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Receipt-freeness and c oercion-resistance: f ormal definitions and fault attacks St é phanie Delaune / Steve Kremer / Mark D. Ryan. Some desired properties of e-voting systems. Eligibility: only eligible voters can vote, and only once.
Receipt-freeness and coercion-resistance:formal definitions and fault attacksStéphanie Delaune / Steve Kremer / Mark D. Ryan
Some desired properties of e-voting systems • Eligibility: only eligible voters can vote, and only once. • Fairness: no voter can be influenced by votes already made. • Indiv. verif.: a voter can verify that her vote was counted. • Universal verifiability: a voter can verify that the published result is the tally of the votes cast. • Privacy: no-one can find out how a voter voted. • Receipt-freeness:Voter doesn’t get receipt for her vote. • Coercion-resistance:Voter cannot be blackmailed / bought. • Robustness: Voters cannot disrupt the election.Faulty behaviour tolerated. • Vote-and-go: Voters participate in one session.
Verification • Computing systems are usually programmed at the low level • involving, e.g., detail of messages sent between components, and participants • detail of specific encryption arrangements • But properties are expressed at a higher level of abstraction • they depend not on individual details, but on the system as a whole • Model checking:
Verification of FOO’92 A 3-phase protocol using commitments and blind signatures • [KR’05] formalises the voting protocol of Fujioka/Okamoto/Ohta 1992 • Using the Applied Pi Calculus • We verified eligibility, fairness, and privacy. • (What does that mean?) A language for describing concurrent and communicating processes, and their properties
Kinds of properties • Reachability properties: • The system can/cannot get into a certain state • e.g., a message will/won’t appear on a public channel • Observational equivalence properties: • two versions of the system cannot be distinguished by an observer who can see messages on public channels and perform arbitrary tests on the processes.
Some properties in strength-order • Privacy • no-one can find out how Alice voted. • Receipt-freeness • Alice doesn’t get a receipt (or any other by-product of the voting process); thusAlice cannot prove afterwards to a coercer how she voted • Receipt-freeness is like privacy, but even with Alice’s cooperation • Coercion-resistance • Alice cannot prove how she voted, even if interaction with the coercer is allowed during the voting process • Even stronger than receipt-freeness.
Formalising privacy • ?? No-one can find out how Alice voted • Actually too strong: e.g., if the vote was unanimous, then everyone knows how Alice voted • Even if not unanimous, a coalition consisting of all voters except Alice can tell how Alice voted. • If Alice and Bob were to swap votes, no-one would be able to tell • A situation in which Alice votes vote vA and Bob votes vB is indistinguishable by the attacker to one in which Alice votes vB and Bob votes vA.
Formalising receipt-freeness • Like privacy, but Alice cooperates by publishing her private key and any secrets (e.g. nonces) • Before the election: e.g. her private key • After the election: secrets she has learned during the election process • The coercer needs to be convinced that Alice is telling the truth • He needs to be able to verify the secrets • Suppose A(vC) is the process that votes vC and copies the voting interaction (messages received and sent) to the coercer. The protocol is receipt-free if exists A’ such that
Coercion-resistance • In this case, Alice interacts with the coercer (e.g. by mobile phone) during the election. • The coercer can participate in Alice’s vote: • She can tell him messages she receives during the process (although he might not believe her) • He can instruct her on what messages to send back (although she might not obey). • He might have independent means of verifying her reports and her actions
The voting booth Voting booth Voting system a c Published data Coercer
Interaction between the voter and the coercer • Let P be a process and c1, c2 be channels. The process Pc1,c2 is a process like P but which copies all messages it receives on c1 to c2, and accepts inputs on c2 for messages it sends on c1. Specifically, • Every in(c1,y) in P is replaced by in(c1,y); out(c2,y). • Every out(c1,m) in P is replaced by in(c2,x); out(c1,x) where x is a variable not occurring in P. • Every new n in P is replaced by new n; out(c2,n). • If A is Alice’s voting process, then Aa,c is theprocess in which Alice cooperates fully with the coercer.
Formalising coercion-resistance Rough idea: • Better: there exists a process A’ such that • If A’ votes then it votes vA • For all coercers C, there exists a vote v, such that • Consider the cases • Coercer’s vote is vA • Coercer’s vote is vC • Coercer sends garbage
Fault attack • The coercer could try to distinguish the two sides by sending incoherent messages to Alice. • On the left-hand side, C|A will block, so only B’s vote for vA will be observed. • On the right-hand side, A’ will still vote vA, so v and vA will be observed. • If successful, this is an attack on coercion resistance. • Might not be successful if A’ can detect the incoherence of the messages from C.
Simplified [LBDKYY’03] • Uses re-encryption and designated verifier proofs. • Re-encryption • Randomised encryption: {m}K contains “random coins” • Re-encryption: change the random coin • E.g., in El Gamal, the ciphertext (x,y) is changed to (xgr,yhr). • Designated verifier proofs • S can prove to A that, say, c is the encryption of m,but A cannot use this proof to convince someone else. • Technically this is achieved by givingA the ability to simulate transcripts of the proof
Simplified [LBDKYY’03] Alice Administrator Collector
Simplified [LBDKYY’03] • Fails coercion resistance, because coercer can • prepare a message meant to look like but actually garbage; • test whether Alice votes or not. • Fixable by encoding s.t. every message can be interpreted as a valid encryption of a valid vote.
Conclusions • A strong notion of coercion resistance is formalised • Coercer interacts with voter during election process • Can give her messages to use, including ones designed specifically to test her loyalty • No experience yet in proving protocols satisfy CR • Need to compare with computational notion of [JCJ05] [JCJ05] A. Juels, D.Catalano, M. Jakobsson. Coercion Resistant Electronic Elections. WPES, Nov 2005.