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The Dichotomy of Safety and Security – A Review. By Captain Alex DeSilva Divisional Vice President Safety, Security & Environment. Symposium Topics. Cabin Safety Security. Should Safety & Security be Separate? - Impact of 911. What happened to Flight Deck/Cabin Relationship?.
The Dichotomy of Safety and Security – A Review By Captain Alex DeSilvaDivisional Vice PresidentSafety, Security & Environment
Symposium Topics • Cabin Safety • Security
Should Safety & Security be Separate? - Impact of 911
What happened to Flight Deck/Cabin Relationship?
Look at your Symposium programme…(Forgive my English spelling!!!) Do you see how we ‘compartmentalise’ safety, health and security?
The Safety Compartment • Safety, health and security are often seen as stand-alone items… Why? • This is how it is taught. • My airline has a ‘Safety & Security’ department. • This is a ‘Cabin Safety’ Symposium.
THREAT AND ERROR MANAGEMENT • Health and Security are not just ‘vertical’ issues – they are also lateral. They should spread across the organisation as well as up and down. • If we compartmentalise ‘Safety’ employees will also do this. • It will affect their ‘free thought’ processes - and make them rigid. • Today’s Safety & Security threats require thinking employees…
Ear drops for the R ear • A physician ordered ear drops to be administered to the right ear of a patient suffering pain and infection there.
Ear drops for the R ear • Instead of writing out completely the location ‘Right ear’ on the prescription, the doctor abbreviated it so that the instructions read, “Place in R ear”
Ear drops for the R ear! • Upon receiving the prescription, the duty nurse promptly put the required number of ear drops into the patient’s “rear”.
But we don’t naturally think rigidly • We all have the capacity to make sense of complexity. • And I’ll demonstrate this to as you read the following slide…
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porsbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
Uncompartmentalised Safety • Employees need freedom to use their minds - as you have just used yours... • Then, if the Safety threat is scrambled and unclear (as it often is!) the ‘uncompartmentalised’ mind can still make sense of it - and react favourably.
Safety & Security – it’s the business!So… • We should not look at safety as a ‘stand alone’. • We really need to look at cabin safety as part of the overall safety culture of an organisation. • The CEO must be ultimately responsible - and this will never happen if airlines view cabin issues outside the business environment.
LINE OPERATIONS SAFETY AUDIT (LOSA) • Health Check • Using Trained Observers
LOSA FOR RAMP & CABIN • Anecdotal evidence into Fact • Justify Additional Spending
GROUND/RAMP ACCIDENTS • Many different employee groups • (including Flight/Cabin Crew)
SIA’s Fus³ion Course • Safety • Security • Service
IATA OPERATIONS SAFETY AUDIT (IOSA) • Covers safety aspects of all operational areas • Meets FAA Code-Share Needs
The message AGAIN… • EMBED Safety and Health and Security… within your own self… within your work and within your organisation. • Remember - procedures are good - but vertical. • So think laterally to defend the gaps!