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What Are Feature Types

Feature Catalogue Services 1st August 2010 Kim Finney (Manager, Australian Antarctic Data Centre & Chief Officer, SCAR Standing Committee on Antarctic Data Management). http://ceos.org 100,50,2 300,75.4 X=56. What Are Feature Types.

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What Are Feature Types

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  1. Feature Catalogue Services1st August 2010Kim Finney (Manager, Australian Antarctic Data Centre & Chief Officer, SCAR Standing Committee on Antarctic Data Management)

  2. http://ceos.org 100,50,2 300,75.4 X=56 What Are Feature Types Feature Types: Real world objects (e.g. Bicycle, Tyre, Road, River, Airport, Mountain, CTD Observation, ARGO Float Observation) WCS coverage data WMS maps WFS feature data <Roads> <Road> <gml:name>M11</gml:name> <gml:centerLineOf> <gml:LineString srsName="EPSG:4326"> <gml:coordinates> 0,5.0 20.6,10.7 80.5,60.9 </gml:coordinates> </gml:LineString> </gml:centerLineOf> <classification>motorway</classification> <number>11</number> </Road> </Roads>

  3. Used in Gazetteers Gazetteer_Name: David Range Latitude: 67° 50' 00.0" S Longitude: 62° 32' 17.0" E SCAR_Gaz Id: 3364 Feature_Type: Range Feature_Type Id: 7 Feature Instance: David Range Feature Instance Id: 3364

  4. Feature Catalogue

  5. From Application To Service • Take opportunity to enhance catalogue data model • Capture information on Community Profiles (i.e. agreed suites of feature-types, their attributes - their units of measure and datums, feature-type relationships and classification schemes used, all linked to a specific user community or use by a computer-based tool); • Assign one or more spatio-temporal geometries to a feature-type, • List Classification Schemes and Themes that feature-types might be associated with, and • Exercise the feature association component of the ISO model to record information about relationships between features (both internal and external to the catalogue). • Chose to create RESTful (Representational State Transfer) Services

  6. Developed 3 types of service to meet different use-cases • A typical REST Service query looks like: • …/StreamlinedCatalogueService/Profiles/1/FeatureTypes/10/Format/XML • This service returns information on Feature Type with ID=10 that belongs to Community Profile ID=1 in an XML format. • Using this particular type of service call (i.e. a StreamlinedCatalogue Service) a client is able to: • Get all features for profile n • Get all features for all profiles • Get feature n in profile n

  7. …/IterativeCatalogueService/Profiles/1/FeatureTypes/10/Attribute/3/Format/SKOS…/IterativeCatalogueService/Profiles/1/FeatureTypes/10/Attribute/3/Format/SKOS • This service returns information on Attribute with ID=3 associated with Feature Type with ID=10 that belongs to Community Profile ID=1 in a SKOS format. • Using this particular type of service call (i.e. a IterativeCatalogue Service) a client is able to: • Get profile n or all profiles, • Get all features for profile n, • Get all features for all profiles, • Get feature n in profile n, • Get attribute n, or all attributes for feature type n in profile n, • Get geometry n, or all geometries for feature type n in profile n, and • Get UoM n and associated Datum, or all UoMs for attribute n in feature type n in profile n

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