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Structure Functions at HERA. Stefan Schlenstedt DESY Zeuthen. Introduction The “transition region” of low Q 2 and x F 2 at medium Q 2 : F 2 slopes, QCD fits F L F 2 charm Large Q 2 NC/CC cross sections Summary and perspectives. Workshop on
Structure Functions at HERA Stefan Schlenstedt DESY Zeuthen • Introduction • The “transition region” of low Q2 and x • F2 at medium Q2: F2 slopes, QCD fits • FL • F2charm • Large Q2 NC/CC cross sections • Summary and perspectives Workshop on Exclusive and Semiexclusive Processes, JLab, 20/5/99
1994-97 e+ (27.5 GeV) p (820 GeV) e- (27.5 GeV) p (920 GeV) 1998-99 e(k) e'(k') 2 Q g *(q) 2 W xP p(P) Introduction (equivalent to 47-50 TeV fixed target energy) S = (k+P)2, = energy in the ep c.m.s. Q2 = -(k-k')2 = -q2 =virtuality of the exchanged X = Q2/(2P•Q)=fraction of proton momentum carried by the struck quark y = (P•q)/(P•k) =fraction of beam lepton energy transferred to the photon W2 = ys = energy in the *p c.m.s. Q2 = xys SemiExclusive Workshop
HERA Kinematic Range • HERA has unique “depth of field” on the proton structure: • Q2 from ~ 0.04 GeV2 to ~ 105 GeV2 • x down to 10-6 • extension by two orders of magnitude both in x and Q2 SemiExclusive Workshop
F2 Measurement at HERA Explore new kinematic regions: where does the Standard Model break down? High Q2 F2: Higher and higher precision measurement over a wide kinematic range Low Q2 Study the transition from Photoproduction (Q2 0) to DIS (Q2 > few GeV2): where does pQCD begin to dominate? • We have to precisely measure F2 to • get handle on QCD evolution and • constrain PDF’s SemiExclusive Workshop
Lumi good for physics 1994-99 HERA Luminosity Luminosity available for physics (ZEUS): 1994-97 48 pb-1 e+p s = 300 GeV 1998-99 16 pb-1 e–p s = 320 GeV + running July 99-April 00 EW physics at HERA just starting... SemiExclusive Workshop
for not too large y The ep Neutral Current Cross Section (QED radiative corrections have been neglected) where: quark densities relevant for Q2 MZ02 At low Q2, Ai are the quark electric charges SemiExclusive Workshop
High precision p structure at low x-Q2 • In 1997 ZEUS installed a silicon tracker (BPT) • in front of a calorimeter (BPC) to improve the • detection of positrons at small scattered angles • The BPC/T allows F2 (or ) to be measured • with high precision in the range: • 0.045 < Q2 < 0.65 GeV2 • 6 ·10-7 < x < 1·10-3 • 3.9 pb-1 collected in 6 weeks during 1997 • geometrical acceptance 4-14% depending on the (x,Q2) bin • Typical error: 2.6% (stat) 3.3% (syst) SemiExclusive Workshop
High precision p structure at low x-Q2 F2 values at lowest ever x-Q2: w.r.t. previous measurements: - extension of kinematic range - higher precision SemiExclusive Workshop
High precision p structure at low x-Q2 Regge models provide a good description of the transition region SemiExclusive Workshop
2 m g g s = s * p 2 2 p 2 0 ( W , Q ) ( W ) tot tot + 2 2 m Q 0 Extrapolation to Photoproduction stotg*p = 42a/Q2 F2 By assuming Q2 dependence of of GVDM: can extrapolate data to compare with real photoproduction cross-section stotgp (Q2 = 0): SemiExclusive Workshop
Extrapolation to Photoproduction • W2 dependence of stotgp à la Regge: • stotgp(W2) = ARW 2(aR-1) + APW 2(aP-1) • Results (aR = 0.5, free parameters: AR, AP, aP ) • Fit 1: aP = 1.087 0.004(stat) 0.008(syst) • Fit 2: aP = 1.105 0.001(stat) 0.007(syst) SemiExclusive Workshop
