What Are The Merits Of Having Sales Process? Sales process is the most important and essential ingredient of becoming a successful sales person. If you are a successful sales person you must have a sales process whether you know it or not. The word "process" means a series of operations which lead to a final product or result of your efforts. Whatever kind of product or service your organization deal with or whatever is the size of the operation, it will benefit only from determining and defining the sales process. No one can manage their sales operation without having a sales process. For better management of your business you need to know what is achieved and what is not and the reason for not achieving the goal. You will need to know what works in the business and what does not work, then only you will be able to refine you process and correct it. Organizations having clear sales process can manage their business well. By integrating it with customer planning and sales management , they will get more success in targeting their prospects, in qualifying leads, in effective cross-selling and up-selling, in effective presentation of features and their benefits, in sell value and in decreasing the discounts and most importantly in introducing new products and services in the market. Organizations which do not have sales process and who do not integrate it with their sales management underperform in their sales operations.