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The Public Library Economic Value Study. Chaoping Li, Zhejiang University. 研究现状 Research status. 文献调研发现,至 2010 年,国外已开展的图书馆经济价值评估研究项目不低于 38 项; Found by literature research, more than 38 library evaluation studies had been developed overseas by 2010.
The Public Library Economic Value Study Chaoping Li, Zhejiang University
研究现状Research status • 文献调研发现,至2010年,国外已开展的图书馆经济价值评估研究项目不低于38项; • Found by literature research, more than 38 library evaluation studies had been developed overseas by 2010. • ALA的一份报告汇总了17个公共图书馆的经济价值评估项目; • A report by ALA summarized 17 assessment studies of public library economic value. • 国内对这一研究领域的关注始于2007年。 • In China, the interests in this research field started in 2007.
Mr. Jianzhong Wu calls for To make more people believe that library is a knowledge service institute with great benefit and high return.It is worthwhile for the government to invest on this public goods.
图书馆经济价值研究的两个纬度Two dimensions in the study of public library economic value 之一:图书馆成本效益评估 Library cost-benefit analysis 之二:图书馆经济影响力评估 Library economic impact evaluation
图书馆成本效益评估 Library cost-benefit analysis • 即通过比较图书馆的全部成本和效益来评估图书馆的价值 • Assessing library value by comparing cost with benefit. • Contingent valuation • Consumer surplus • Time cost method
图书馆经济影响力评估 Library economic impact valuation • 即图书馆的存在对地区经济将产生多大的影响,如对公共图书馆每投入1元,地区生产总值GDP将会相应增长多少,居民收入又会相应增长多少等等。 • To what extent can the library’s existence impact the region? E.g. How much GDP and income would increase for every one RMB spent by the public library?
基于投入产出模型的测算 The measurement based on input-output models • 投入:是指社会生产过程中对各种生产要素的消耗和使用。 • Input refers to the consumption and use of various production factors during the process of social production. • 产出:是指社会生产的成果被分配使用的去向。 • Output refers to the distribution flow of the social products. • “投入产出”的含义 • The meaning of input and output
基于投入产出模型的测算 The measurement based on input-output models 利用复式记账方法建立的投入产出关系表,用来揭示国民经济中各部门之间经济上的相互依存,相互制约的数量关系。 The Input-output table employs double-entry accounting system, and is used to reveal quantitatively the interdependencies between different branches of the national economy. • 投入产出表 • TheInput-output table
基于投入产出模型的测算 The measurement based on input-output models 根据投入产出表建立的模型称为投入产出模型,从数量上反映国民经济各部门之间生产与分配的关系。 The model based on the Input-output table is the Input-output model. It reveals quantitatively the producer and consumer relationship between different branches of the national economy. • 投入产出模型 • The Input-output model
案例:杭州图书馆经济价值研究Case: Hangzhou library economic value study • 之一:杭州图书馆成本效益评估 • HangzhouLibrary cost-benefit analysis • 之二:杭州图书馆经济影响力评估 • Hangzhou Library economic impact evaluation
杭州图书馆成本效益评估 HangzhouLibrary cost-benefit analysis 互为补充的两个方法 Two complementary methods 条件价值评估:对找不到相应的市场替代品的服务项目,用条件价值法进行测算。 Contingent evaluation: used when the market alternatives of library service cannot be found. 消费者剩余法:将图书馆服务的价值用市场替代品价值进行测算; Consumer surplus: measure the value of library service by estimating using the value of the market alternatives
成本效益评价结果 Result of cost-benefit analysis The total cost of Hangzhou library is 50,540,000 RMB in 2009. By prudent assessment, the total benefit attributed to it is 94,450,000,that means the cost-benefit ratio is 1:1.87.
杭州图书馆经济影响力评估 Hangzhou Library economic impact assessment 数据采集 Data collection 2011 数据采集 杭州图书馆总支出:4830万元 Hangzhou library made expenditures of 48,300,000 in fiscal 2011. 杭州图书馆读者在利用图书馆过程中的消费支出:问卷调查 The expenditure of Hangzhou library users during the process of using library:questionnaire
杭州图书馆经济影响力评估 Hangzhou Library economic impact assessment 投入产出模型中系数与乘数的计算 Calculating coefficient and multiplier in the Input-output model • 利用此表的理由: • 各部门数据无法获得; • 杭州市未发布投入产出表; • 未发布2011年的投入产出表 • Reasons of using this table: • Data for branches of national economy unavailable; • The Input-output table of Hangzhou City unavailable; • 2011 Input-output table of Zhejiang Province unavailable 《2011年浙江统计年鉴》中“浙江省2007年投入产出表” 2007 Input-output table from“Zhejiang Statistical Yearbook of 2011”
1 2 4 3 杭州图书馆可为浙江省带来33917(万元)的总产出影响 Hangzhou library brought an addition of 339,170,000 RMB output for Zhejiang province 杭州图书馆及其读者的支出带动了浙江省总共19848万元的GDP增长 The expenditure of Hangzhou library and its users increased the GDP of Zhejiang province by 198,480,000RMB. 杭州图书馆为浙江省居民收入贡献总共5646万元 Hangzhou library increased wages of Zhejiang residents by 56,460,000RMB 杭州图书馆为浙江省提供总共5771个就业机会 Hangzhou library increased the number of jobs in Zhejiang Province by 5771 over the period. 经济影响力评价结果(2011年) Result of economic impact evaluation(2011)
杭州图书馆经济影响力评估研究的不足 The limitations of Hangzhou library economic impact evaluation 模型的局限 The limitations of model • 本研究采用投入产出局部闭模型,作为一种静态的投入产出模型,忽略了经济过程中的一些约束,也未考虑经济过程中的要素变化,这导致了最终估算结果可能被夸大。 • This study uses partial closed input-output model. As a static input-output model, it neglected some constraints of economic process. Neither does it consider the change of elements during the economic process. This may cause the final result to be exaggerated.
杭州图书馆经济影响力评估研究的不足 The limitations of Hangzhou library economic impact valuation 模型的局限 The limitations of model • 投入产出测算的精确性取决于选择的投入产出表,由于投入产出表每五年更新一次,本研究中使用的投入产出表是浙江省2007年的投入产出表,建立的静态投入产出模型揭示的是2007年浙江省经济状况,这就使结论出现偏差。 • The accuracy of the input-output calculation depends on the input-output table selected. As the input-output table updates every five years, this study had to choose the input-out table of 2007, and the static model established reflects the economic state of Zhejiang province in the year of 2007, which leads to the deviation of the result.
杭州图书馆经济影响力评估研究的不足 The limitations of Hangzhou library economic impact valuation • 数据问题 • Data problem • 读者在利用杭州图书馆过程中的消费行为只能通过问卷获得,所获数据的准确性依赖于被调查者对问卷问题的理解,同时还需要被调查者仔细回忆一年中由图书馆引发的支出,问卷填写者模糊的记忆、错误的计算都会导致数据的偏差。 • The consumer behavior of the library user when using Hangzhou library can only be attained by questionnaire. The accuracy of the data depends on the respondent’s comprehension of the questionnaire. Moreover, it needs the respondent to carefully recall his expenditures caused by the library. Any dim memory and inaccurate calculation can lead to the deviation of the result.