F2 at Medium Q2: Precision Data • Recent data made measurement of F2 possible with • improved precision due to higher event statistics and • the new backward silicon tracker in H1: • typical errors 1% (stat) and 3-4% (syst) • approaching fixed target experiments! • Syst. error dominant up to Q2 1000 GeV2 Q2 = 15 GeV2 • Strong rise of F2 at HERA regime • (q(x) F2/x quark density is zooming up) • Good agreement between H1 and ZEUS SemiExclusive Workshop
Overview of F2 Measurements Scaling violation by gluons Bjorken scaling • NLO DGLAP gives good description of the • HERA, NMC and BCDMS data • Scaling violations well interpreted by QCD SemiExclusive Workshop
Slopes of F2 x-slope small at small Q2, then increases Fit F2= const · x-leff at small x SemiExclusive Workshop
Fit to F2 x-leff vs. Q2 at small x This is in relation with the W2e dependence of cross sections, since 1/x ~ W2 at small x, leff e = apom(0) - 1 Soft pomeron: leff 0.08 LO BKFL: leff 0.5 NLO BFKL: leff ??? • Smooth rise of the slope parameter leff - • larger than Regge models even at low Q2 • F2 is rising sea is rising. • What about gluons? SemiExclusive Workshop
dF2(x,Q2)/dlnQ2 At small x, quark pair creation from gluons dominates scaling violations dF2(x,Q2)/dlnQ2 const · xg(x,Q2) Logarithmic slope dF2/dlnQ2 derived from data fitting: F2 = a + b ·ln Q2 in bins of fixed x Different behaviour at similar Q2 but smaller x - turning over of gluon distribution at small x? SemiExclusive Workshop
ZEUS 1995 QCD Fit to F2 • ZEUS DGLAP NLO fit: • Gluon (xg), Sea quark (xS) and u - d difference (xDud) • parameterised as: A·xd ·(1-x)h · polynomial in x • Input u,d valence distributions from MRS(R2) • Apply momentum sum rule • Inner error bands: • exp. Errors on as, mc and • strange quark content DKs • Outer error bands: • variation of Q02 and • xg(x) parameterised with • Chebycheff polinomials. Strong rise of gluon density at large Q2 but consistent with zero at Q2 = 1 GeV2 SemiExclusive Workshop
ZEUS 1995 QCD Fit to F2 : Gluon and Singlet • At Q2 = 1 GeV2, Sea is still rising but Gluon at • small x is compatible with zero • Uncertainty for gluon at lowest x,Q2 is large • Although error band goes negative (possible in NLO backward evolution): • FL and F2charm stay positive • the fit can be extended down to Q2 = 0.4 GeV2 without deteriorating its quality • NLO DGLAP does not break down before the formalism becomes suspect SemiExclusive Workshop
ZEUS bpt (red square) F2(x,Q2) vs. = log(x0/x)·log(1+Q2/Q02) Phenomenological investigation by D. Haidt: in the HERA domain with x < 0.001 (Sea region) F2 has a simple form in the empirical variable = log(x0/x) ·log(1+Q2/Q02) where x0 = 0.04 and Q02 = 0.5 GeV2 • F2(x,Q2) F2() • Linearity: F2() = const · • Representation valid in perturbative and • non-perturbative regions of Q2 • consistent with MRST for Q2 > 1.25 GeV2 SemiExclusive Workshop
Extraction of FL DIS cross section: (for Q2 << MZ2 and neglecting radiative corrections) Reduced cross section: H1 uses the “Subtraction method”: access to FL from high y cross sections using assumption on F2 by extrapolation of DGLAP fit from low y SemiExclusive Workshop
Extraction of FL • F2QCD is the H1 QCD NLO preliminary fit for y < 0.35 • extrapolate the fit results to high y • FL =[1+(1-y)2]/y2 ·(F2QCD - sr) SemiExclusive Workshop
Extraction of FL FL = FLQCD Extracted FL consistent with pQCD (yellow band) - at highest y systematically higher Cross check and extension towards low Q2 done by another method (indicated by star in the figure). SemiExclusive Workshop
