is an area which needs development, such as the effects of weather situations on the spread of infectious disease.” David King on Natural Disaster
Malaria mosquito expands its range as climate changes and vegetation is ecologically disturbed. EIDS, Emerging infectious diseases are global and some novel species or novel strains, include drug resistant strains of known species like MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a bacteria. global climate change disease vector@1m3 1m3:10km3x2
Transparency in access to global data sets including satellite real time data. • Monitor • albedo@1m3 • soil@1m3 • REPS Rare Endemic Plant Species including cultural and economic plant species cultivars.
1m3 Sea level rise. Ecotonal Boundary geocode salt water intrusion with fresh water@1m3:10km3x2 continental shelf and small islands 1m3
Emerging Infectious Diseases 1m3 tool is gift of scale in kindergarden. EID or emerging infectious diseases are often water borne. Local monitoring and remote sensing using new DNA fingerprinting may provide early warning signals if local human capacity has access to GIS and K-12+4 sampling teams or cohorts n=10...ecoplay pedagogy in spatial thinking. Think spatially. spatial volume 1m3 Local monitoring and remote sensing use GPS and GIS.. K-12+4 Virtual +Real Time Think Spatially...using 1m3 within 10km3- geocoded above and below grade
Climate change can only be buffered locally. Geocode water quality using 1m3. Water moves from the mountains to salt water. Daily the continental shelf and island boundaries experience tidal shifts in fresh water intrusion. Climate change can only be buffered locally. Geocode water quality@1m3. The water moves from uplands in mountains to the salt water of the estuary and continental shelf. Daily tides and the hydrology of the land based vegetation determine local climate. Locals can begin enforcement of Ramsar Treaty and UNCLOS (Law of the Sea) using land based pollution indicators at geocoded scale or STM=Spatial Transparent Metric= 1m3:10km3x2. San Francisco Bay: restoring hydrology of salt marshes in California and attached biodiversity e.g. bird species et al.
1m3 K-12+4 virtual watchdogs!!! Climate change can only be buffered locally. Geocode water quality@1m3. The water moves from uplands in mountains to the salt water of the estuary and continental shelf. Daily tides and the hydrology of the land based vegetation determine local climate. Locals can begin enforcement of Ramsar Treaty and UNCLOS (Law of the Sea) using land based pollution indicators at geocoded scale or STM=Spatial Transparent Metric= 1m3:10km3x2. San Francisco Bay: restoring hydrology of salt marshes in California and attached biodiversity e.g. bird species et al. Verification of Ramsar and UNCLOS or the Law of the Sea land-based soil movement@1m3:10km3x2 Inland, San Francisco Bay, California
A new metric? Geocoded Spatial Transparent Metric. As well as ongoing development and improvements to operational early warning systems and services, more expert peer review of scientific knowledge and a understanding is required to provide “consensus” view on hazards and to determine when the state of the science is ready to develop a useful warning capability. David King on Natural Disaster Women and children are disproportionately impacted by climate change.
Conserve water for biodiversity by connecting endemic vegetation and managing @1m3:10km3x2 agroecological habitat with particular attention: water, soil, air, albedo, and rare endemic plant species or REPS, k-12+4 photo- synthesis CO2- floral biology- 1m3 Geocoded 10km3 x 2 Private St. Louis, Missouri at the Missouri - Mississippi Rivers confluence. A cover to water rights in Forest Park, St. Louis. Water as a human right depends on local endemic vegetation. Rare Endemic Plant Species (REPS) 1m3:10km3 x 2 monitoring indicates respect for local biodiversity. See CBD/Convention on Biological Diversity.
