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HALO Mission ML-CIRRUS Mid Latitude CIRRUS Coordination C. Voigt, A. Minikin, U. Schumann - DLR Science core team (alphabetical): M. Krämer (FZJ), A. Minikin (DLR), (A. Petzold), M. Schnaiter (KIT), U. Schumann (DLR), P. Spichtinger (Uni Mainz),
HALO Mission ML-CIRRUS Mid Latitude CIRRUS Coordination C. Voigt, A. Minikin, U. Schumann - DLR Science core team (alphabetical): M. Krämer (FZJ), A. Minikin (DLR), (A. Petzold), M. Schnaiter (KIT), U. Schumann (DLR), P. Spichtinger (Uni Mainz), C. Voigt (DLR&Uni Mainz), M. Wendisch (Uni Leipzig)
Investigate the climate impact from cirrus and contrail cirrus Natural cirrus Measure microphysical, optical and radiative properties of cirrus clouds with improved „state-of-the-art“ instrumentation Investigate the development of macroscopic, microphysical, and radiative properties of cirrus and their variations during their life cycle Measure in cloud and clear sky supersaturation to determine the modification of the water vapor budget of the tropopause region by cirrus clouds Investigate the impact of “anthropogenic perturbations” (e.g. heterogeneous IN) on mid latitude cirrus Implementation of new technologies on HALO Aims of the HALO ML-CIRRUS Mission HALO-ML-Cirrus Mission Status
Investigate ice nucleation and cirrus properties in different dynamical forcing regimes / updraft velocities Natural Cirrus Warm Convoyer Belt (WCB) Cirrus – High Pressure (HP) Cirrus Study regions for WCB cirrus (red) and HP cirrus (green): Different velocity regimes of cirrus clouds in the vicinity of a warm conveyor belt [from Spichtinger et al., 2005]. Reddish colours indicate stronger vertical updrafts, triggered by the warm conveyor belt, whereas bluish colours indicate low vertical updrafts, associated with the companioning high-pressure system.
Study regions for WCB Cirrus and HP Cirrus HALO-ML-Cirrus Mission Status Study regions for WCB cirrus: upward air motion in a typical warm conveyor beltas calculated using the trajectory tool LAGRANTO [from Spichtinger et al., 2005]. The colours indicate pressure; the black lines sketch potential flight routes.
Aims Contrail Cirrus Radiative forcing (RF) from aviation coolingwarming Lee et al., Atmos. Env., 2009 • Aviation contribution to anthropogenic radiative forcing ~ 5 % (2-14%) • Large uncertainties in the RF from induced cirrus cloudiness • New results by Burkhardt and Kärcher, Nat. CC, 2011, Schumann, JGR, 2013 • Observational data base required
Measure microphysical/radiative properties of contrail cirrus to provide an observational data set in order to help to reduce uncertainties in the climate impact from contrail cirrus Investigate ice nucleation in contrails and contrail properties during life cycle Satellite validation (MSG, Modis) WCB promote contrail cirrus outbreak situations Aims Climate Impact from Contrail Cirrus HALO-ML-Cirrus Mission Status
Operation Area - ML-CIRRUS Target area ContrailCirrus Target area WCB/HP Cirrus Mission: March - April 2014 (5½ weeks) 70 flight hours HALO range: 14 km altitude, 8000km (10h flight hours)
Measurement strategyforcirrus 11-14 km Phase 1. Fernerkundung Lidar, Strahlung, Dropsonden, Temperatur 8-12 km Phase 2. „In situ“ Messungen Größen/Formen von Eiskristallen, Wasserdampf, Aerosol, Spurengase Phase 3. Fernerkundung Strahlung, Temperatur
Instrumentation and Partners DFG funded projects in yellow.
ML-CIRRUS links to T-NAWDEX • Lessons learned from T-NAWDEX Falcon • flight planning in WCB situations is a challenge • Synergies • ML-CIRRUS can be used to optimize forecast and investigate forecast quality for flight planning • Development/improvement of flight strategy in WCBs • Instrumentation • Data in WCB outflow region • Heraeus Seminar 2013 • Wish to cooperate with T-NAWDEX FEBRUARY T0 WCB starting positions Densityplotsof WCB trajectories (amount per km2, ascentof 600 hPa in 48 hours) ERAinterim Dataset 1989-2011 Madonna, Böttcher, Wernli et al., A 22 year climatology of warm conveyor belts, 2013 T0+48h
PMS DFG funded projects/instruments are highlighted.
