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Space European Network For Business Studies and Languages Website: http://www.space-eu.info Digital platform Dokeos : h

Space European Network For Business Studies and Languages Website: http://www.space-eu.info Digital platform Dokeos : http://space.hogent.be /. Main Objectives. To promote and develop a spirit and a commitment for quality in teaching and research in HE.

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Space European Network For Business Studies and Languages Website: http://www.space-eu.info Digital platform Dokeos : h

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  1. Space European Network For Business Studies and LanguagesWebsite:http://www.space-eu.info Digital platform Dokeos:http://space.hogent.be/

  2. Main Objectives • To promote and develop a spirit and a commitment for quality in teaching and research in HE. • To develop links with the business community. • To increase the professional skills of students of HEIs in areas such as: • Business and Administration • Social and behavioral science • Humanities • Personal services

  3. Specific objectives • Formulating common standards and organizing common examinations • Awarding common European diplomas • Organizing work placement • Promoting student and staff mobility • Stimulating networking • Developing online courses and forums • Supporting joint submission of projects • Encouraging research along the lines of the Bologna agreement

  4. SPACE Structure SPACE has three management bodies: • The Board • The Councilcountry representation & Board - 1 vote per country • The Annual General Meeting (AGM)representing all members - one vote per member institution

  5. SPACE Committees Eurobusiness Eurolanguages Hospitality & Tourism Management Marketing- Communication ICTC (Information & Communication Technology Consultancy Mobility Joint Degrees ERA (European Research Area) Online Development

  6. EurobusinessEurolanguagesHospitality and Tourism Management (HTM) • Organisation of the specific diploma: • course contents • subjects • exams • examination board

  7. Mobility • supporting mobility projects between members (students and staff) • examples of best practice • information on new Socrates funded programmes • supporting internships (special internships for HTM students through our partner in the USA)

  8. ICTC (Information and Communication Technology Consultancy) • Management of the SPACE electronic platform (Dokeos) • Organisation of hand-on sessions • ICT coordination between the committees

  9. Online Development • Development of new courses and projects • Training programmes for members on how to use the e-learning courses: • European Studies • Intercultural Communication Studies (Undergraduate and Postgraduate Course) • International Strategic Management • In development:  Media Sociology and Communication in a European Perspective • In development: Intercultural Training: Interactive ICT Tools for Entrepreneurs

  10. ERA (European Research Area) • Developing a sense for applied research in line with the Bologna agreement • Developing research projects • Managing the review process for the SPACE Conference • Publishing the SPACE yearly applied research Journal

  11. Joint Degrees • Developing joint programmes with member institutions of different countries • Sharing knowledge about joint programmes • in development: European Master of Professional Communication

  12. Marketing Communication • Scope:All possible subjects, issues and points of view related to MC. • Goals: • Creation of a platform for teachers • To share and update their knowledge about MC • e.g. through courses, presentations, case-studies, new aspects/innovations, links …

  13. SPACE Exams SPACE organises the following European exams: • Eurobusiness • Eurolanguages • Eurotourism How to use the EBD?

  14. The EBD Handbook Everything at your fingertips: • Schedule 2011 • Form: List of Participants • Form: Final Report Form • Examiner’s Checklist • Advice for Students and Lecturers • Course and Diploma Document 2010-2011

  15. Exam Structure • 1. ”Day at the Office” • 2. Business Dialogue • 3. Elective subjects

  16. Day at the Office • Valuable competences: • Ability to work independently • Critical analysis • Ability to use many disciplines at the same time • International approach

  17. The Business Dialogue • Based on the written exam • Businesslike dialogue • Presentation skills • English skills • International skills • General business skills

  18. Take Electives/optionals • Report - min 15 pages • Academic quality • Analytical approach • Realistic business problem solved • Supplement your ELD or ETD • Oral exam - one per elective

  19. Core Subjects • Business English • International Marketing • Business Economics • International Economics • Organisation and Planning

  20. Electives • Business Germanor French orSpanish • Strategic Management • EU Studies/ ICC Studies • Customer Relations Management • Hospitality & Service Management • International Business Law • Marketing Communication • Logistics & Transport • Human Research Management • and more

  21. Online Courses • If name and e-mail are registered students have access to Dokeos for: • European Studies • Intercultural Communication • The list of assignments is available both for students and teachers • The tasks may be performed individually (4 page synopsis) or in a group (3 students -12 page synopsis)

  22. Exam Procedure • Registration is important! • The candidates receive the case study 48 hours in advance. The case is drafted in English. • Students can search on the internet, look for information in dictionaries, read company reports, articles on the economy, etc.

  23. Why take a European SPACE diploma? • Excellent proof of international competences and interdisciplinary skills • Backed by 80 European institutions active in internationalisation • Flexible learning process • Valuable on its own - or as extra diploma • International career opportunities • “Added value” when applying for a job.

  24. Validation • The 3 SPACE European Diplomas are not the work of a single government - but internationally established and recognised by more than 90 SPACE institutions in 28 countries

  25. Level Evaluation Committee (LEC) The LEC Board • Compares the exam levels very carefully • Ensures the uniform level of marking • Does not check the optional subjects • Can advise to lower or upgrade the marks if necessary The local examiner is responsible to the LEC

  26. TWO BEST STUDENTS • The 2 best European students in the 3 areas get an award: • 200 euros for the best student • 100 euros for the second best student • As well as a special SPACE certificate

  27. International Meetings SPACE organises 2 annual meetings: • The Annual Plenary Meeting and Conference (in Spring):official matters to be voted – submission of papers - peer-reviewed research forum • The Autumn Meeting:emphasis on committee working for assessment and development of new ideas NETWORKING & LEARNING BY SHARING!!!

  28. Next Venues • 22nd SPACE Annual General Meeting and Conference 201127 - 30 April 2011 hosted by LessiusMechelen UC, Belgium • 22nd SPACE Autumn Meeting12 - 15 October 2011 hosted by ISCAP, Portugal

  29. 22nd SPACE Conference 2011 Main theme: "Learning by sharing: Strengthen the links between higher education, applied research, and practice“ Tracks Track 1: Collaborative approaches to knowledge building to encourage practice in education Track 2: The role of (faculty) staff in promoting practice in education Track 3: Multilingualism in modern business and education Track 4: Effectiveness of real-life working concepts in HE

  30. For more details and further information: www.space-eu.inforekr@tietgen.dk THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

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