F2charm from D*, D0 in DIS Charm cross section in DIS is expected to be dominated by Boson-Gluon-Fusion • Measurement of visible D*, D0 cross section, • extrapolation outside kinematic region in pT, h • extract F2charm: Very effective test of QCD: F2charm calculable from pQCD knowing xg(x) Direct measurement of F2charm SemiExclusive Workshop
pQCD DGLAP fit F2charm from D*, D0 in DIS • Steep rise of F2charm as we go to lower x • Indication that BGF is the dominant • mechanism for charm production at HERA SemiExclusive Workshop
F2charm/F2 vs. x in Q2 bins • F2charm rises more rapidly than F2 • dominated by gluon contribution, • while F2 has also quarks • F2charm is 25% of F2 at low x and high Q2 SemiExclusive Workshop
e e' g*,Z0 q p p remnant High Q2 Neutral Currents Handle on xF3 is given by the sign due to the different charge of the lepton beam. Need luminosity with e– beams to access xF3 SemiExclusive Workshop
High Q2 Neutral Currents : dse+p/dQ2 • dse+p/dQ2 falls over 7 orders of magnitude • NLO QCD fit to low Q2 data (Q2 < 120 GeV2) • works well for high Q2 triumph of QCD! • Larger luminosity needed to constrain PDFs • Slight excess at Q2 > 15000 GeV2 remains SemiExclusive Workshop
( 5pb-1 taken in 98/99) High Q2 Neutral Currents: e+ vs. e- For Q2 > 3000 GeV2 all e–p measurements are above e+p, in agreement with SM gZ interference SemiExclusive Workshop
e n W q’ q p p remnant High Q2 Charged Currents • probe valence u,d quarks at large x and Q2 • dsCC/dQ2 shape is sensitive to propagator mass SemiExclusive Workshop
High Q2 Charged Currents: dse+p/dx • Reasonable agreement between SM and data • At high x data systematically above SM (CTEQ4) • Need for Bodek & Yang like treatment of d/u ratio • (d/u = 0.2 for x 1) SemiExclusive Workshop
MW from dsCC/dQ2 • Unconstrained fitto dCC/dQ2: • measurement of the mass of spacelike W • complementary to e+e- and pp timelike measurements. • Preliminary results: • no evidence for anomalous space-like EW sector. • Use Standard Model relation: Exploiting correlation between shape and normalization in a model dependent fit. • A sensitive electroweak consistency check! • (PDG: MW = 80.41 ± 0.10 GeV) ZEUS H1 Extract MWat MH= 100 GeV, MT= 175 GeV: Preliminary Note: the above is not a measurement, but indicates the sensitivity of the CC cross section to MW assuming the Standard Model. SemiExclusive Workshop
MW from dsCC/dQ2 GF[GeV-2] 1 s contour of 2 distrib. ZEUS model dependent fit MW[GeV] GF depends very strongly on MW sensitivity to MW within the Standard Model SemiExclusive Workshop
High Q2 Charged Currents: e+ vs. e- (1998-99 data) (1994-97 data) e-p data an order of magnitude above e+p, since se-p (u+c) while se+p (1-y)2 ·(d+s) probing different quark flavours SemiExclusive Workshop
NC and CC e–p Cross Sections 1998+99 data! Unification of charged and neutral currents! SemiExclusive Workshop
Summary and Perspectives • Small Q2: • F2 data at lowest ever x-Q2 can be described • by Regge parameterisations • Medium Q2: • precision approaching fixed target data • NLO DGLAP pQCD fit ok down to Q2 1 GeV2 • F2 rise at small x,Q2 seems driven by Sea quarks • F2charm grows up to 25% of F2 • Large Q2: • NC - triumph of QCD: NLO fit extrapolation ok • - need more lumi to constrain PDFs • CC - need for Bodek &Yang d/u ratio for x 1 • - spacelike-W mass consistent with timelike • Unification of Neutral & Charged currents measured • Perspectives: • FL: direct measurement needs dedicated runs • xF3: needs more e- data • High Q2: HERA high luminosity programme: • deliver 1 fb-1 2001 2005 SemiExclusive Workshop