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Determining the Cost of Algebraic Operators. Background: Memory, Files, Indexes. Selection. External Sort. Join. Evaluating Individual Operators. Other. Finding Efficient Query Plans. Optimizer Architecture. Cost of Combining Operators. Enumerating Plans. Relational Query Optimization.
Determining the Cost of Algebraic Operators Background: Memory, Files, Indexes Selection External Sort Join Evaluating Individual Operators Other Finding Efficient Query Plans Optimizer Architecture Cost of Combining Operators Enumerating Plans
Relational Query Optimization Evaluating Queries with Several Operators
Topic • Until now, we have seen how to optimize queries with a single operator • Most queries have several operators • We now discuss how queries with several operators can be optimized
Simplest Way to Implement Complex Queries • Evaluate operators, one at a time • After each evaluation, write temporary results to disk • Read temporary results from disk, as input to the next operator
Simplest Way to Implement Complex Queries • Example: • Compute join and write result T1 to disk • Read T1, compute selection, and write result T2 to disk • Read T2, compute projection, and return to user SELECT S.sname FROM Sailors S, Reserves R WHERE S.sid = R.sid and R.bid = 100 and S.rating>5 sname(bid=100 and rating>5(Reserves Sailors))
Simplest Way to Implement Complex Queries • Compute join and write result T1 to disk • Read T1, compute selection, and write result T2 to disk • Read T2, compute projection, and return to user • A query plan: sname(bid=100 and rating>5(Reserves Sailors)) sname File scan, write to T2 rating > 5 bid=100 Block nested loops, write to T1 sid=sid Sailors Reserves 6
Simplest Way to Implement Complex Queries • Think about it: • Does this seem efficient? • No. join and select can be calc together, can print the name while choosing it. • 2) Can we use an index for the selection? No. the selection is for temp table that has no index. • 3) How would we implement the projection? • as we said in last part (last slide). • Compute join and write result T1 to disk • Read T1, compute selection, and write result T2 to disk • Read T2, compute projection, and return to user • A query plan: sname(bid=100 and rating>5(Reserves Sailors)) sname File scan, write to T2 rating > 5 bid=100 Block nested loops, write to T1 sid=sid Sailors Reserves 7
Query Optimization: Basic Architecture Query Parser Query Optimizer Plan Generator Plan Cost Estimator Catalog Manager Query Plan Evaluator
Simplifications • SQL Queries may be composed of several blocks • Each block is optimized separately • In our discussion, we assume a single block SELECT S.sid, MIN(R.day) FROM Sailors S, Reserves R, Boats B WHERE S.sid = R.sid and R.bid = B.bid and B.color = ‘red’ and S.rating = (SELECT MAX(rating) FROM Sailors) GROUP BY S.sid HAVING count(*)>2
Simplifications • Queries may contain group-by and aggregation • Are applied as a final step in evaluation (how? Hash/ Sort) • We only consider queries without aggregation SELECT S.sid, MIN(R.day) FROM Sailors S, Reserves R, Boats B WHERE S.sid = R.sid and R.bid = B.bid and B.color = ‘red’ and S.rating = (SELECT MAX(rating) FROM Sailors) GROUP BY S.sid HAVING count(*)>2
Simplifications • By making the simplifications discussed, we derive queries that can be translated into relational algebra. We show how to evaluate such queries. SELECT S.sid, MIN(R.day) FROM Sailors S, Reserves R, Boats B WHERE S.sid = R.sid and R.bid = B.bid and B.color = ‘red’ and S.rating = (SELECT MAX(rating) FROM Sailors) GROUP BY S.sid HAVING count(*)>2
Translating to Algebra Trees SELECT S.sname FROM Sailors S, Reserves R WHERE S.sid = R.sid and R.bid = 100 and S.rating>5 sname(bid=100 and rating>5(Reserves Sailors)) sname rating > 5 bid=100 sid=sid Sailors Reserves
sname rating > 5 bid=100 sid=sid Sailors Reserves (On-the-fly) sname (On-the-fly) rating > 5 bid=100 (Block Nested Loops) sid=sid Sailors Reserves Query Plans • A query plan is a relational algebra tree, annotated with access and evaluation methods • Convention: In trees when using block/index nested loops join, left child is outer relation
(On-the-fly) sname (Sort-Merge Join) sid=sid (Scan; (Scan; write to write to rating > 5 bid=100 temp T2) temp T1) Reserves Sailors (On-the-fly) sname (On-the-fly) rating > 5 bid=100 (Block Nested Loops) sid=sid Sailors Reserves Alternative Plans • There may be many different query plans for the same query. Query optimizer must: • enumerate such plans • choose the best plan
Pipelined Evaluation Evaluation “On the Fly” פעולת ביניים לא נכתבת אל הדיסק אלא מועברת ישירות לפעולה הבאה
Pipelining • When evaluating a query, the results of one operator may have to be fed into another operator. This can be done in two ways: • Materializing: the first operator creates a temporary relation, which is read by the second operator • Pipelining (on the fly computation): the results of the first operator are fed directly into the second operator • Pipelining can save on the I/O costs! • We save the cost of writing a temporary result to disk! • We save the cost of reading for the following operation!
