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Improving recognition of teaching in academic promotion Prof Sandra Wills

Improving recognition of teaching in academic promotion Prof Sandra Wills Executive Director Learning & Teaching University of Wollongong. Professor Sandra Wills Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Learning.

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Improving recognition of teaching in academic promotion Prof Sandra Wills

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  1. Improvingrecognition of teaching in academic promotion Prof Sandra Wills Executive Director Learning & TeachingUniversity of Wollongong

  2. ProfessorSandra Wills Pro Vice-Chancellor Student Learning

  3. “It’s easier to apply for a new job elsewhere than get promoted here.”“There’s no point being designated teaching-only as you can’t get to professor that way.”"Metrics associated with research are easier to find and apply."

  4. Professorial guidance recommended WARNING – foreign language, confusing terminology, guidance and support needed from Canadian professors – PLEASE

  5. TeachersDO get promoted!

  6. Australian universities British universities Australian Advisory Group Wollongong Tasmania External Evaluator • Four partner benchmarking (statistics, surveys, interviews) • Frameworks & examples • Forums in AUS & UK • HEA Report & Website UK Advisory Group Leicester Newcastle

  7. Benchmarking staff perceptions • staff perceive research activities have greater impact on promotion prospects, particularly at the two UK universities • since research is currently regarded as the main route to promotion, staff perceive teaching duties are being neglected in order to meet research requirements • majority indicated there should be parity in the regard for teaching & research activities in the promotion process • mixed messages from line managers & senior executives regarding parity of research & teaching

  8. Rationale for the project • Strongest opportunity for enhancing university teaching: when academics believe that they can be promoted for excellence in teaching. • Fellowships and awards not sufficient recognition in themselves unless followed by reward of promotion.

  9. Promotion Applications  Me: 20 years Promotion Committee training 12 years on Promotion Committee

  10. You can’t measure teaching!

  11. “Mix of Evidence” framework one size does not fit all academic careers

  12. Teachers DO get promoted!UOW Promotion Stats 2006-2009

  13. Country differences in level of academic appointment

  14. Benchmarking Promotion StatisticsUK national report 2009 n=46 universities

  15. UOW Dubai Campus UOW Wollongong Campus

  16. Not sandstone however 60 years old research intensive & international • 28,000 students - 30% international off-shore and on-shore • Top 200 Times Higher Ed Rankings 2009, 2006 & 2007 • #1 for Student Satisfaction Sweeney Research Group 2009 • Top 500 - Shanghai Jiao Tong Index 2006 • decade of 5 stars in Good Universities Guide • #1 for 3 years of National Teaching & Learning Performance Fund • # 1 for 4 years of Citations for Outstanding Contribution to Teaching & Learning • inaugural Commonwealth University of the Year Award for Community Engagement - TheTimes Higher Ed & Commonwealth Association of Universities 2006 • University of Year for Research Partnerships 2000 • University of Year for Preparing Graduates for e-World 1999

  17. Benchmarking Promotion Statistics 2010 & 2011 Promotion to Senior Lecturer * * *

  18. Promotion to Associate Professor and Professor**data for these two levels combined *

  19. UOW promotion stats after 2009 • closed the gap between Teaching & Research BUT • number of applications for teaching #1 declined THEREFORE • indicates academics still do not believe? OR • set the bar too high?

  20. good practice benchmarks

  21. benchmarks 6 dimensions 18 benchmarks 72 focus questions

  22. Benchmark 3 University leaders support promotion for teaching achievement Benchmark 4 Leaders of academic units support promotion for teaching achievement Benchmark 5 Peer interactions support promotion for teaching achievement

  23. Benchmark 17 A transparent cycle of review tracks recognition of teaching in academic promotion Benchmark 18 Academic staff perceive that teaching achievements are valued in promotion processes

  24. good practice examples

  25. good practice benchmarks good practice examples evidence framework

  26. good practice examples • Each member of the group take a few examples to read • Place example in YES pile if McMaster already has this good practice • Place example in NO pile if McMaster does not do this • When all examples placed, discuss as a group to confirm sorting • Choose one highest priority NO example which needs to become a YES at McMaster

  27. evidence for promotion

  28. diamond ranking of evidence As a group, rank each example from highest to lowest answering “How important does McMaster view this type of evidence in promotion of teachers?” Choose ONE low ranking example that McMaster needs to change.

  29. perspectives & principles on measuring teaching support promoting teaching’s good practice benchmarks 6, 7, 9, 10 & 12

  30. three perspectives on evidence of teaching

  31. scope of activity

  32. sources of evidence

  33. sphere of influence

  34. evidence framework

  35. sample guide for applicants

  36. promotingteaching.com

  37. Peer Review Principles: • Choice • not compulsory • withdraw at any stage • choice of reviewer • choice of proforma • Credibility • reviewers of esteem • reviewer training compulsory • reviewee training recommended • two reviewers: one internal & one external to Faculty • Confidentiality • Peer Observation of Teaching (POT)&Peer Review of Educational Practice (PREP)

  38. Dimensions of educational practice for reviewer of teaching portfolio 1. Alignment of teaching practices with teaching philosophy 2. Effectiveness of teaching activity as evidenced through student engagement & outcomes 3. Effectiveness of curriculum and assessment design & development 4. Evidence of command of content in the discipline or field 5. Development of teaching based on feedback from sources such as students, peers, profession &/or community 6. Scholarly approach to learning & teaching; scholarly outcomes from research on learning & teaching 7. Effectiveness of leadership in learning & teaching 8. Recognition of contribution to learning & teaching 9. Other areas relevant to institutional priorities

  39. Teachers win awards and DO get promoted! promoted to Aspro promoted to Head promoted to Aspro promoted promoted promoted to Head already a Dean promoted to Vice President National Awards Ceremony

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