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TYPE 3 I-SUITE SETUP & COMPLETION. Objectives: Provide Instructions Prepare Local Unit Computers for I-Suite use Set up Computers: Server, Clients Set up I-Suite Pre-season Incident Databases Set up/Link Computers at Home Unit Incident Database Backups ROSS Import
TYPE 3 I-SUITE SETUP & COMPLETION Objectives: Provide Instructions Prepare Local Unit Computers for I-Suite use Set up Computers: Server, Clients Set up I-Suite Pre-season Incident Databases Set up/Link Computers at Home Unit Incident Database Backups ROSS Import Incident Close-out, Repository Upload
Prepare Local Computers Determine PC to be used as Server, Clients SERVER PC: will need IP address or PC Name Obtain Admin Privileges on each Computer FS CHD: search “gadgets”, promote ME! BLM: check with local computer support for setup If PC previously used as SERVER: Detach & copy databases to be retained to folder outside of c:\Program Files\I-Suite folder Un-install previous versions I-Suite Program: use Uninstall feature under: Start/Programs/I-Suite After un-installing, delete the c:\Program Files\ISuite\bin if it exists If PC was used previously as CLIENT: Use Un-install I-Suite Program by selecting: Start/Programs/I-Suite
Recommend downloading SERVER Version on all PCs Download current I-Suite Full SERVER Version and most recent Patch from I-Suite website: http://isuite.nwcg.gov/Download/index.html and: I-Suite Patch11-1 Server 32, Version 11.01.02, released 11/28/2011 *Note: Two versions (depends on PC Operating System) Windows 7 or XP with 32 bit OP or: Windows 7 with 64 bit OP Install/Quick Reference Card: http://isuite.nwcg.gov/User_Support/
Set up Computers: Server, Client After installing ISUITE, change SERVER PC configuration to CLIENT PCs by: Right click I-Suite Shortcut Click Properties In TARGET filed, add a space –c to end of Target Location: (e.g., “C:\Program Files\Isuite\Isuite.exe” –c) To return to SERVER functionality, remove the space –c Each unit (within one office) needs one SERVER device, many CLIENT devices can be set up within the same office. I-Suite Server device must be turned ON or Client devices will not work. Best to NOT use Server for I-Suite work. Reminder: if SERVER PC is “encrypted” laptop, user must have logged onto laptop at least once to establish LOGON ID (Windows logon)
Set up Pre-season Database SERVER PC: Initial I-Suite Login after Installing I-Suite • Launch I-Suite Application • Leave User Name and Password boxes blank • Click Initial Server Setup button • On New User dialog Box, complete all of the boxes for new DB Admin User. Click OK button to save user to database • Accept the Rules of Behavior • When I-Suite opens, can Attach, Copy, or Create new database • A database password is required • To create a new incident, open the Data Admin module on Main Menu
Setting up Database for Unit: Choose Modules – Database Admin - Click on Copy/New DB Click on Create New Database Enter New Database Name: 2012_t345_[unit] example: 2012_t345_so or 2012_t345 _och Enter Database password: xxxxxxxx *Note - contact Unit Incident Business or Finance lead for established Unit Database Password. If ‘NO’ established Database password, record Database Name, Database Password, place in secure location Use Unit (i.e.: so, nzd, nzs, lom, sis) and standard names for: Databases: 2012_t345_so or 2012_t345_lom User Names:will_admin# orwill_user# or rcase Passwords: Will_admin2! orWillamette2! orOchococase1!
Choose Modules – Database Admin - Click on Users Create Users: Regular Users: Admin Users: User Name: will_user# User Name will_admin# First Name: Willamette First Name: Willamette Last Name: User# Last Name: Admin# Password: Will_test123! Password: Will_test123! Set up same password for all users initially At first login, users required to change their password Regular Users: Check box ‘Active’ & ‘All Rights’ Admin Users*: Check box ‘Active’ & ‘DB Admin, Data Admin’ *cannot access to other modules when logged in as DB Admin Regular Users – ‘All Rights’ does not include DB Admin Click on SAVE
Changing Passwords: Log in to I-Suite as each of users created (regular and admin) – normal I-Suite login screen User Name: enter valid username (will_admin# or will_user#) Password: enter initial password for user (Will_test123!) Server: choose (LOCAL)\ISUITE2from drop-down on server device choose SERVER IP address\ISUITE2 if logon from client device Database: 2012_t345_[unit] Prompted to change password: Regular users: change to match user# , example: Willamette2! Admin users: change to match admin# , example: Will_admin2! Repeat for all users created, - regular and admin Once completed and user logs in, SERVER and Database Name will enter automatically. Remember, password goes with all users attached to database, works from either server or client devices.