REPS=Rare Endemic Plant Species 1m3 Paeonia californica in flower, nectar awaiting pollinating species. 1m3
Habitat is where the plants live, Habit, like vines, epiphytes, annuals, bulbs, herbaceous perennials, shrubs, and trees are the adaptations to climate and presentation of vegetation architecture or where photosynthate or glucose (carbon carbon bonding manufactured in photosynthesis is partioned (root, stem, leaf, stomata, bud,flower, seed, fruit) during the season solar year. Vegetation connectivity (1), scale of vegetation, big is better (2), and restoring the top carnivore (3) in the ecosystem is the beginning of restoring ecosystem services locally. Climate change can only be buffered locally. Geocode REPS/’rare endemic plant species’. Measure at geocoded 1m3 within 10km3x2. grid scale..for above and below ground. Adaptation: local soil-climate, geology and climate generated by endemic vegetation photosynthesis and transpiration....control the water cycle. soil 1m3
Habitat is where the plants live, Habit, like vines, epiphytes, annuals, bulbs, herbaceous perennials, shrubs, and trees are the adaptations to climate and presentation of vegetation architecture or where photosynthate or glucose (carbon carbon bonding manufactured in photosynthesis is partioned (root, stem, leaf, stomata, bud,flower, seed, fruit) during the season solar year. Vegetation connectivity (1), scale of vegetation, big is better (2), and restoring the top carnivore (3) in the ecosystem is the beginning of restoring ecosystem services locally. Climate change can only be buffered locally. Geocode REPS/’rare endemic plant species’. Measure at geocoded 1m3 within 10km3x2. grid scale..for above and below ground. Adaptation: local soil-climate, geology and climate generated by endemic vegetation photosynthesis and transpiration....control the water cycle. Agroecological plant species associations of plants and soil make weather locally. Sun and local photosynthesis or biomass/carbon sequestration in plants and soil...Peony habitat southern California. 1m3 soil
Endemic plant species form the resilience of endemic vegetation / agroecological photosynthetic complementarity. <BIODEPTH> Paeonia californica, early spring leaf emergence in California chaparral.
February, no buds yet on Paeonia californica in California in vegetation characterized by summer drought and winter rains. This Mediterranean climate is a temperate one . There are five such types of climates globally. Each geographic region with its unique geological history and weather is characterized by a totally unique vegetation or complex of endemic plant species. The South African feinbos vegetation in extreme South Africa is endangered by climate change. California has two of forty species of Peony, the remaining are in Asia. FLOWERING PLANTS ON LAND:PERHAPS AS MANY AS 500,000 SUPPORT ALL BIODIVERSITY on land and on THE CONTINENTAL SHELF, BY PHOTOSYNTHATE NOURISHMENT LARGELY CARRIED BY WATER DOWN FROM THE UPLANDS. California has perhaps 6000 endemic or unique plants species, China perhaps more than 30,000 plant species, North America above Mexico perhaps 30,000: estimates of land plant species range from 300,000- 500,000 species. p Paeonia californica Paeoniaceae
A species of oak, Quercus agrifolia, a tree, habit, that is dominant in a varied set of vegetation types globally. Here on the edge of its range surrounded by vegetation called chaparral in Campo, San Diego County, USA.
ecoplay urcpp or unique recognizable complex predictable pattern at 1m3:10km3 x 2 earth/air. On the landscape or campus of the University of California, Berkley, California. Redwoods make a large playhouse for seniors. Sun Redwood trees, endemic to California are almost gone. How many ‘board feet’??? Endemic plant species. Measure at one meter cubed 1m3:10km3x2.
Think spatial. Act locally in managing and mapping vegetation connectivity in the watershed or catchment. Geocode REPS@1m3:10km3x2 Women and girls can monitor endemic vegetation and air pollution@1m3:10km3 1m3 K-12+4 ITC and GPS Ground Truthing GIS Layers
”Catastrophic changes in the overall state of a system can ultimately derive from how it is organized---from feedback mechanism within it, and from linkages that are latent and often unrecognized. The change may be initiated by some obvious external event, such a a war, but is more usually triggered by a seemingly minor happenstance or even an unsubstantial rumor. Once set in motion, however, such changes can become explosive and afterwards will typically exhibit some form of hysteresis, such that recovery is much slower than the collapse. In extreme cases, the changes may be irreversible.”Sir Robert M. May Oxford University Ecology for Bankers/ Nature 451:893-892. 21 February 2008 May et al. How expensive is systemic risk? We need a geocoded spatial transparent metric.
