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Choosing a Portfolio Artefact

Choosing a Portfolio Artefact. 2014 Edition. Lesson Overview. WHY is this lesson important? WHAT is an artefact ? WHICH Social Studies concepts am I interested in? HOW and WHERE do I find an artefact to match my interest? WHOM can I approach for help?

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Choosing a Portfolio Artefact

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  1. Choosing a Portfolio Artefact 2014 Edition

  2. Lesson Overview WHY is this lesson important? WHAT is an artefact? WHICH Social Studies concepts am I interested in? HOW and WHERE do I find an artefact to match my interest? WHOM can I approach for help? WHEN should I have my artefacts chosen by?

  3. WHY is this lesson important? Last year, your Portfolio was based on the “Family Tree” and the “I am..” assignments This year, there will be more independent choice BOTH your Portfolio entries will begin with YOU choosing an artefact!

  4. WHY is Portfolio work important? • Working on a portfolio may not be easy! However it can be very rewarding. • Remember, creating a portfolio allows you to: • Pursue your areas of interest • Learn independently • Work according to your own learning style • Develop your potential

  5. WHAT is an Artefact? Something ancient which was dug out of the ground? Something rare and valuable? NOT NECESSARILY!

  6. WHAT is an Artefact? The Oxford Dictionary defines an Artefact as: An object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest. Etymology (word origin): From the Latin phrase arte factum ars(skill) + facere (to make)

  7. Using Artefacts • A modern plastic bottle could spark off reflections on pollution and wastage • Comparing the two will let you write about change and continuity in human technology Many objects can spark off interesting Commentary and Reflection A picture of an ancient water vessel might prompt you to discuss the civilisation that made it

  8. WHAT makes a good SOCIAL STUDIES Portfolio Artefact? For Social Studies, we look out for Historical, Cultural or Social artefacts: Anything made by a person or a group which gives information about the history, culture or society of its creator and users

  9. Qn: What have my seniors chosen as artefacts in P5? • News articles from the past and/or present day • Books or Films • Collections of items e.g. photographs or stamps • Physical Objects

  10. SOCIAL STUDIES Portfolio StructureAn Example An Introduction, Transition and Conclusion can give you opportunities for Reflection too! INTRODUCTION ENTRY 1 TRANSITION FROM ENTRY 1 TO ENTRY 2 ENTRY 2 CONCLUSION

  11. Possible Structures for Portfolio Entry

  12. WHICH Social Studies concepts am I interested in? Your Portfolio Entries must be related to concepts and ideas which you learn about in Social Studies. Refer to the handout “Concepts and Generalisations” On the worksheet “Choosing a Portfolio Artefact – my own pathway”, list down ALL the concepts which you are interested in. Share with the classmate next to you WHY you are interested in these concepts.

  13. HOW and WHERE do I find an artefact to match my interest? • You can: • Search the Internet for articles • Search the Library for books / films • Find an object (or collection of objects) • Create an artefact if you cannot find anything suitable • Use your Creative Achievements Logbook (*only for Entry 2) • REMEMBER that your artefact must : • Have links to Social Studies concepts • Generate many thoughts, reactions and opinions for you

  14. Object-Based Study – Example 1 • A single Object can tell us a lot about its owner! • Look at your own pencil case. If someone were to examine it, they might be able to tell: • Who your favourite movie character is • That you are creative (many different colour pens) • That you like to be prepared (spare pencil lead and stapler bullets) • That you are a neat person (pens all face the same way) • Likewise, an Artefact can tell us a lot about past civilisations.

  15. Object-Based Study – Example 2 • One day, you find these two objects in the drawer of an old desk at home. • You have never seen them before and are not sure what they are.

  16. Object-Based Study – Example 2 ? • Both have moving parts but cannot move on their own. • You try to figure out what their purpose. Are they: • Toys? • Small machines? • Holiday souvenirs? • Eventually you figure out (with help from your parents) that they are older forms of INFORMATION STORAGE

  17. Object-Based Study – Example 2 • Using this cassette tape and floppy disk as your portfolio artefacts, you can reflect on: • Change and Continuity – how do these items compare to methods of storing information in ancient times, and to methods used in 2014? • Human Ingenuity – Why do we invent ways of storing information? What problems does it solve?

  18. Object-Based Study – Example 2 • Change and Continuity • Man has stored information on clay tablets, printed books, magnetic media, optical discs and now USB flash drives • Evidently the MATERIAL we use has changed, as well as the SPEED of making copies

  19. Object-Based Study – Example 2 • Change and Continuity • However, though they look very different, all these forms of storage are chosen for the same reasons • They are relatively DURABLE, CHEAP and PORTABLE

  20. Object-Based Study – Example 2 • Human Ingenuity • By finding ways to store and copy information, mankind no longer has to rely on speech and memory. Ideas can be preserved for many years. • This has allowed man to accumulate and improve on knowledge

  21. Object-Based Study – Example 2 You could also reflect on the process of figuring out the importance and use of a strange object from the past. What skills do archaeologists need? What difficulties might they face?

  22. Creating your own Artefact Important: Making your own artefact can be very time-consuming! If you wish to try this, do it for your second Entry. e.g. creating a poem, news article, poster, game, model or website Remember that you are graded according to the quality of your COMMENTARY and REFLECTIONS, not how good your artefact itself is.

  23. WHOM can I approach for help? My Teacher My Friends (for ideas) My Family, especially my elders (for interesting objects) REMEMBER that YOU should do the searching – do not make others do it for you!

  24. WHEN should I have my artefacts chosen by? <Teacher to advise on timeline>

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