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Horizon 2020 funding opportunities & Participation (Focus on Challenge 6). Sylvie Rohanov á European Commission DG Research & Innovation Unit B.6 Reflective Societies. Content. Why to participate - H2020 Overview Where to participate (focus on SSH) Integration of SSH across Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020funding opportunities& Participation(Focus on Challenge 6) Sylvie Rohanová European Commission DG Research & Innovation Unit B.6 Reflective Societies
Content • Why to participate - H2020 Overview • Where to participate (focus on SSH) • Integration of SSH across Horizon 2020 • Horizontal actions • Science with and for Society • Widening • Challenge 6 • How to participate in Horizon 2020 • From a proposal preparation to a project implementation • H2020 experts
What is Horizon 2020http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/ • EU research and innovation framework programme for 2014-2020 • A core part of Europe 2020 strategy & its Innovation Union flagship initiative aiming at: • Responding to the economic crisis to invest in future jobs and growth • Addressing people’s concerns about their livelihoods, safety and environment • Strengthening the EU’s global position in research, innovation and technology
H2020 support aimed at: • Funding researchers and innovators at the cutting edge of their fields working on the latest breakthroughs; • Supporting projects across the cycle from research to innovation; • Creation of opportunities to build research teams in Member States and with their international partners in the areas where the innovation and research potential is underexploited; • Encouraging the training of researchers including exchange of researchers between industry and academia; • Helping to plug the gap between innovative research and its exploitation through a suite of financial instruments.
"Innovation" in H2020 • Product innovation • Process innovation • Marketing innovation • Organisational innovation • … and Social innovation … Source: Oslo Manual and EC
H2020 Types of actions / Funding schemes • Research and innovation actions: collaborative research activities (Maximum rate of 100%, indirect cost flat rate 25%) • Innovation actions: activities directly aimed at producing plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services (Maximum rate of 70%, indirect cost flat rate 25%; exception: 100% maximum funding rate for non-profit organisations) • Coordination and support actions: activities to accompany research (Maximum rate of 100%, indirect cost flat rate 25%) • SME instruments: support for SMEs over three phases: feasibility study, research/demonstration, commercialization • Co-funded actions: ERA-NET (for national and regional research funding bodies) • Direct funding: grants, prizes, procurement, and financial instruments
Three pillars of H2020 • Excellent science • Industrial leadership • Societal challenges
1. EXCELLENT SCIENCE • European Research Council (ERC) • Frontier research by the best individual teams • Future and Emerging Technologies • Collaborative research to open new fields of innovation • Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) • Opportunities for training and career development • Research infrastructures • Ensuring access to world-class facilities
2. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP • Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (LEIT) • ICT;Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, and Biotechnology; Space • Access to risk finance • help to companies / organisations engaged in R&I to gain easier access, via financial instruments, to loans, guarantees, counter-guarantees and hybrid, mezzanine and equity finance • Innovation in SMEs • Postering all forms of innovation in all types of SMEs
3. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES • Health, demographic change and wellbeing • Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy • Secure, clean and efficient energy • Smart, green and integrated transport • Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials • Europe in a Changing World: Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies • Secure societies - Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens
HORIZONTAL ACTIVITIES • Spreading excellence and widening participation • Science with and for society EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY (EIT) EURATOM
WIDESPREAD - Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation: Background National / regional disparities in research excellence and innovation performance hamper competitiveness, business growth and employment creation. A number of countries are experiencing low participation in the EU Framework Programmes; Disparities due to structural issues, such as: insufficient national RDI investment, lack of synergies between certain countries national research systems and EU research landscape, insufficient capacities variations in wages level reduced access to international networks. Size of projects – large ones problematic for small countries Availability of information, training and advice 13