Incident Set-up: Establish incidents in each unit database as standard - ABC Misc, Severity, etc. Log in as admin user (or regular user with Data Admin privileges). Select Modules – Data Admin Enter incidents (ABC Miscexample): Incident Name WIF ABC MISC Incident NumberOR-WIF-110001 Incident Jurisdiction FS Location Willamette NF State OR Start Date 01/01/2012 End Date {leave blank} Agency FS Acct Code P6EK2R Region/Unit 0618 Click on SAVE (after each incident)
Enter next incident (Severity example): Incident Name WIF SEVERITY Incident Number OR-WIF-110002 Incident Jurisdiction FS Location Willamette NF State OR Start Date 01/01/2012 End Date {leave blank} Agency FS Acct Code S69999 (National) S61111 (Regional) Region/Unit 0627 *To add second accounting code to WIF Severity, choose Accounting Codes (left side), make sure correct incident is chosen (top right), then ADD new accounting code. Click on SAVE (after each incident)
To create DATABASE TEMPLATE: Choose Modules – Database Admin – Backups Create Backup of database, name it: 2012_t345_will_template This creates file in: C:\Program Files\Database\Backup 2012_t345_will_template.bak.gpg Template can be used to create New Database or as set up for other units, locations using backup and restore/rename process. Same process can be used when transitioning with incoming team.
Set up: Type 3 Separate DatabaseCost Share, Potential Litigable (billable) Fires, Incidents with potential transition to Type 1 or Type 2 IMT, Track COSTS Enter incident (example): Incident Name 0815 ALDER SPRINGS Incident NumberOR-OCF-000815 Incident Jurisdiction FS Location Ochoco NF State OR Start Date 09/22/2011 End Date {leave blank} Agency FS Acct Code P6GG03 Region/Unit 0607 *To add second accounting code, choose Accounting Codes (left side), make sure correct incident is chosen (top right), then ADD new accounting code. Click on SAVE
Database Backup Backups must be set manually Only DB Admin user can perform backups Must be done from I-Suite SERVER device Unit determines frequency of backups Choose Modules – Database Admin – Backup Backup filed on SERVER: c:\Program Files\ISuite\Database\Backup
Import ROSS Data File Uninstall previous version ROSS Production Download current version ROSS Production – current version 2.14.1. Once ROSS Prod is updated, log in to ROSS and follow Quick Reference Card/Import ROSS report instructions. Link: http://ross.nwcg.gov/ Obtain ROSS User ID, Password and request ‘IMT role’ from NAP website. Follow Request for New Account or Reset ROSS password. May contact ROSS Helpdesk for assistance.
Open Internet Explorer, enter address box: http://rossReports.nwcg.gov/cognos/c8/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi From Namespace dropdown on Logon page, select ROSSLDAPPSSL and click OK button Enter ROSS User ID and Password On Public TAB, select Incident, select FILTER, select Create I-Suite Extract (use default file type *.html), Select SAVE. Note file location on SERVER device. Follow steps for ROSS Import on Quick Reference Card, can ‘import’ when creating incident or selected resources: http://isuite.nwcg.gov/User_Support/QRC_Ver11/ISUITE-ROSS_Import_Quick_Reference_2011.pdf
Incident Close-out, Repository Upload I-Suite Close Out Requirements A CD copy of the database should be made for the host unit as part of the Final Incident Package (ref. NWCG memorandum 7/19/2004). The CD must include the database admin password. NWCG Repository: Units are asked to upload the I-Suite database (@NITC) at the end of the incident.
Regional Repository Upload Additional analysis is performed on incident data for PNW Region. IMTs required to upload the final backup file to R6 Repository. Follow steps below for Type 3 Incidents (not required for ABC Misc, Severity, Preposition) Prior to closing out the database at end of incident or transition with another team, create a back-up I-Suite file Upload back-up file to the FTP site: ftp://ftp.nifc.gov/ISuite/2012_Incidents R6 FTP site is password protected and secure. Username and Password shared annually in R6 Incident Business Guidelines Send separate e-mail or word document with database name and password for back-up file to FS Regional Incident Business Specialist, or Brenda Johnson if BLM fire (b5johnso@blm.gov).
Tips: Load FULL Server version and latest patch from download page from I-Suite Support website: http://isuite.nwcg.gov/Download/index.html Check ‘Manage all incidents as one’ when logging into Database Units may have ‘established Database password’, check with Incident Business or Finance contact Client login: use SERVER device IP address or PC Server Name (I-Suite Login: right click Properties to see IP:\ISUITE2) When incident transitions from IMT back to home unit, continue to report accruals to ASC/IF, and cost reporting until release of contract, ADs, or until end of incident.
I-Suite program uses SERVER, CLIENT device default printer – change default printer if needed I-Suite setup above utilizes FS intranet (LAN) for connectivity between SERVER, CLIENT devices For others, using ‘stand-alone’ computers - seek assistance from computer specialist for setup and additional equipment (i.e. router, internet connection, printer). Select location in office to manage Incident Traffic (contractors, fire personnel, etc)., minimize impact to others.
Primary use: prepare Contract Payments (OF-286) and Non-Local Agency Resources FTRs (OF-288) Arrange with Fire Duty Officer, Staging Area Manager, and/or IC for scheduled transport of Finance documents (EERAs, I-BPAs, Inspections, Shift Tickets, CTRs, performance evaluations, etc), or attend briefings or arrange for scheduled times to collect documents. Use I-Suite Quick Reference Cards, Guides found at: http://isuite.nwcg.gov/User_Support/index.html Handouts: Check-in Form: Overhead, Equipment, Line Resources WIL Type 3 Check-in Form WIL Finance/Demob Checklist I-Suite Database Set-up Form