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Hirudotherapy Complementary and Alternative Health Therapies AHS230 PRE102 Marie Hardman Angela Mintzmyer April 4, 2012. Medicinal Leeches: Nature’s Finest Surgical Tool From the Swamps.
HirudotherapyComplementary and Alternative Health Therapies AHS230 PRE102Marie HardmanAngela MintzmyerApril 4, 2012
Medicinal Leeches: Nature’s Finest Surgical Tool From the Swamps This article was very informative and fun to read. The research was well documented and explored many areas of this therapy. The article explained many of the pro’s to leech therapy as well as cons. If you are looking for an overall description and history of hirudotherapy this piece is great. The article made it easy to make your own opinion about the therapy in the end. What ever questions or concerns seemed to pop up, this article covered.
There were many examples about documented works with leeches. I accompanied some of the research with photos, to give a better understanding. I am truly amazed with this therapy and hope you are too. I also added a center in Scottsdale where leech therapy is offered in our area.
What exactly is hirudotherapy? When you think of leeches, most would automatically be disgusted. Blood sucking worms that feed off of others. Though this may be true there is more to leeches than you may think. Dating back to the Egyptians and most likely before, leeches have been a medical marvel. Hirudotherapy is when leeches are attached to an individual in the are a needed for 6-8 hrs. This process can take several sessions if needed. The leeches attach and drain the area of blood, while their saliva has anti-cooaggulants, vaso-dilators, and anesthetics.
Leeches live in clean fresh water swimming in a undulating motion. They have two suckers, one for attachment which is located at the rear, and the other for draining blood at the front. The sucker in the front leaves a Y-shape mark after releasing its food source.
Medicinal Leeches: Nature’s Finest Surgical Tool From the Swamps • Leech therapy dates back to the Egyptians 3,500 years ago. • During the Middle-Ages leeches were very popular. People also referred to their physicians as “leeches”. • In the 1800’s Hirudotherapy started being used more commonly for different diseases. • In the 20th century, medicinal leech therapy became more popular by surgeons. They used leeches to relieve venous congestion, especially in transplant surgery. • Today leeches are used all over the world for different reasons. You may find them in alternative medicine centers or hospitals if needed.
What can leeches be used for ? • Reconstructive surgeons use leeches to remove stagnant blood from a flap or reattached limb. • Leeches are said to speed up blood circulation, making the patients organs and body run better. • Can reduce pain and inflammation • Hirudotherapy is used for sucking out “bad blood”. • Leech therapy is believed to help with curing schizophrenia, and depression and stimulating the eyes. • Leeches can deflate a swollen tongue and reduce the pain of a sore appendix. • Hirudotherapy can be used when re-attaching an ear to reduce blood clotting.
Example of what leech therapy can do. Below is a picture of a five year old boys ear. A dog ripped it off and surgeons had to re-attach it with corrective surgery. The ear then became filled with blood. Medical leeches were applied and saved the ear from dying.
Why choose Hirudotherapy? After researching this topic more in depth, I am very interested in Hirudotherapy’s benefits. After you get past the fact that worms are sucking on your blood, its fascinating to see what they can do. These little worms can save limbs and are believed to help with many diseases. Surgeons rely on leeches to assist with complications after surgery. Cleaning out your blood makes sense. And all over the world people are turning to leech therapy for help. It is however better to be safe than sorry, you should seek treatment with a credited center. Making sure the medical leeches are safe for you to use.
Its great to see what nature can do all on its own, helping others naturally and less invasive. In poorer areas of the world this therapy comes in handy all the time. History proves how long Hirudotherapy has been around using the same techniques as today. If needed, I would definitely be open to this type of therapy.
Where in Arizona is Hirudotherapy offered? Arizona Leech Therapy in Scottsdale Arizona has a great website and is the closest center for treatment I've found. Some of their treatments include; Hirudotherapy for cardiovascular disease, arthritis, gynecology, urological, drug and alcohol detox, headaches and migraines, and dental issues. There are many more issues that can be addressed with leech therapy and most are listed on their website. http://arizonaleechtherapy.com
References http://www.bterfoundation.org/indexfiles/leechrx.htm#History of Leech Therapy leechforsale.com www.sheknows.com www.sciencephoto.com www.sciencephoto.com www.lintah.web.id www.sciencephoto.com http://arizonaleechtherapy.com mehdi-healing.com leechestherapy.com.au sihatselalu.com.my http://www.yalemedlaw.com/2011/08/medicinal-leeches-natures-finest-surgical-tool-from-the-swamps/ Joanna Wang 8 August 2011, Medicinal Leeches: Nature’s Finest Surgical Tool From the Swamps