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GISC & DCPC developers meeting

GISC & DCPC developers meeting. E2EDM technology implementation for WIS GISC development. S. Sukhonosov, S. Belov. Langen, 29 – 31 March. NODC, Russia. History. VLIZ, Belgium. E2EDM was originated as one of the JCOMM/ETDMP pilot projects in 2003. MetOffice, UK. IFREMER, France.

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GISC & DCPC developers meeting

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  1. GISC & DCPC developers meeting E2EDM technology implementation for WIS GISC development S. Sukhonosov, S. Belov Langen, 29 – 31 March NODC, Russia

  2. History VLIZ, Belgium • E2EDM was originated as one of the JCOMM/ETDMP pilot projects in 2003 MetOffice,UK IFREMER, France NODC, Russia NODC, Russia

  3. Pilot project data sources The following data sources are involved in the E2EDM prototype • Historical marine meteorological data • Historical ocean cruise data • Real-time GTS ocean (BATHY and TESAC) data • Real-time GTS ocean (TESAC/ARGO data) • Real-time GTS (SHIP) data • Monthly climatic fields of ocean parameters (imageries) • Ocean SST satellite data Geographic area – North Atlantic (test-area) NODC, Russia

  4. Scope E2EDM provides following functionality: • Wrapping local data by means of E2EDM components • Mapping mechanisms (codes, structures) • Data search and retrieving from distributed data sources on user requests (real-time and scheduled) • Data obtaining and further processing, visualization and exchange E2EDM is integrating operational and delay-mode time scale data; across oceanographic and marine meteorological disciplines; from multiple data source formats and multiple data providers in different geographic regions. NODC, Russia

  5. Basis • Concept model • Namespace • Data exchange protocol NODC, Russia NODC, Russia

  6. E2EDM concept model • Providing formalization, identification, description and interpretation for model objects. Model is based on the following semantic objects: • Element • Class (set of elements) • Record (set of classes) • In terms of the model each technological object is described by means of listed semantic objects. E.g. object called “Resource” is record, which contains features – classes. Each resource record (or description) contains granularity structures for the source data, e.g. first level of granularity – platform, second level – date and time, third – measurements (sea surface temperature, water salinity, etc.). NODC, Russia NODC, Russia

  7. E2EDM namespace • Defines metadata and data structures. Within E2EDM consists of two sub-namespaces: global and conceptual (thematic). • Global namespace – structures for the model objects • Conceptual (thematic domain) namespace – list of thematic elements dealing with some discipline, e.g. meteorology, and available for discovery and exchange. • Both based on XML Schema. • Global XML Schema (ISO 19115 + WMO Core Metadata) • Concept XML Schema(DiGIR) NODC, Russia NODC, Russia NODC, Russia

  8. E2EDM data exchange protocol Data exchange protocol is responsible for searching and data retrieving. Request message (XML, DiGIR-protocol) Response message (XML, DiGIR-protocol) Transport data file (NetCDF) NODC, Russia NODC, Russia NODC, Russia NODC, Russia

  9. Request message example <request xmlns="http://digir.net/schema/protocol/2003/1.0" xmlns:e2edm="http://data.meteo.ru/digir/schema/conceptual/cruise" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://digir.net/schema/protocol/2003/1.0 http://digir.net/schema/protocol/2003/1.0/digir.xsd http://data.meteo.ru/digir/schema/conceptual/cruise http://data.meteo.ru/digir/schema/conceptual/cruise/pilot2cruise.xsd"> <header> <version>0.95</version> <sendTime>2005-08-03T14:47:52+03:00</sendTime> <source></source> <destination resource="RU_RIHMI_01">http://data.meteo.ru:80/digir/DiGIR.php</destination> <type>search</type> </header> <search> <filter> <and> <lessThanOrEquals> <e2edm:Latitude>78.54</e2edm:Latitude> </lessThanOrEquals> </and> </filter> <records limit="100" start="0"> <structure> <xsd:element name="record" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element ref="e2edm:dateTime"/> <xsd:element ref="e2edm:DEPH"/> <xsd:element ref="e2edm:TEMP"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </structure> </records> <count>false</count> </search> </request> NODC, Russia

  10. Response message example <responseWrapper> <response xmlns="http://digir.net/schema/protocol/2003/1.0"> <header> <sendTime>2005-09-29T15:35:17+04:00</sendTime> <source resource="RU_RIHMI_03"/> <type>search</type> </header> <content> <record> <E2ETransportSpecification> <transportFileURL>http://data.meteo.ru:8090/dpms/ncResults/1127993716743-result.nc</transportFileURL> </E2ETransportSpecification> <count>7</count> </record> </content> </response> </responseWrapper> NODC, Russia

  11. E2EDM prototype components • E2EDM prototype specifications -- structures, metadata/data formats, codes and other means of data unification from the local data systems • E2EDM Prototype software – E2EDM Data Provider system and E2EDM Integration Server NODC, Russia

  12. Diagram of prototype • Functionality: • Integration server • Data discovery (through resource catalog) • Monitoring of distributed data sources • Request/reply mechanism • Data distribution from the multiple data sources • Metadata synchronization • Data Provider • Request handling • Access to the local data source (DBMS, files) • Data extraction based on search criteria • Transport data file generation NODC, Russia

  13. General scheme User Interface layer (HTTP, Web-services) reply request Integration Server Transport data file Response message Request message Transport data file Data Provider Data Provider Data Provider NODC, Russia

  14. Integration Server user web-interface Resource catalogue Parameters Additional search options NODC, Russia

  15. Integration Server user web-interface (cont.) Search status NODC, Russia

  16. Integration Server user web-interface (cont.) Point data profile data grid data • E2EDM Web site http://data.meteo.ru/e2edm/ • E2EDM Integration Server - IODE Project Office (VLIZ) http://e2edm.vliz.be - RIHMI-WDC (mirror) http://data.meteo.ru:8080/iserv/ NODC, Russia

  17. Current status • Released technical specification document • Builded software framework using SOA • Extended community of national Data Providers • Solved performance problems (e.g. response time) • Implemented caching mechanism • Defined user policy NODC, Russia

  18. Future… • It is important to develop administrative services for component management and maintenance • To build up predefined queries, push/pull and notification mechanisms • System metadata mapping into WMO Core Metadata Profile • To develop web-services in order to improve compatibility with other systems NODC, Russia

  19. Thank you! Questions? NODC, Russia

  20. NODC, Russia

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