Pushing Selections/Projections and Pipelining Why? • BNLO: R is read once. While reading check the selection cond. If it does add it to the projectile. Without writing to the disk. • INLO: same. • When both possible it is always better to push and pipeline
When is Pipelining Impossible • Impossible if: • Input must be read several times • Block nested loops join – inner relation • Input must be read via anindex • Index nested loops join – inner relation • Input must be read in a specific order (and the previous operator does not output in that order • Sort merge join
Example 1: Pipelining in Unary Operators • Suppose we want to apply two selections on the table Reserves: date<05/05/05 and bid=100. We have a BTree index on date: • Materializing: Find tuples matching date condition using BTree. Store in temporary relation. Scan relation to find tuples matching bid condition • Pipelining: Find tuples matching date condition using BTree. As tuples are retrieved, apply second condition • Pipelining into unary operators is called on-the-flyevaluation
C B A Example 2: Pipelining in Joins • Suppose we want to compute (A B) C • Materializing: Compute A B, store and then read and join with C • Pipelining: The joins can be pipelined if some type of nested loops join is used. • Read blocks of tuples from A • Find matching tuples from B (using a scan or index) • Find matching tuples from C
C B A Pipelining Joins: Questions • Can the execution of the join be pipelined if the join with C is performed using sort-merge join? • No. • Example: R(A, B), S(B, C), T(C, D) • Sort-merge (R, S) will be sorted by B • Sort-merge (S, T) will be sorted by C • Therefore C must be read from the file, Meaning it must have been written to the file
Fully Pipelined Execution • The execution is fully pipelinedif no temporary relations are written to disk throughout the entire query processing
D D C C D B A C B A B A Pipelining Joins: Questions • Which of the following trees can allow for fully pipelined execution (e.g., using a nested loops join)? Middle one.
D D C C D B A C B A B A Left Deep Plans • A plan is left-deep if the inner relation of each join (i.e., the right child of each join operator) is a base relation. Which of the following are left deep? • Left deep plans allow for fully pipelined execution
Alternative Plans Motivating Example
Motivating Example • We will consider the cost of various plans for the following query. • NOTE: No distinct in SELECT clause! SELECT S.sname FROM Sailors S, Reserves R WHERE S.sid = R.sid and R.bid = 100 and S.rating>5
What is the cost of this plan, if the buffer is of size 5? BR + BS * BR / (B-2) 1000+500*1000/3= 168,000 What would you suggest to change in this plan? Switch between the join and the select Switch between S and R Do the projection early (On-the-fly) sname (On-the-fly) rating > 5 bid=100 (Block Nested Loops) sid=sid Sailors Reserves
(On-the-fly) sname (On-the-fly) rating > 5 bid=100 (Block Nested Loops) sid=sid Sailors Reserves Alternative Plan: Pushing Selections • Selections generally reduce the sizes of the relations • Often a good strategy to push the selections, i.e., apply early, so that the join is over smaller relations • Which selections could be pushed in this query?
