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Segmented Worms

Segmented Worms. By : Nathaniel and Cal. What Does my Invertebrate look like? . Usually 12 inches Looks like pink slimy sticks Leaches are mostly black sea worms look like plants plants. my Invertebrates Habitat. ponds , dirt, and the ocean shore of an oceans

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Segmented Worms

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Segmented Worms By: Nathaniel and Cal

  2. What Does my Invertebrate look like? • Usually 12 inches • Looks like pink slimy sticks • Leaches are mostly black • sea worms look like plants plants

  3. my Invertebrates Habitat • ponds , dirt, and the ocean • shore of an oceans • leaches live in ponds

  4. Segmented Worms Food • most worms are herbivores • Earth worms eat rich soil • Leaches have a big sucker

  5. How Segmented Worms Protect them Self • poison pickers • smelly liquid • Somebite

  6. Fun Facts • Leaches have 2 suckers • Also called night crawlers • More than 9,000 species • How old it is, that how many segments it has • Baby worms are not born. They hatch from cocoons smaller than a grain of rice. • The biggest worm is 22 feet from tip too tail

  7. Any Questions?

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