WIDESPREAD – measures to widen participation Teaming of excellent research institutions and low performing RDI regions Twinning of research institutions ERA chairs Policy Support Facility Supporting access to international networks for researchers and innovators (through COST) Strengthening the administrative and operational capacity of transnational networks of National Contact Points More info: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/h2020-section/spreading-excellence-and-widening-participation 14
1. Integration of SSH Social sciences and humanities research will be fully integrated into each of the specific objectives of Horizon 2020… Council Decision L 347/965 establishing the Specific Programme H2020 • General Integration: All Societal Challenges, LEIT (Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies) and activities under Excellent Science are generally open to SSH contributions in all their activities – integration of SSH as genuine interdisciplinarity • Dedicated Integration: In some Societal Challenges and parts of LEIT a specific SSH line of activity called 'the socio-economic dimension of…' is delineated, i.e. requires SSH research – 37% of all topics under the programmed parts of H2020 are SSH "flagged ” - http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/ftags/ssh.html#c,topics=flags/s/SSH/1/1&+callDeadline/desc
2. SSH in Excellent Science • The European Research Council (ERC - http://erc.europa.eu)is already a major funding source for investigator-driven frontier research. About 17 % of the ERC budget will be allocated to SSH under Horizon 2020. • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA - http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/h2020-section/marie-sklodowska-curie-actions) give opportunities for greater mobility and network building. The SSH share is 11-12%. 17
3. Societal Challenge 6Europe in the Changing World: Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies
Societal Challenge 6 • H2020 is not a simple continuation of FP7 - there is no specific SSH work programme. Challenge 6 focus is on : • Orientation towards European societal challenges: research and innovation activities to increase the impact of the funding • Orientation towards EU political priorities: Europe 2020 and emerging political issues of European relevance • Leitmotiv of the 2 years WP 2014-15: economic crisis and the path to sustainable growth
3. Challenge 6 Work Programme H2020 Work Programme 2014-2015 - 13. Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies • From the Challenge 6 website: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/node/85 • From the calls website on the Participant Portal: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020
Societal Challenge 6 structure • 5 CALLS containing • 43 topics • 6 "Other actions" • Topics composed of • Specific Challenge: sets the context, the problem to be addressed, why intervention is necessary • Scope: delineates the problem, specifies the focus and the boundaries of the potential action BUT without describing specific approaches • Expected Impact: describes the key elements of what is expected to be achieved in relation to the specific challenge
H2020 – Challenge 6 topics: bottom-up in terms of content and budget • Topics are described in a rather open fashion, less prescriptive than often under FP7, i.e. proposers can address the topics in a comprehensive way, in a focussed way or cover other issues relevant for addressing the topic • Call text provides an indicative budget range for research projectsin order to indicate the average expected size of the proposal; however, any amount is possible, i.e. no eligibility criteria regarding the budget size
5 Calls of Societal Challenge 6 • "EURO": Overcoming the crisis: new ideas, strategies and governance structures for Europe • "YOUNG": The young generation in an innovative, inclusive and sustainable Europe • "REFLECTIVE": Reflective societies: cultural heritage and European identities • "INT": Europe as a global actor • "INSO": New forms of innovation
EUROOvercoming the crisis: new ideas, strategies and governance structures for Europe
EURO topics 2014/15 • Resilient and sustainable economic and monetary union in Europe (2014) • The European growth agenda (2014) • European societies after the crisis (2014) • Political challenges for Europe (2014) • ERA-NET on smart urban futures (2015) • Meeting new societal needs by using emerging technologies in the public sector (2015)
