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Video Conference Participants

Internet. Windows PC. NetMeeting (H.323). ABONE. Linux PC. Linux PC. Vic, wb. Vic, wb. Video Conference Participants. Wireless Pocket PC. Video Gateway. Internet. Windows PC. NetMeeting (H.323). Video Transcoder. ABONE. Linux PC. Linux PC. Vic, wb. Vic, wb.

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Video Conference Participants

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Internet Windows PC NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Video Conference Participants Wireless Pocket PC

  2. Video Gateway Internet Windows PC NetMeeting (H.323) Video Transcoder ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Whiteboard server Service Components Proxy IP Multicast Service Proxies Overlay Multicast Service SLP Directory Agent Wireless Pocket PC Proxy Synthesizer

  3. Internet Windows PC NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb User Request Wireless Pocket PC movie request and list of participants ( ) Web Interface Synthesizer

  4. Internet Windows PC NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Locate Movie Provider Movie Provider “Shrek” SLP Directory Agent Wireless Pocket PC Where is a movie provider for the requested movie? Movie Provider “ET Trailer” Synthesizer

  5. Internet Windows PC NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Movie Provider Location Movie Provider “Shrek” SLP Directory Agent Wireless Pocket PC Returns movie provider location Synthesizer

  6. Internet Windows PC NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Locate Whiteboard Server Movie Provider “Shrek” SLP Directory Agent Wireless Pocket PC Where is the best location for the whiteboard server? Synthesizer

  7. Internet Windows PC NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Whiteboard server Whiteboard Server Location Movie Provider “Shrek” SLP Directory Agent Wireless Pocket PC Returns the best location for the whiteboard server using GNP Synthesizer

  8. Internet Windows PC NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Locate Video Gateway Movie Provider “Shrek” SLP Directory Agent Wireless Pocket PC Where is the best video gateway? (must handle H.323 & vic/SDR) Whiteboard server Synthesizer

  9. Video Gateway Windows PC NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Video Gateway Location Movie Provider “Shrek” SLP Directory Agent Wireless Pocket PC Returns location of the best video gateway Whiteboard server Synthesizer

  10. Internet Windows PC NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Locate Transcoder Video Gateway Movie Provider “Shrek” SLP Directory Agent Wireless Pocket PC I need a transcoder for the handheld Pocket PC Whiteboard server Synthesizer

  11. Internet Windows PC NetMeeting (H.323) Video Transcoder ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Transcoder Location Video Gateway Movie Provider “Shrek” SLP Directory Agent Wireless Pocket PC Returns location of transcoder Whiteboard server Synthesizer

  12. Windows PC NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Locate End-System Multicast Service Video Gateway IPM Zone Movie Provider “Shrek” SLP Directory Agent Video Transcoder Wireless Pocket PC Where is ESM Service? Whiteboard server Synthesizer

  13. Windows PC ESM Service NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb End-System Multicast Service Video Gateway IPM Zone Movie Provider “Shrek” SLP Directory Agent Video Transcoder Wireless Pocket PC Returns location of ESM Service Whiteboard server Synthesizer

  14. Windows PC ESM Service NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb End-System Multicast Setup Video Gateway IPM Zone Movie Provider “Shrek” Video Transcoder Wireless Pocket PC Could you set up ESM for ? Whiteboard server Synthesizer

  15. Windows PC ESM Service NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Find End-System Multicast Proxies Video Gateway IPM Zone Movie Provider “Shrek” Where are the ESM proxies for ? Video Transcoder SLP Directory Agent Wireless Pocket PC Whiteboard server

  16. Windows PC ESM Service NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb End-System Multicast Proxies Video Gateway IPM Zone Movie Provider “Shrek” ESM proxy ESM proxies Returns the ESM proxies for Video Transcoder SLP Directory Agent Wireless Pocket PC ESM proxy Whiteboard server

  17. Windows PC ESM Service NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb ESM Session Setup Video Gateway IPM Zone Movie Provider “Shrek” ESM proxy ESM proxies We’ll be using port 5670 for this session, so what is your data path entry address? Video Transcoder Wireless Pocket PC ESM proxy Whiteboard server

  18. Windows PC ESM Service NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb ESM Session Setup Video Gateway IPM Zone Movie Provider “Shrek” ESM proxy ESM proxies proxy ip address Video Transcoder Wireless Pocket PC ESM proxy Whiteboard server

  19. Windows PC ESM Service NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Return Data Path Entry Points Video Gateway IPM Zone Movie Provider “Shrek” Ok, ESM is established. Here are the data path entry points ... Video Transcoder Wireless Pocket PC Whiteboard server Synthesizer

  20. Windows PC NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Start Whiteboard on Linux Participants Video Gateway Movie Provider “Shrek” Video Transcoder Wireless Pocket PC Start whiteboard Whiteboard server Synthesizer

  21. Windows PC NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Whiteboard server Start Whiteboard Server Video Gateway Movie Provider “Shrek” Video Transcoder Wireless Pocket PC Start whiteboard server Synthesizer

  22. Video Gateway Windows PC NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Start Video Conference Movie Provider “Shrek” Could you start the video conference? YOU: NetMeeting: Vic 1: Transcoder: Rtp: Vic 2: Video Transcoder Wireless Pocket PC Whiteboard server Synthesizer

  23. Windows PC NetMeeting (H.323) Video Transcoder ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Invite Participants Video Gateway Movie Provider “Shrek” Please join us in the Libra video conference Wireless Pocket PC IPM Zone 6 Whiteboard server Synthesizer

  24. Windows PC NetMeeting (H.323) ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Start Movie Video Gateway Movie Provider “Shrek” Video Transcoder Wireless Pocket PC Please start the movie Whiteboard server Synthesizer

  25. Video Gateway Windows PC NetMeeting (H.323) Video Transcoder ABONE Linux PC Linux PC Vic, wb Vic, wb Whiteboard server Video Conference Running Movie Provider “Shrek” Wireless Pocket PC Synthesizer

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