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Common Core= Creative outstanding Reading Experiences. Jana Stidham, LMS, Creekmoor Elementary Heather Poland, LMS, Timbercreek Elementary * Creekmoor and Timbercreek are both located in the Raymore Peculiar School District. Common Core standards.
Common Core=Creative outstanding Reading Experiences Jana Stidham, LMS, Creekmoor Elementary Heather Poland, LMS, Timbercreek Elementary*Creekmoor and Timbercreek are both located in the Raymore Peculiar School District
Common Core standards • Created so that every kid in each state has the same level of expectations as other countries that are high performing • Once they graduate they will find success in college and around the world, called College and Career Readiness.
Common core & the power for librarians • Library’s teaching should balance classroom’s teacher priorities and students’ needs and interests • CCSS is all about student-centered discovery. Inquiry is the heart of common core.
Inquiry Ideas-Wonder Wall • Each week on Monday post a random question, preferably something related to a holiday coming up or a unit students are studying. • Students have till Friday to try to guess the correct answer. Keep track of all the students who get it right per grade level. Have a competition between grade levels and keep a chart next to the question to show each grade level’s progress. • The LMS Could also draw out a few names each week that get it correct and give away an extra book checkout or prize.
Inquiry IdeasOpen Inquiry Lab • Is like a museum discovery room where students work on hands-on projects. Great to start lab with a presentation of topic and then let exploring begin. • Lab Ideas • Artists—students learn about famous artists and how they created some of their works. Then students can go to different artist centers to try to create work like that artist. • Inventors—students learn about some inventors and what they created. Then students can go to different centers to try to create an invention like the inventor. • Dinosaurs—students start by learning about different dinosaurs. Then they go to centers to learn how paleontologists hunt for bones, size comparison activity station, and bone observation to determine what dinosaur bones are being shown. • Musical artist—students learn about a musical style. Then they go to different centers to create their own masterpiece.
Open Dinosaur InQUIRY LAB with Kindergarten! Paleontologist Center #1 – Dinosaur Dig Paleontologist Center #2 – Fossil Art “I am a Paleontologist!”
Caldecott Challenge for 2nd Grade called Library Gold Rush • Spent a month in the library doing lessons with the Caldecott books (lessons encompassed Common Core) • To complete the challenge students had to read 5 other Caldecott books not read in the library and rate illustrations 4, 3, 2, or 1 on a record sheet • If they completed the challenge the girls participated in a Fancy Nancy Party and the boys participated in a Super Hero party.
Caldecott Books help teach Common Core! • Common Core Connection RL.2.7: Use information gained from the illustrations and words in print or digital text to demonstarte understanding of its characters, setting, or plot. • Use the book Kitten’s First Full Moon by Kevin Henkes. The kitten thinks the moon is a bowl of milk. Discuss why. Afterwards discuss what is similar in the characteristics of the moon and the bowl of milk. Lastly discuss how the kitten learns the moon is not milk and how the pictures indicate that. • Cute song over parts of a story located at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLn_VYodqa4
Caldecott Books help teach Common Core! • Common Core Connection RL 2.3: Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges. • Use the book Smoky Night by Eve Bunting. Discuss major event, 1992 Los Angeles riot and its aftermath. Looks at how 2 people and their cats who previously disliked each other had to work together and get along during the riots.
Caldecott Books help teach Common Core! • Common Core Connection RL.2.2. Recount stories, including fables and folktales, from diverse cultures and determine their central message, lesson, or moral. • Common Core Connection RL.2.9. Compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story by different authors or from different cultures. • Use the book Lon Po Po: A Red Riding Hood Story from China by Ed Young. Review what a fairy tale is and complete a info chart about classic Red Riding Hood. Then read Lon Po Po and complete the chart about it. • Discuss the message: If you keep your wits when in danger, you can survive and triumph.
There was an old Lady... • Fiction and Common Core with 1st grade! Common Core connection RL.1.9: Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories. Following a unit of study comparing and contrasting different versions of There was an old lady..., the students were able to write their own version!
Mother Goose Vocabulary • Vocabulary and Common Core with Kindergarten Common Core connection RL. 1.4: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text. Key Vocabulary – tuffett, whey, dame, lane, cupboard, etc.
Fiction and Nonfiction lessonswith Tacky the penguin, by Helen lester Kindergarten - Common core connection RL; 1.7 with prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g. what moment in a story an illustration depicts) First grade – Common core connection WS: 1.8 with guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
Reading Olympian Reading Groups Grade 2 • Common Core connection RL. 2.1, Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
Informational Text & Common Core • Common Core Connection RI.2.8: Describe how reasons support specific points the author makes in the text. • 2nd Grade Mount Rushmore Inquiry Unit: Students learned about Mount Rushmore through books and discussions. We discussed why those 4 presidents were chosen to be on Mount Rushmore. Students then used database Facts 4 Me and looked at each president’s leadership skills. Each student wrote an opinion piece about who they would add to Mount Rushmore and use specific points from the Database Facts 4 Me that was used.
Informational Text & Common Core • Common Core Connection RI.1.7: Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas. • 1st Grade Seasons Inquiry Unit: Students began by matching clothes with the seasons they would go with. Then using Pebble Go database they took notes over what to wear, what the weather is like, and what to do in each season. Notes included pictures and words to aid understanding. Eventually students created a scene depicting their favorite season as well as a paper doll wearing clothes that represents that season.
Informational Text & Common Core • Common Core Connection RI.4.1: Refer to details and examples in text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. • Use the book Snakes by Nic Bishop. Put students into pairs. With their partner students will read a certain section and create questions. After they create questions for their section they will categorize their questions according to Taffy Raphael’s Question-Answer Relationships: • Right There Questions-answers can be found in 1 place in the text • Think and Search Questions-answers are formed by gathering information from multiple places in the text • Author & You Questions-answer is related to the reader’s own knowledge and experience • On Your Own Questions-answer is found from student’s experience • Groups of partners exchange the questions created. The groups read the section of the book corresponding to the questions and try to find the answer. In addition they have to determine if the question was put in the correct type of category.
Informational Text & Common Core • Common Core Connection RI.4.4: Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject. • Use the book The Beetle Book by Steve Jenkins. Read aloud to students. Then partner students up and the partners create a list of a domain-specific words like thorax and puppa. Students create some type of challenge presentation for other students to complete with the words chosen. They could create a crossword puzzle, jeopardy game, or a word scramble matchup.
Reading Olympian Reading group Grade 3 • Common core connection WS. 3.7 Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic **This project was completed during our Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith book study.
CCsS Success no Matter your District • Become familiar with the Common Core standards • Understand that the Common Core standards will change • Figure out how to teach the standards • When you have the “how to teach the standards down”, share with others
Works cited • Bentall, Karen. “Develop the Habit of Questioning: One School Perspective,” School Library Monthly, December 2012, p. 49. • Caldecott in the Classroom. (November 2012). Book Link, 4-14. • Common Core and Informational Science Texts. (November 2012). Book Link, 30-35. • Fontichiaro, Kristin. Engaging Research Projects that Meet the Common Core Standards, K-5. Ann Harbor, Michigan: Cherry Lake Publishing, 2010. Print. • Kendall, John S. Understanding Common Core State Standards. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2011. Print. • Knodt, J. (2010). Teaching for Creativity: Building Innovation through Open-Inquiry Learning. School Library Monthly, 26(6), 41-44. • Naylor-Gutierrez, E. (2013). Making the Common Core Work for School Libraries. Young Adult Library Services, 11(2), 13-16.