EURO-5: ERA-NET on smart urban futures (2015) • Specific challenge:identify the means and ways to make a European city an emblematic place for attracting jobs and economic activities, transforming it into a "hub of innovation" and ensuring social cohesion and cultural dialogue while preserving natural resources and limiting environmental damage for next generations. Provide tools and methods for more sustainable, open, innovative and inclusive urban areas • Scope:Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of urban development; identify in which way European cities can become hubs of creativity and innovation; contribute to the establishment of smart urban ecosystem services; enhance understanding of urban structures; evaluate urban areas in terms of "functionalities" opportunities • Expected impact: Provide new insights on European urban dynamics, on the localisation of economic and social activities and the implementation of urban innovations. • EU contribution: EUR 5 million • Type of action: ERA-NET Co-fund
EURO-6: Meeting new societal needs by using emerging technologies in the public sector (2015) • Specific challenge: exploring the potential benefit of using emerging ICT technologies in support of public sector innovation and opening up new markets for ICT solutions across the EU • Impact • a) Introducing emerging technologies in the public sector to improve efficiency, effectiveness and quality of public services and enable research results to reach a potential market • b) Multidisciplinary network to identify emerging technologies and potential applications for their implementation in the public sector and outline a roadmap for emerging research directions • Type of action: a) RIA; b)CSA • EU Contribution: a) EUR 2-5 million; b) EUR 0.5 million
YOUNGThe Young Generation in an Innovative, Inclusive and Sustainable Europe
YOUNG topics 2014/15 • Early job insecurity and labour market exclusion (2014) • Youth mobility: opportunities, impacts, policies (2014) • Lifelong learning for young adults: better policies for growth and inclusion in Europe (2015) • The young as a driver of social change (2015) • Societal and political engagement of young people and their perspectives on Europe (2014)
YOUNG-3: Lifelong learning for young adults: better policies for growth and inclusion in Europe (2015) • Specific challenge:Adult education in EU remains inadequate - those most in need benefit less from it than more advantaged groups; review thoroughly the situation of adult education in Europe • Scope:Complementarity between public policies and dynamics of private markets; identify successful programmes; learning potential and innovation ability in workplaces; reflect on existing taxonomies and indicators; investigate the feasibility and possibly develop an Intelligent Decision Support System for simplifying access to information • Expected impact: Create synergies and cooperation amongst the main international and European actors; facilitate the access to scientific evidence for improved policy making; advance knowledge on specific aspects linked to adult education • EU contribution: EUR 1.5 - 2.5 million (other amounts possible) • Type of action: RIA
YOUNG-4: The young as a driver of social change (2015) • Specific challenge:Meeting the challenges of the ageing population and making a transformation into a more sustainable social and economic model necessitate profound changes in European society; current generations of young people are at the core of these developments • Scope:Analyse the norms, values and attitudes of young people in Europe, as well as their expectations regarding public policy and organisation of economic, social and private life; investigate their attitudes towards a more sustainable socio-economic model and its various features; opportunities and obstacles of socio-ecological transition • Expected impact: Provide important insights into the perspective of socio-ecological transition from the point of view of young people; advance knowledge about young adults in Europe; contribute to public policies to meet the challenge of transition into a more sustainable model, incl. the role of education • EU contribution: EUR 1.5 - 2.5 million (other amounts possible) • Type of action:RIA
REFLECTIVEReflectiveSocieties: Cultural Heritage and European Identities
REFLECTIVE topics 2014/2015 ERA Net on Uses of the Past (2014) Emergence and transmission of European cultural heritage andEuropeanisation (2015) European cohesion, regional and urban policies and the perceptions of Europe (2015) Cultural opposition in the former socialist countries (2015) The cultural heritage of war in contemporary Europe (2015) Innovation ecosystems of digital cultural assets (2015) Advanced 3D modelling for accessing and understanding European cultural assets (2014) Communication and dissemination platform (2015) Social Platform on Reflective Societies (2014) Mobilising the network of NCPs in SC6 (2014)
REFLECTIVE-2: Emergence and transmission of European cultural heritage and Europeanisation (2015) Specific challenge:exploring cultural heritage, values and languages as basis for the emergence of a truly European cultural heritage Scope:Multidisciplinary and comparative research focusing on the emergence of a European (tangible and intangible) cultural heritage in a historical perspective Expected impact:Research will support the EU cultural policies linked to fostering the emergence, transmission and use of cultural heritage at local, regional, national and, in particular, European level EU contribution: EUR 1.5 - 2.5 million (other amounts possible) Type of action:RIA
