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This meeting will discuss the current MEIC baseline injector, the IUCF Cooler-Injector-Synchrotron (CIS), with the aim of improving its performance and identifying if it is suitable for MEIC.
Cooler Injector Synchrotron (CIS)at IUCF V.S. Morozov MEIC Collaboration Meeting March 30-31, 2015
Current MEIC baseline injector Single 285 MeV 220 s pulse of 2.751012 H- with low emittance IUCF Cooler Ring injector complex Introduction QWR QWR HWR RFQ 4 cryostats 2 10 cryostats Ion Sources IH 2 cryos 10 cryos 4 cryos MEBT Optimum stripping energy: 13 MeV/u
Put things in perspective Get a feeling for parameter scales Compare CIS parameters to MEIC requirements Try to identify what the limitations are See if the performance can be improved Try to decide whether CIS or a similar system may be suitable for MEIC Hardware may be available Learn from operational experience Literature, particularly, X. Kang’s thesis and papers by D.L. Friesel et al. Personal experience limited because there seemed to be no issues Request input from the audience on heavy ions Main Goals
Wide range of research: fundamental, material and medical science New injector complex replaced the 15 and 200 MeV cyclotron chain Improve experimental luminosity Simplify the injection process to increase the experimental duty factor Modest budget from NSF and IU of $3.5M in 1994 New Linac, RF cavity, and ring magnetic, diagnostic and extraction systems Surplus ion source, injection and extraction beam lines, and vacuum system Indiana University Cyclotron Facility
0.5 mA (peak) unpolarized duoplasmatron source later replaced by high-intensity (>1 mA peak) Cooler Injector Polarized IOn Source (CIPIOS) Commercial 7 MeV 425 MHz H-/D- linac 3 MeV RFQ with replaceable vanes to accelerate D- to 4 MeV 4 MeV DTL Debuncher rotating longitudinal phase space to reduce momentum spread 200 s 300 A (peak) 7 MeV H- beam pulse at 4 Hz with 1 m normalized emittance and 150 keV FWHM energy spread Pre-Accelerator
Compact 17.36 m 2.4 Tm ring with four-fold symmetry One of the smallest and least expensive accelerators of this type Four 2 m 90 dipoles Four 2.34 m straights housing Trim quadrupoles Tune and transition energy control Strip injection equipment Fast extraction equipment RF cavity Five vertical correctors (four dipoletrim coils for horizontal steering) Diagnostics x/y BPM pair at the entrance and exit of each dipole Large bandwidth wall gap monitor Ping tune kicker Removable wire Harp CIS Ring
Weak-focusing synchrotron Optics control Dipole-straight length ratio Dipole edge angles Trim quadrupoles CIS Lattice
Working point chosen by adjusting dipole length and edge angles to avoid beam and spin resonances Trim quadrupoles can be used to control the betatron tunes Tune Diagram
Nominal transition energy is 256 MeV Trim quadrupoles provide the possibility of imaginary transition energy Transition Energy
Fabricated from 1.5 mm modified 1006 steel laminations pre-coated with a B-stage epoxy resin (Remisol EB-540) ~4-6 m resin layer serves as an insulator and bonding agent Sufficient to overcome the eddy currents at up to 5 Hz cycling rate Each dipole is made of 5 wedge-shaped and 2 endpack modules Each module individually stacked, baked and machined The modules mounted on a precision base plate assembly Pole ends shaped to minimize the integrated sextupole component Main Dipoles
Nominal natural chromaticities are low and do not require compensation The main sources of nonlinearity are sextupole fields Sextupole component of the dipole field Minimized by endpack design Sextupole component due to the eddy currents in the vacuum chamber wall Compensation using correcting coils Limiting the ramp rate Nonlinear Effects
Correcting coils around the vacuum chamber inside the dipole Correct the nonlinear field at the source Residual dipole field compensated using main dipole trim coils Compensation of Sextupole Component
Frequency change from 1.3 to 10.1 MHz when accelerating from 7 to 200 MeV at h = 1 Support accelerator cycle rates of up to 5 Hz Non-uniform ferrite biasing: external magnetic field changes effective ferrite permeability Wide tuning range Small size RF Cavity
200 s 300 A (peak) H- beam strip injected using 6 mm 25 mm 4.5 gm/cm2 carbon foil ~400 turns at 0.48 s revolution period Three DC chicane dipoles produce a closed orbit bump near the foil and two bumper magnets kick the beam onto the foil during injection Intensity gain of ~80 achieved (~81010 accumulated protons) Factors limiting the intensity Scattering in the foil Scattering on the residual gas of 10-7 Torr Slow fall time of ~200 s of the bumper magnets Strip Injection
Beam adiabatically captured by ramping the RF cavity to 250 V in 2 ms Acceleration starts within a few s of RF capture By the start of acceleration, due to short lifetime, stored beam reduced to < 21010 protons Well below space charge limit of ~ 21010 protons Beam accelerated to 50-240 MeV in 0.5 s Dipole current and RF cavity frequency ramped using 96-step waveforms No beam position feedback Bunching factor varies from 3 at injection to about 5 at 225 MeV ~75% ramp transmission efficiency with a flattop intensity of ~1.11010 All losses occur in the first 200 ms of the ramp due to gas scattering Acceleration
Bumper magnets and dipole trim coils used to locally bump the beam away from septum by -7 mm during acceleration and close to septum by +17 mm for extraction 1.3 m parallel-plate Blumlein kicker magnet supplies a 55 kV 300 ns voltage pulse across a 4 cm gap with a rise time of about 35 ns 20 mm beam displacement at the Lambertson septum entrance 1.11010 out of 1.31010 protons have been extracted at 200 MeV (85% efficiency) Extracted beam has emittance of ~10 m and momentum spread of about 210-3 Injection efficiency into the Cooler Ring of ~50% for both stacking and bucket to bucket transfer probably due to large emittance Fast Extraction
With the demonstrated parameters of 1 Hz repetition rate and 1010 particles per pulse, assuming no injection losses, it would take about 4 and a half minutes to fill the MEIC booster, which is probably not practical On the other hand, assuming a 5 Hz ramp rate and an intensity closer to the space charge limit of 51010 particles per pulse, filling the booster would take 11 s, which may be reasonable as long as this is a small fraction of the complete collider cycle Factors limiting the intensity Vacuum pressure Strip injection parameters, particularly, slow bumper fall time Low RF cavity voltage RFQ performance (from private communication with S.Y. Lee) Possibly beam dynamics (need to look carefully at sextupole resonances) Need to think how to deal with heavy ions Conclusions