(On-the-fly) sname (Block NL Join) sid=sid (Scan; (Scan; write to write to rating > 5 bid=100 temp T2) temp T1) Reserves Sailors • This is an plan has fully-pushed selections כל הבחירות נעשות כמה שיותר מוקדם
(On-the-fly) sname (Block NL Join) sid=sid (Scan; (Scan; write to write to rating > 5 bid=100 temp T2) temp T1) Reserves Sailors • Find cost, assuming: • 5 buffer pages • 100 different boats, uniform distribution on bid • rating between 1 and 10, uniformly distributed
(On-the-fly) sname (Block NL Join) sid=sid (Scan; (Scan; write to write to rating > 5 bid=100 temp T2) temp T1) Reserves Sailors • Finding cost: קריאת reserve: 1000 כתיבת T1: גודל T1 הוא כ 1000/100. לכן עולה כ 10 קריאת salors: 500 כתיבת T2: 500/2 = 250. לכן כתיבת T2 תעלה כ 250 Block Nested Loop: 10 + 250*10/3 = 1010 סה"כ העלות היא: 2770 = 1000+10+500+250+1010
Pushing Selections/Projectionsand Pipelining If we tried to push selection/projection we would no longer have an index
(On-the-fly) sname (On-the-fly) rating > 5 bid=100 (Block Nested Loops) sid=sid Sailors Reserves Alternative Plan: Pushing Projections • Projections also reduce the sizes of the relations • Often a good strategy to push the projections, i.e., apply early, so that the join is over smaller relations • Which projections could be pushed in this query? • Note: in general, duplicate elimination is performed only in the outermost projection
This is an plan has fully-pushed selections and projections (On-the-fly) sname (Block NL Join) sid=sid (On-the-fly; write to T2) (On-the-fly; write to T1) sid sname,sid (Scan) (Scan) rating > 5 bid=100 Reserves Sailors
נניח ש sid תופס 10 byte, ונניח sid, sname תופס 25 byte חישוב עלות קריאת Reserve: 1000 כתיבת T1: 1000/(100*4) = 3 (ערך עליון) קריאת Salors: 500 כתיבת T2: 500/(2*2) = 125 חישוב BNL: 3 + 125*3/3 = 128 סה"כ העלות: 1000+3+500+125+128 = 1756 (On-the-fly) sname (Block NL Join) sid=sid (On-the-fly; write to T2) (On-the-fly; write to T1) sid sname,sid (Scan) (Scan) rating > 5 bid=100 Reserves Sailors
Alternative Plan: Using Indexes • In there are indexes, then it may be preferable to access one (or more) of the relations via the indexes, instead of by using a sequential scan • Suppose we have a clustered hash index on bid of Reserves and a hash index on sid of Sailors
Find cost, assuming that access to hash table indices costs 1.2 I/Os Is the selection fully pushed? No.Is this good? No (index). (On-the-fly) sname (On-the-fly) rating > 5 (Index Nested Loops, with pipelining ) sid=sid (Use hash Sailors bid=100 index; do not write result to temp) Reserves Alternative Plan: Using Indexes
חישוב עלויות עלות INL: BR+TR(time to find matching raws in S) עלות קריאת R היא בזמן הבחירה, לכן אין צורך לקרוא אותו שוב בשלב ה INL. קריאת Reserve: 1.2 + 1000*100/(100*100) = 11.2 חלוקה אחת ב 100 כי בהסתברות 0.01 נקבל bid=100 חלוקה שניה ב 100 היא בגלל שהאינדקס מכווץ. עלות INL: 1000*(1.2+1) סה"כ העלות: 2211.2 (On-the-fly) sname (On-the-fly) rating > 5 (Index Nested Loops, with pipelining ) sid=sid (Use hash Sailors bid=100 index; do not write result to temp) Reserves Alternative Plan: Using Indexes
Determining the Cost of Algebraic Operators Background: Memory, Files, Indexes Selection External Sort Join Evaluating Individual Operators Other Finding Efficient Query Plans Optimizer Architecture Cost of Combining Operators Enumerating Plans
Calculating the Costs: Block NL • N is number of blocks in the outer relation • M is number of blocks in the inner relation • B is number of buffer blocks • Cost, selections/projections are not pipelined: N + M(N/(B-2)) • Cost, selections/projections are pipelined on outer relation: M(N/(B-2)) • Notes: If selections/projections are pushed through the join, then N and M are the sizes of the relations AFTER the selections/projections
Calculating the Costs: Index NL • N is number of blocks in the outer relation • T is number of tuples in the outer relation • S is the cost of traversing the index • Tmis number of tuples in the inner relation that match each tuple in the outer relation • P is number of tuples in the inner relation that fit into a page • Notes: If selections/projections are pushed through the join, then N and T are the sizes AFTER the selections/projections
Calculating the Costs: Sort-Merge Join • N is number of blocks in the outer relation • M is number of blocks in the inner relation • B is number of buffer blocks • Cost: 2N(1+ logB-1(N/B)) + 2M(1+ logB-1(M/B)) + N + M • If outer relation is already sorted: 2N(1+ logB-1(N/B)) + N + M • If inner relation is already sorted: 2M(1+ logB-1(M/B)) + N + M • Bother relations are already sorted: N + M • Notes: If selections are pushed through the join, then N and M are the sizes of the relations AFTER the selections
Determining the Cost of Algebraic Operators Background: Memory, Files, Indexes Selection External Sort Join Evaluating Individual Operators Other Finding Efficient Query Plans Optimizer Architecture Cost of Combining Operators Enumerating Plans