REFLECTIVE-3: European cohesion, regional and urban policies and the perceptions of Europe (2015) Specific challenge:Analysing the impact of the European cohesion, regional and urban policies on a positive identification with the European construction Scope:Multidisciplinary research with strong emphasis on comparative case studies on different EU regions Expected impact:Better understanding of the relationship between European regional policies, local and regional identities and the perception of the added value of the EU by its citizens; improvement of regional policy relevance and efficiency EU contribution:between EUR 1.5 and 2.5 million (other amounts possible) Type of action: RIA
REFLECTIVE-4: Cultural opposition in the former socialist countries (2015) Specific challenge:Exploring the cultural and political heritage of independent cultural movements and activities against the regimes in the former socialist countries – today’s MSs of the EU Scope:Comparative research will examine various types of collections and address the contribution of opposition movements to the fall of socialist regimes and to the creation of modern diverse societies Expected impact:Development of a register of these collections and recommendations for their better protection, promotion and valorisation EU contribution:EUR 1.5 - 2.5 million (other amounts possible) Type of action: RIA
REFLECTIVE-5: The cultural heritage of war in contemporary Europe (2015) Specific challenge:Understanding of a number of layers of the cultural heritage of war, whether for local communities, for national or for European identities Scope:Research will explorethe relationship that contemporary European societies have with the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the major armed conflicts of the 20th century Expected impact:Significant new knowledge on conflict heritage and policy advice on reinterpretation and promotion in communication, education and tourism at EU level EU contribution: EUR 1.5 - 2.5 (other amounts possible) Type of activity: RIA
REFLECTIVE-6: Innovation ecosystems of digital cultural assets (2015) Specific challenge:innovating digital tools at service of scholarship on cultural resources Scope:support and promote access to cultural heritage resources; develop technologies to support humanities research Expected impact:provide innovative and creative methods for approaching cultural assets, generate tools to access and exploit diverse European digital cultural heritage EU contribution: between EUR 2 and 4 million (other amounts possible); total budget: EUR 10 million (innovation action) Type of action: Innovation action
REFLECTIVE-8: Communication and dissemination platform (2015) Specific challenge:Contributing to the professional communication and dissemination of the results of EU-funded projects in the area of inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Scope:Fostering dialogue and cooperation amongst researchers and between researchers and other stakeholders Expected impact:Creation of “Research and Policy Communities” that will ensure effective dissemination and take up of EU-funded research results EU contribution:EUR 1 million (other amounts possible) Type of action:CSA
INT topics 2014/2015 • Enhancing and focusing R&I cooperation with the Union’s key international partners (2014/15) • Encouraging the R&I cooperation between the Union and selected regional partners (2014/2015) • Europe’s contribution to a value-based global order and its contestants (2015) • The European Union’s contribution to global development: in search of greater policy coherence (2015) • Rethinking the EU crisis response mechanism in light of recent conflicts (2015)
INT topics 2014/2015 • Re-invigorating the partnership between the two shores of the Mediterranean (2015) • Towards a new geopolitical order in the South and East Mediterranean region (2015) • The EU and the Eastern Partnership (2015) • The EU, Turkey and its wider neighbourhood: challenges and opportunities • The EU and integration challenges in the Balkans • European cultural and science diplomacy: exploiting the potential of culture and science in the EU’s external relations • The cultural, scientific and social dimension of EU-LAC relations
INT-1: Enhancing & focusing R&I cooperation with the Union's key international partner countries (2014/2015) Specific Challenge:to get best value out of EU's cooperation with key int. partners; generate more impact by enhancing and focusing int. cooperation Scope:support objectives of EU int. cooperation strategy in research and innovation (identify areas for targeted int. cooperation, implement joint activities, encourage cooperation, set framework conditions, analyse cooperation patterns) Impact:set strategic priority for int. cooperation across Horizon 2020; promote interaction of EU and non-EU researchers; establish optimal framework for int. cooperation; ensure synergies with calls and between policies of Member/Associated Countries and int. partners EU contribution: EUR 1 mil & EUR 1.95 million respect./ 3 years Type of action: CSA Proposals targeting:Australia, USA, Brazil, South Africa, Ukraine
