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The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Multiple Measures for Teacher Evaluation Framework ==== Arnold A. Kummerow, Ph.D. Superintendent Phil Jankowski High School Principal Kurt Sutton Later Elementary Principal Patricia Paxton Elementary Teacher 2010 Michigan Milken Award Winner.

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The best way to predict the future is to create it.

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  1. Multiple Measures for Teacher Evaluation Framework ==== Arnold A. Kummerow, Ph.D. Superintendent Phil Jankowski High School Principal Kurt Sutton Later Elementary Principal Patricia Paxton Elementary Teacher 2010 Michigan Milken Award Winner The best way to predict the future is to create it. INNOVATION

  2. Philosophy of Evaluation • Help teachers improve • Make Good Teachers Great • Charlotte Danielson Model • Collaborative • Capacity Building • Data Driven • Student Achievement Centered

  3. Evaluation Committee • Representatives from each level • Initial block of four meetings • Became weekly meetings • Pilot individual parts • General Staff feedback • Iterative process

  4. Questions We Cannot Answer Yet… How will data be generated to evaluate the specials teachers or special ed. ? What is our merit pay framework? How will the data fairly represent the student body? (Special ed. in an elementary classroom, academy teachers, Algebra I students versus the AP Calc students, etc. ) There are many more, but we are working on it!

  5. Evaluation Matrix

  6. Evaluation Options • Non-tenured teachers will have formal administrator evaluations each year until receiving tenure. They may opt to participate in one of the optional practices. • Tenured teachers who are not in a focus (every third) year must participate in one of the optional practices by Dec. and April each year

  7. Evaluation Options • Tenured teachers who are in a focus year will be formally evaluated by an administrator, they must complete a portfolio (can be electronic or paper), and they can opt to participate in one of the optional practices without the December and/or April deadlines imposed.

  8. Data Component TOTAL 45% 45% 45%

  9. Data Component • NWEA Assessments • Aggregate Data by teacher • Nationally normed • 3-4 Times per year • Eventually factor in student growth

  10. Administrator Evaluation • Standard Lesson Observation • Based on Charlotte Danielson Domains • Pre and Post Conferences • Minimum Twice Yearly • Based on Danielson Model

  11. Danielson Model Domains • Planning and Preparation • Classroom Environment • Instruction • Professional Responsibilities

  12. Lesson Study • Identify areas of weakness on local and/or state level assessments • Department and/or grade level focus with lessons & activities • Links to Peer Coaching, Video Lessons

  13. Portfolio • Based on 4 Charlotte Danielson Domains • Review of Teaching Profession from top to bottom • Artifact approach • Consistent with NCA and School Improvement Models

  14. Action Research • Individual, Collaborative, or School-wide issues • Reflective monitoring of instructional practices

  15. Recorded Lessons • Recorded digitally • Reviewed by teacher who self-critiques first • Pertinent areas are shared with colleague or administration • Good lessons are archived for sharing with probationary teachers.

  16. Peer Coaching • Teacher Picks one Critical Colleague • Administrator Assigns a second person • 2-3 Observations per year • Release time of 2 days for each observer • Each teacher submits a reflection that details process and outcomes

  17. More on Peer Coaching • Rubrics will not be submitted to the principal- they are meant as a conversational guide • Staff professional development to help us switch into a coaching role

  18. Testimonials • Highly positive pilot results • Pam- Early Elementary • Miracle/Kathrine- Later Elementary • Cheryl/Robin- Middle School • Aric- High School

  19. Questions????

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