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Intro slide. Wh at is the NAFC. National organization that represents the interests of 117 Friendship Centres across Canada Over 1 million transactions with individual Canadians
What is the NAFC • National organization that represents the interests of 117 Friendship Centres across Canada • Over 1 million transactions with individual Canadians • Friendship Centres deliver over $100 million in programs and services in partnership with federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments • Federal departments include – • Health Canada • Indian and Northern Affairs • Human Resources and Social Development • Justice • Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation • Canadian Heritage AYC Presentation 2008
What is the AYC? Origins AYC Presentation 2008
Origins • NAFC 23rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in Quebec City, July, 1994,Resolution #23 • Resolution stated that regularly scheduled meetings with Youth will take place; such meetings will further the aims and goals of the NAFC Youth, encourage them to stay actively involved in the Friendship Centre Movement and will support Youth in all of their endeavours. AYC Presentation 2008
Structure AYC Presentation 2008
Structure • Five member Executive Committee: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Youth Executive • 8 Regional Representatives: North, East, BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC AYC Presentation 2008
Mission Statement AYC Presentation 2008
Increasing communication Increasing training and development opportunities Increasing Youth involvement, both internally and externally to the Friendship Centre Movement Facilitating the development of Youth leaders Providing awareness on issues facing urban Aboriginal Youth Encouraging and supporting the on-going spiritual, mental, emotional and physical development of urban Aboriginal Youth. Involving Youth at all levels of the Friendship Centre Movement, both internally and externally; and, Preserving and promoting our culture and heritage. The mission statement of the AYC is to create positive change for Friendship Centre Youth through inclusion, empowerment and culture by: AYC Presentation 2008
AYC Priorities • Youth Leadership Development • Health and Culture • Mentorship • Capacity Development and Accountability • Scholarship and Sponsorship • Communication strategies AYC Presentation 2008
AYC Roles and Responsibilities • Bring together Aboriginal Youth from across Canada, to consult with Elders and other resource people regarding the concerns of Youth; • Discuss, voice concerns and advocate for urban Aboriginal Youth; • Promote and enhance cultural awareness and the identity of Urban Aboriginal Youth; and • Provide representation for urban Aboriginal Youth at a national level. AYC Presentation 2008
Becoming an AYC member • Local Friendship Centres appoint and/or elect a youth representative • Local FC youth attend regional gatherings and are elected or appointed to represent their region at the AYC • Local youth gets credentials and runs for an executive position at any Annual Youth Forum. AYC Presentation 2008
AYC Representative Roles • Attend meetings (both face to face and conference call) • Read information sent by email or fax and send in your ideas • Make sure information goes to the youth you know and make sure the National Youth Council knows what the youth from your Friendship Centre and/or PAYC think • Be able to check email regularly AYC Presentation 2008
AYC Representative Roles • Regional Representatives bring forth the views and concerns of Aboriginal Youth within their respective provinces to the national Council, as well as provide a provincial/territorial perspective on various national issues and initiatives. The Regional Representatives will also have additional responsibilities as outlined by their respective provinces/territories. AYC Presentation 2008
AYC Meetings • The AYC conducts regular meetings, including conference calls, to discuss numerous issues relating to Aboriginal Youth within the Friendship Centre Movement. In addition, the AYC may convene via conference call if there is a particular issue that needs immediate action between meetings. AYC Presentation 2008
AYC Meetings Cont’d The Aboriginal Youth Council traditionally meets face-to-face twice per year. These meetings serve to: • Update about what’s happening in other regions • Provide recommendations on initiatives happening within the NAFC • Ensure policies and procedures are up to date • Provides opportunity for training on rules and procedures, board training and capacity development • Distribute members on the various standing and ad-hoc committees AYC Presentation 2008
Stuff we’ve done • Annual Youth Forums held during NAFC AGMs. • National Forum for Young Canadians • Partnerships With the Assembly of First Nation • Train the Trainer session with the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada, Caring across the Boundaries Initiative AYC Presentation 2008
2008 Youth Forum • 19th Annual AYC Youth Forum • To be held in Quebec City on July 20th-22nd • Objectives include promoting the leadership skills of First Nations Youth aged 18-24 • Forum speakers include Ghislain Picard, Alexis Wawanoloath, and film studio Wapikoni Mobile • Culture evening with Aboriginal musicians • Volleyball tournament AYC Presentation 2008