INT-2: Encouraging the R&I cooperation between the Union and selected regional partners (2014/2015) Specific Challenge:stimulate and enhance cooperation between researchers from the Union and from the regional partners; eliminate remaining obstacles to cooperation Scope:encourage cooperation between EU and non-EU research and innovation actors; establish framework conditions for cooperation Impact:set strategic priority for int. cooperation across Horizon 2020; promote interaction of EU and non-EU researchers; establish optimal framework for int. cooperation; ensure synergies with calls and between policies of Member/Associated Countries and int. partners EU contribution:EUR 1.5 million / 1.95 million for 3 years respectively Type of action: CSA Proposals targeting:Southern Mediterranean Neighbourhood, Eastern Partnership
INT-3: Europe's contribution to a value-based global order and its contestants (2015) Specific Challenge:need to contribute to a debate on a notion of and access to global justice and to the role of the EU in its promotion Scope:define criteria for global justice, contrast the EU's and other understandings of it and scrutinize their activities; identify if and how the EU contributes to a value-based global order Impact:advance critical reflection on and understanding of the EU as a value-based actor in global affairs; identify constraining and enabling factors for effective EU external action EU contribution:EUR 1.5-2.5 million, other amounts possible Type of action: RIA
INT- 4: The EU's contribution to global develop-ment: in search of greater policy coherence (2015) • Specific Challenge:need to enhance the impact of the EU development policy via reinforced implementation of "policy coherence for development" (PCD) • Scope:analyse the intended and unintended consequences of EU and Member State development and of non-development policies on developing countries • Impact:advance understanding of the bases for effective EU development policy and of the successful integration of developmental concerns into other EU policy areas; identify policy options for EU; fuel global debate on PCD • EU contribution:EUR 1.5-2.5 million, other amounts possible • Type of action: RIA
INT-5: Rethinking the EU crisis response mechanism in light of recent conflicts (2015) • Specific Challenge:support EU crisis responses in the broad sense of the term (civilian and military) • Scope:analyse existing EU crisis response mechanisms; investigate the Union's capacity to take decisions and to respond efficiently to crises; assess interaction with other global security actors • Impact:advance understanding of EU crisis response mechanism so as to further enhance its capacities to anticipate and react to crises • EU contribution:EUR 1.5-2.5 million, other amounts possible • Type of action: RIA
INT-6: Re-invigorating the partnership between the two shores of the Mediterranean (2015) SpecificChallenge:support policiesrelated to the EU-Mediterraneanpartnership Scope:assess effectiveness of (bilateral) policies and measures implemented between the two shores of the Mediterranean; investigate citizens' perspectives on the EU-Mediterranean partnership; identify obstacles to and prospects for further collaboration Impact:develop prospects for further collaboration between the two shores of the Mediterranean; draw policy implications for the EU-Mediterranean relations EU contribution:EUR 1.5-2.5 million, other amounts possible Type of action: RIA
INT-7: Towards a new geopolitical order in the South and East Mediterranean region (2015) Specific Challenge: support EU policies vis-à-vis the SEMC and Middle East region by comprehending the complex recent and ongoing transformation processes in that area Scope: analyse political dynamics in the broader region, both at the intra-societal level (e.g. role of political elites, religious factions, civil society, minorities) and at the inter-societal level; build foresight scenarios about developments in the area Impact: advance knowledge on the geostrategic/-political developments in the SEMCs and in the Middle East; draw policy implications for the EU's policy and strategies toward the region EU contribution: EUR 1.5-2.5 million, other amounts possible Type of action: RIA
INT-8: The EU and the Eastern Partnership (2015) Specific Challenge:support EU policies aimed at facilitating transition processes in the Eastern neighbourhood Scope:analyse the interrelations between the EU and the Eastern partnership countries, with a specific focus on Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine and taking account of the region's geostrategic environment Impact:provide deeper understanding of challenges in the Eastern neighbourhood countries; draw policy implications for the EU's neighbourhood policy and strategies vis-à-vis the region EU contribution:EUR 1.5-2.5 million, other amounts possible Type of action: RIA