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RAMS ANNOUNCEMENTS!!. Weekly Bulletin. “We can change our lives . We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish .” -Tony Robbins. Word of the Week . Fairness - Just and equitable treatment of self and others. . SENIORS!!!!!. PSHS. Student of Excellence.
Weekly Bulletin “We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish.” -Tony Robbins
Word of the Week Fairness - Just and equitable treatment of self and others.
Student of Excellence Seniors if you are interested in applying for the Student of Excellence award please come by Ms. Karen’s office to pick up an application. Applications are due back to Ms. Karen by November 12.
SENIOR TRIP The Senior Trip to Florida will be May 2-5, 2013. The total amount for the trip is $390.00 (payments can be made). The first deposit is $50.00 due by November 1, 2012. See Ms. Dee in Guidance for more information.
Selective Service • If you are a man ages 18-25 and living in the US, then you must register with Selective Service. According to law a man must register with Selective Service within 30 days of his 18th birthday. • Register at any Post Office or online at http://www.ss.gov
The Voice of Democracy Program Students in grades 9-12 can compete in The Voice of Democracy Program by writing and recording a broadcast script on an annual patriotic theme. Students that are interested in applying for this scholarship see Ms. Karen or Ms. Kathy in Guidance for the application. The deadline is October 22, 2012.
The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards Program recognizes high school youth grades 9-12 solely on the basis of volunteer work in their communities after September 1st, 2011. School Nomination is required. Students interested in applying for this scholarship see Ms. Karen or Ms. Kathy in Guidance. The deadline is October 30, 2012.
Scholarship Websites -Scholarships.com-Fastweb.com-Zinch.com-Studentscholarshp.com-CFNC.org Website for college information and financial aid.-College online database at http://www.onlineschools.org/guides/north-carolina/
Education Matters $5K Scholarship • U.S. students 13 years of age or older. • Respond (250 words max): What would you say to someone who thinks education doesn’t matter, or that college is a waste of time and money? • Apply at: http://www.scholarshipexperts.com/apply.htx • Deadline is October 31.
Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship • U.S. students 13 years of age or older. • Respond(250 words max): Use your brain to flesh out a plan to avoid the Zombies, including where you would hide and the top 5 things you would bring with you to stay alive. • Apply at: http://www.scholarshipexperts.com/apply.htx • Deadline is November 30.
U.S. students 13 years of age or older. • Respond(250 words max): “Create a Top Ten List of the top ten reasons you should get this scholarship.” • Apply at: http://www.scholarshipexperts.com/apply.htx • Deadline is December 31 Top Ten List Scholarship
ScholarshipExperts.com • This is a freescholarship matching service with a database of over 2.4 million scholarships worth over $14 billion. Our full-time staff of researchers updates and adds scholarship awards daily. If you have not done so already, please consider placing a website link to ScholarshipExperts.com on your website as afree scholarship resource for your students. • If you would prefer an electronic version of the above listing for use in communications simply,contact us(christiana@wisechoice.com or 904-483-2943) and we will be happy to email a copy to you. • From The ScholarshipExperts.com Team
SENIORS Scholarship sheet # 1 is available in guidance. –Please see Ms. Kathy for details, it is also online.
SAT & ACT Announcement (fee waivers) • Seniors and Juniors: If you eat free or reduced lunch you may be eligible for a fee waiver for the SAT Test and College Applications. See your Guidance Counselor for information.
SAT ANNOUNCEMENT Attention to anyone who is scheduled to take the SAT in October or November!!!! -An admission ticket and acceptable ID are required -Bring your own calculator, no calculator will be provided. -Your ID cannot be expired -Stand-by and walk-in are not longer permitted -No admission ticket, No admittance, No exceptions!
ACT\SAT Word Of The Day • paucity (noun) • A lack of knowing something. • EX. The town’s single women bemoaned the paucity of eligible men.