Children, their health, our human future. An international workshop was convened in May 2007 to discuss the current body of evidence for effects of atmospheric pollution on human reproduction, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of published epidemiologic studies, to suggest future directions for research, to foster collaboration and to promote dialogue between epidemiologists, toxicologists, clinicians and biostatisticians. Several outcomes related to human reproduction were the focus of the discussions, including pregnancy outcomes (intra-uterine growth restriction, IUGR, gestational age) and male reproductive health (semen quality). http://www.ehponline.org/members/2008/11074/11074.pdf 1m3?
Supplemental material. Slama et al., Env Health Perspect, 2008 (MS 11074) Figure 1: Time windows corresponding to the highest estimated effect of air pollutants on fetal growth reported in published studies. 1m3:10km3x2
‘We strongly recommend further exploration of fetal ultrasonic measures in air pollution-birth outcome research to corroborate our findings and examine some of the confounders - e.g. SES, parity, and possible effect modifiers - e.g. air conditioning, that we were unable to examine here. The results shown here seem to suggest that the pollutant monitor needs to be within 2 km of the subject, and optimally each woman’s address would be geocoded.” from Hansen.Craig@epamail.epa.govet al 3-2008 doi:10.1289/ehp.10720 via http://dx.doi.org/ Geocoded Spatial Transparent Metric = 1m3:10km3x2 tamraraven@sbcglobal.net
REPS@1m3:10km3x2 1m3 Nitrogen Gas in Atmosphere soil:air:water:plant within 10km3 above below grade Geocoded Spatial Transparent Metric
The study, conducted by David Tilman, Regents Professor of Ecology, and former university graduate student Christopher Clark, will be published in the Feb. 7 issue of Nature. Research was carried out at Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve, a field station operated by the university's College of Biological Sciences. "Even at low levels, comparable to nitrogen deposition over many industrialized nations, we lost about one plant species in six at our test site [17 percent over 23 years]," Clark said. Rare species were more vulnerable to loss than common species. Nitrogen @1m3??? he study, conducted by David Tilman, Regents Professor of Ecology, and former university graduate student Christopher Clark, will be published in the Feb. 7 issue of Nature. Research was carried out at Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve, a field station operated by the university's College of Biological Sciences. "Even at low levels, comparable to nitrogen deposition over many industrialized nations, we lost about one plant species in six at our test site [17 percent over 23 years]," Clark said. Rare species were more vulnerable to loss than common species. But Clark and Tilman also discovered some good news -- that the loss of species can be reversed. Thirteen years after addition of nitrogen was stopped, species numbers had recovered.
Resilience • But Tilman and Clark also discovered some good news -- that • the loss of species can be reversed. Thirteen years after addition of • nitrogen was stopped, species numbers had recovered. • "Many ecosystems worldwide may be losing plant species because of • nitrogen deposition from • fossil fuel combustion and • agricultural fertilizers," Tilman. • s Ecoplay@1m3:10km3x2 URCPP
PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND VEGETATION CONNECTIVITY. Autumn, leaves chemically remove remnant nutrients as the season changes in the coastal sage vegetation of Northern California, USA. Think spatial, think soil cover, conserve water, manage locally endemic plant species and economic plant cultivars...think beauty..,.ecoplay! Introduce unique recognizable complex predictable pattern. tamraraven@sbcglobal.net
Share Knowledge • Land cover change including alien species ‘takeovers’ and local weather patterns are further increasing system anomaly. Nanoparticles and GMOs/Genetically Modified Organisms may perturb ecosystems further: Invoke the Precautionary Principle. • Buffering climate change must include connecting Geocoded Agroecological Connection Plots GAECP. 1m3:10km3x2 • Soil cover@1m3 REPS@1m3 • Heirloom plant species cultivars@1m3 Bioregional seed exchanges between k-12+4 schools.