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This report outlines the specifications and objectives for designing a national dissemination system for the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) Subsidiary Information Implementation Framework (SIIF). The system will assist Member States in implementing the UWWTD SIIF and provide data collection, visualization, communication, and reporting capabilities.
Urban Waste Water Treatment DirectiveUWWTD SIIF national dissemination systemSpecifications (Intermediate report) DGENV – 2014 Benoît Fribourg-blanc & Laurence Guédet Office International de l’Eau
Main Objectives The system to be designed should contain all information needed to clarify the main provisions of the Directive reporting as well as to demonstrate its implementation on the ground. OIEau’s task : Assisting voluntary MSs to implement the national node of the UWWTD SIIF. Establishing a fully functional system for 3 pilot MSs. Based on the specific countries’ needs, OIEau is : Elaborating a generic system reaching all expectations from the 3 pilot MSs for : data collection, data visualization and communication at national level, and data reporting
Preamble and project perimeter What do we expect from the national nodes of the UWWTD SIIF? It won’t Be the production tool of the UWWTD data Consolidate sub-national datasets in order to create the national dataset for reporting purpose It will Consider dataset as a whole: dataset items that is to say “individual data” won’t be amendable with the tool Be a mapping tool and will transform 2013 reported data model into INSPIRE model Carry out Quality controls on data sets Be the reporting tool towards the EU platform Be the dissemination tools towards the European and the European and national web users
The goals of the UWWTD SIIF national node 1. Reporting data using the UWWTD SIIF data model with INSPIRE compliance through Web Feature Service towards the EEA platform, from 2013 data set. 2. Providing data visualisation for the national UWWWTD data, both for The UWWTD reported datasets The available UWWTD national datasets
Examples of already existing dissemination portal The Greek national website “Sewage Treatment Plants - Database Monitoring Operation” http://ypeka.plexscape.com/Services/Pages/Browse.aspx The French national website“Information on municipal sanitation portal” http://assainissement.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/
Example #1 : The Greek national website http://ypeka.plexscape.com/Services/Pages/Browse.aspx
Example #1 : The French national website http://assainissement.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/
The functionalities of the UWWTD SIIF national node Data collecting : From 2013 data sets, the tool will produce INSPIRE-structures data Reporting data It will send electronically data sets towards EU platform Data visualisation It will display available information through maps and downloadable files It will display national only information Miscellaneous It will offer web users any information about UWWTD data and documents.
The functionalities of the UWWTD SIIF national nodeDetails The data collecting process : Upload of the data Q & A controls Mapping system and data model conversion The reporting data process: Checking reported data structure and content (external parser) Process of data reporting through WFS Data visualisation part: Repository dataset management Complementary dataset management Access to national UWWTD data Dynamic cartography service A dynamic map (or graph) rendering system Dataset download WFS/WMS (for other system to access datasets) Miscellaneous Information pages Website directory
Structure of the SIIF national node The UWWTD SIIF national node will be composed of: a web portal easy to operate and to manage, for national UWWTD data managers a web services module to operate the data reporting (WFS protocol). The web services module will be able to operate on stand alone mode (i.e. without the web portal)
Data collecting The data collecting process will be operated on the web portal: The upload of the data to be reported to EU or displayed on the national web portal from a CSV file and the storage of this dataset A set of Q&A controls for the dataset A mapping system in order to convert 2013 UWWTD model based data into the new UWWTD SIIF model with the INSPIRE compliance.
Reporting data The data reporting process is operated by the web services module
Reporting data The web services module will Access a common parser, in case the web portal is not used in order to check the structure and the data prior to reporting Do the reporting towards the EU platform : From the data processed by the web portal Directly from the database where the data is stored in cas the web portal is not used
Data visualisation The data visualisation process, run on the web portal, will provide the following features: The management of complementary data sets such as national repositories or additional national data sets (depending on national needs) The visualisation of data: a dynamic cartography service in order for the web user to zoom in and out in order to peruse the information from a map. a dynamic map (or graph) rendering system in order for the web user to generate on line from the available data, maps (or graph) as pictures in order to integrate them within reports, websites or any other documents. Download of any data sets available on the portal Make available the datasets through WFS
Data visualisation A dynamic cartography service which will give access information “fiches” from each points such as : UWW Treatment Plant - Description UWW Treatment - Plant - Key figures Description of the Agglomerations of the UWWTP Agglomeration - Key figures Discharge point - Description Discharge point - Key figures Compliance of the agglomeration Compliance of the UWWTP
Data visualisation A demo website has been realised from Ireland UWWTD data http://webnuxdev.rnde.tm.fr/uwwtd/
Data visualisation A dynamic map (or graph) rendering system:
Data visualisation Dataset download: this functionality will allow web user to download datasets hosted on the national web portal for future uses. WFS: This functionality will allow the access through WFS to the datasets held on the web portal. This will be operated by the Web services module. It is a possibility for external users to access data through this system.
Miscellaneous In this part held on the web portal there will be information web pages about: Overall information : contact form, legal notice, search tools on the website, .. Other information such as websites directoryor owervall information about water in the MS.
The UWWTD SIIF national node organisation The national node will then be organised around: The Web portal With several type of users Administrator user: setting up the web portal, upload data repositories, validation of dataset, trigger reporting process Contributor (Management and other internal) users: upload datasets, management, … Anonymous users, i.e. without any user account on the web portal: access to the datasets through maps, file downloads, WFS … Built with a CMS (guaranteed to operate without any computer skills) Operating system : Linux Requirements for the website: Php 5.3 and PostGres 8.3 or 8.4-9 x /PostGIS 1.5x or 2.x for the use of Drupal. The Web services module which will operate with: Geoserver for the WFS under Tomcat or Mapserver
Thank you Contacts : Benoit Fribourg-Blanc: b.fribourg-blanc@oieau.fr Laurence Guédet: l.guedet@oieau.fr 23