ACT Question Of The Day • If 3z^2+2w=12 and z^2+w=5, what is one possible value of z^2? A. 10 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 E. 4
ACT Answer • The answer is ) 2. You are asked to calculate the value for z^2, so you can just treat z^2 as a variable. One easy solution is to multiply the second equation by 2 and subtract it from the first equation. You should get: z^2. • GOOD JOB!!!!!
SAT Question Of The Day m A B C D Which of the following statements must be true of the lengths of the segments on line m above? AB+ CD=AD AB+BC=AD-CD AC-AB=AD-CD I only II only III only I & II only I, II and III
SAT Answer • Choice B is correct. -II only • Statement II is the ONLY one that is true.
Science and Engineering Fair • The North Carolina Region 4 Science & Engineering Fair will be held at UNCP on Saturday February 16, 2013. • The webpage is located at www.uncp.edu/chem_phy/science_fair/index.htm
STUDENT ANNOUNCEMENTS!! You will always miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
National Honor Society If you are a member of National Honor Society, membership dues are $10 and must be paid before November 2nd. Students who did not pay dues last year must pay last years and this years dues. **See Ms. Leslie Harris in room 814 to pay!
In celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, please wear pink on Fridays for the month of October, both students and the staff!!! !!October!!
October 24th, 2012 • Wear Pink Day!!!!!!
College Day College Day will be held on October 25, 2012 for Juniors and Seniors in the PurnellSwett High School gym.
ATTENTION STUDENTS • Students may register online for the SAT/ACT Test or pick up an application in Guidance. Register before it is too late!
RAMS ATHLETICS “I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion. '” -Muhammad Ali
ATHLETICS (CONT.) see it @ IHIGH: go to ihigh for all ‘RAMS’ sports, photos, stories, events, and all rams schedules, and s.e.c schedules as well. (www. swettrams.ihigh.com) “Don't let the fear of striking out hold you back.” -Babe Ruth
Upcoming Sporting Events Varsity Football: Oct 26th @ Lumberton JV Football: Oct 25th –Lumberton Boys Soccer: Oct. 22nd- Conference tournament Girls Golf: Oct 22nd NCHSAA
WRESTLING Do you have what it takes to be Ram tough?! -Stop by and see Coach Joey Farnsworth in the girls weight room beside the auxiliary gym about signing up for the 2012-2013 PurnellSwett Ram Tough wrestling team!
Student of Excellence • Any junior interested in applying for Student of Excellence please come by and see Ms. Leslie in Guidance. • Applications are due back to Ms. Leslie by November 12, 2012.
NC School of Science and Mathematics Applications for the NC School of Science & Mathematics c/o2015 will be accepted from 10th grade students beginning now until Jan. 15th. Interested students are required to take the SAT in October, November, or January of their sophomore year. For more information, see Ms. Roxanne in guidance.
Indian Education - 9th & 10th graders • Indian Education is recruiting 9th and 10th grade students to attend the Colorado Upward Bound Program. The Colorado Upward Bound Program is a 6 week college preparatory program sponsored by the University of Colorado in Boulder Colorado. Students get an opportunity to experience college life during the summer. Please see YDS for more information.
Student Of Excellence • The Sophomore Student of Excellence application is available in Guidance. The deadline for submission is November 15, 2012. See Ms. Roxanne if you need additional information.
Freshmen 9th Grade Class of 2016!!
Student Of Excellence • Attention Freshmen! • Student of Excellence Applications for Freshman are now available. Please see Ms. Venega in guidance. All applications are due by November 15th.
TEACHER ANNOUNCEMENTS • The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book. ~Author Unknown
Teachers possess the power to mold the future. • The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ~William Arthur Ward • What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches. ~Karl Menninger
Teachers: • Please turn your conduct referrals into the main office only. • Please do not put them in School Mail boxes or administrators hands or their boxes. • Thanks, Discipline Office & Mr. Clyde Leviner
Teachers!! • Please do not hold doctors notes, court notes, etc. Turn them in immediately to Guidance.
You may pick up your athletic pass from Mrs. Cindy Oxendine in the main office.