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The Battle of the Move to Alternative Energy in Germany Roskilde Follow-Up

The Battle of the Move to Alternative Energy in Germany Roskilde Follow-Up. MECINE-Network Delft Meeting 14.-16. Nov. 2012 Dr. Kai Masser German Research Institute for Public Administration / German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer kmassr@dhv-speyer.de.

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The Battle of the Move to Alternative Energy in Germany Roskilde Follow-Up

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  1. The Battle of the Move to Alternative Energy in GermanyRoskildeFollow-Up MECINE-Network Delft Meeting 14.-16. Nov. 2012 Dr. Kai Masser German Research Institute for Public Administration / German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer kmassr@dhv-speyer.de

  2. The political arena / Different players with different agendas/ goals Group A. (large parts of ) the federal government, (most) northern/eastern states, big energy utilities Group B. (most) southern/western states, municipalities, citizen co-ops Group C. (green) fundamentalists, citizen initiatives

  3. Strategic / Tactical Positions Group A. “Think big”. Huge plants, large grids. Preservation of old primary energy carriers (coal), Slow down of change. Otherwise: Blackouts (in winter) & an enormous rise in prices Group B. Acceleration of change. Decentralized / local solutions, mix of technologies. Smart grids. Local monetary benefits Group C. Energy saving instead of production. Preservation of each and every animal or “not in my backyard” (wind mills 3

  4. Battle Line Group A. Defense / Retreat, no central control over states (e.g. Bavaria, municipalities) Group B. Attack / Advance, financial/monetary incentives (profits): “this is a material world and i am a material girl” , grassroots movement, growth industry Group C. Guerilla / Resistance, ideological / theological / moralistic 4

  5. Evidence / ExamplesGroup A (Pilot Projects) Building up a large (north to south) grid framework, planning with citizens’ participation , residents can buy shares (obviously an adaptation to the grassroots movement) Stuttgart (EnBW, big supplying company, Conversion of Bio Gas to Natural Gas (Using the left-overs of the cities green wholesalers) Building up a smart grids in rural areas (counties) by RWE (big supplying company), Allowance of flexible local reaction to supply and demand 5

  6. Evidence / ExamplesGroup B (A Selection) K-Town County. Establishment of an Energy Company (wind & solar) by the county, the municipalities, the municipal works and the county savings bank Michelfeld/Schwäbich Hall / Mainhardt /Wüstenrot. Municipal energy companies, purchase of the local grids from EnBW A lot of energy co-ops by citizens (mostly solar panels) Municipal Works Speyer. Building wind parks in other areas Municipal Works. Producing corn and other crop in Ukraine (Uelzen) or by palm oil in southeast asia. With much discussion about Map of renewables in Baden-Württemberg http://www.bw-co2.de/eeg-bw/eegbw.php 6

  7. Statistical Datafrom BWB 8

  8. Conclusion The move to alternative energy is out of control. The energy sectoris changing much faster than planned, because everywhere new approaches appear “out of nothing” Biogas/Biomass seems to become an important storage medium It could be the hour of municipalities and municipal works. Together with the citizens there is to (re)gain control over the energy supply and distribution and improve the municipal budget (!) 9

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