WCB Klimatologie Annual variation of the monthly mean WCB mass fluxes (109 kg s-1) for seven boxes, from Eckhardt et al., 2004
Klimawirkung von Zirren und Kondensstreifen-Zirren Messung mikrophysikalischer / optischer Eigenschaften von Zirren und Kondensstreifen-Zirren mit neuer Instrumentierung Einfluß auf Wasserdampfbudget der Tropopausenregion Einsatz/Erprobung neuer Technologien auf HALO Ziele der ML-CIRRUS Mission HALO-ML-Cirrus Mission Status
New results on RF from Contrail Cirrus Schumann and Graf, 2012 • Recentresults on netto RF fromcontrailcirrus30-80 mW m−2 (Burkhardt and Kärcher, Nature Clim. Chan., 2011; Schumann, JGR, 2013) • Observationsneeded • Ratio SW/LW RF variabel not experimentallyprobed
Fokus Convoyer Belt Cirrus - High Pressure Cirrus Kondensstreifen-Zirren Ziele der ML-CIRRUS Mission HALO-ML-Cirrus Mission Status Spichtinger et al., 2005 Schumann and Graf, 2012
ML-CIRRUS – Ziele WCB / High Pressure Cirrus Study regions for WCB cirrus: upward air motion in a typical warm conveyor beltas calculated using the trajectory tool LAGRANTO [from Spichtinger et al., 2005]. The colours indicate pressure; the black lines sketch potential flight routes.
PMS instrumentation carriers UHSAS-A LO-O LO-I CAS-DPOL PCASP-100X LM-O LM-I left wing SID3 [no instrument] LI-O LI-I PIP [no instrument] RI-IRI-O MTP NIXE/CAPS RM-IRM-O right wing [no instrument] Revision C16-July-2012A. Minikin CCP RO-IRO-O PHIPS I --- inboardO --- outboard
WARM CONVEYOR BELT DENSITY PLOTS (amount per km2)FOR FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY OF WARM CONVEYOR BELT TRAJECTORIES (ascent of 600 hPa in 48 hours) FOR TIME STEPS AT: T0,T0+24, T0+48, T0+60, T0+72 ERAinterim Dataset 1989-2011 Madonna et al. "A 22 year climatology of warm conveyor belts" (in preparation)
T0 MARCH T0+48h
T0 APRIL T0+48h
T0 MAY T0+48h
WARM CONVEYOR BELT DENSITY PLOTS (amount per km2)FOR FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY OF WARM CONVEYOR BELT TRAJECTORIES (ascent of 600 hPa in 48 hours) FOR TIME STEPS AT: T0,T0+24, T0+48, T0+60, T0+72 ERAinterim Dataset 1989-2011 Madonna et al. "A 22 year climatology of warm conveyor belts" (in preparation)
T0 FEBRUARY T0+24 T0+48 T0+60 T0+72
MARCH T0 MARCH T0+24 T0+48 T0+60 T0+72
T0 APRIL T0+24 T0+48 T0+60 T0+72
T0 MAY T0+24 T0+48 T0+60 T0+72
Boundary conditions HALO will operate from OP, in total approx. 50 flight hours are planned; preferred seasons are spring to fall, but all seasons are possible. Falcon will operate parallel to HALO for specific flight missions; 25 flight hours are planned. Aviation-Cirrus, Contrails, and Synoptic Cirrus HALO probes the NAR (45 - 55°N and 10 - 45°W) with active remote sensing of cirrus, dropsondes and in-situ measurements of contrail/cirrus properties. Frontal cirrus and cirrus associated with high pressure systems are explored in "clean" regions over Central and Northern Europe with only moderate pollution by air traffic. Assigned flight hours: 40.
Operation Area - ACIPS / ML-CIRRUS NCC - target area AIC target area North Atlantic Region Air traffic control regions for which permissions for measurements and dropsonde release will be requested during ML-CIRRUS.
Zeitplanung Flugversuche Einlässe ab: 12.08.2013 (4 Wochen) PMS-Instrumente ab: 30.09.2013 (1 Woche) Mission Instrumenteinbau ab: 27.01.2014 Missionszeitraum: 10.03.2014 bis 15.04.2014 (5½ Wochen)