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2010. MARCH. (Pic of Council Hall). SUN. MON. TUE. WED. THU. FRI. SAT. 1. 2. 6. 5. 3. 4. State Spelling Bee. Columbia Club 6 PM / General Meeting 7 PM / First Degree Ceremony. ST. CLOUD – KISSIMMEE COUNCIL 6624. BINGO 5:30 PM. BINGO 5:30 PM. Boy Scouts 7 PM.
2010 MARCH (Pic of Council Hall) SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 6 5 3 4 State Spelling Bee Columbia Club 6 PM / General Meeting 7 PM / First Degree Ceremony ST. CLOUD – KISSIMMEE COUNCIL 6624 BINGO 5:30 PM BINGO 5:30 PM Boy Scouts 7 PM Taste of Kowtown Online at: www.kofc6624.com POSTAGE PAID NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION PERMIT #40040 ORLANDO, FL USA 32862 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 407-847-8549 ST CLOUD – KISSIMMEE COUNCIL 6624 P.O. BOX 421732 KISSIMMEE, FL 34742 11 10 13 12 9 8 7 DATED MATERIAL DO NOT DELAY 7PM: 4th Degree Meeting BINGO 5:30 PM Boy Scouts 7 PM State Free Throw BINGO 5:30 PM MAR 2010 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 16 15 18 20 17 19 14 1996 1998 1997 Tootsie Roll Handicap Drive BINGO 5:30 PM BINGO 5:30 PM Boy Scouts 7 PM Rosary 6 PM Social 6:30 PM COMPASS 1999 2000 2001 2004 26 25 22 27 21 23 24 Some Thoughts on Lent BINGO 5:30 PM BINGO 5:30 PM Boy Scouts 7 PM By Fr. John H. R. Ellis The length of Jesus’, ordeal in the wilderness is believed to have been forty days, and this is the reason that the season of Lent is forty days long. There are many who question the appropriateness of present-day life of both the length of time and certain Lenten devotional practices. No doubt, in the FPO Easter Egg Hunt 2:00 PM 29 31 28 30 BINGO 5:30 PM coming year there will continue to be an evolution in our Lenten customs and disciplines as newer and more effective forms of discipleship are recognized by the Church as being appropriate to the new age. The essential feature of this season, however, can never change — for it is central to the Christian life in any age. We do not keep Lent as a special period of religious discipline simply because it has become traditional, or because the Church tells us to do so. We keep Lent as we do everything else in the life of Faith, as our response to God’s love for us in Jesus Christ. The only right motive, for prayer, fasting, sacrificial giving or study is our deep desire to please God. There can be no other worthy reason for what we do than this: our longing to respond in love to that Love who first loved us. Once we realize that we must turn to the loving God, we begin to see our Lenten discipline not as a chore but as an opportunity. “Keeping Lent,” therefore, is no different from the challenge every Christian faces daily to respond anew to the call of Christ to take up the cross and follow Him whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light. Can there be a more appropriate time for us to show our faithfulness than in the weeks before Holy Week and Easter? The way, in which we respond to this opportunity may be traditional or, novel, intense or diffused throughout the forty days. The precise form of our Lenten devotion is of less importance than our motive in offering it. “The fact is that whether you eat or drink — whatever you do — you should do all for the glory of God.” (1 Cor 10: 31) Upcoming Key Dates • March 3rd – First Degree Ceremony Council Hall Candidates arrive 6:30 PM • March 6th – 11:00AM State Spelling Bee • March 6th – TASTE OF KOWTOWN • March 13th – 11:00AM State Free Throw, Bishop Moore High School • March March 18-21 – Tootsie Roll Handicap Drive • March 28th – Children’s Easter Egg Hunt, Council Hall, 2:00 PM • April 1st – Holy Thursday • April 2nd – Good Friday • April 3rd – Easter Vigil • April 4th - Easter Sunday • May 28th – 30th – State Convention • April 30th – May 1st – State Squires Convention (in Kissimmee)
District Deputy Report ANTHONY M. ‘TONY’ COSTANTINI DISTRICT DEPUTY, DISTRICT 24 DISTRICT DEPUTY #24 ANTHONY (TONY) – ALICE CONSTANTINI 407-247-6907 DISTRICT WARDEN STEVE YOUNG – AURORA 863-427-6249 As we begin the month of March, we thing of spring, and the renewal that it signifies. It is now time to reflect on the things we had intended to accomplish, and readjust our goals and desires. It is also time to recommit ourselves to our Church and our Order. Remember we are Knights of Columbus, and our goals are to support our Clergy through both time and treasure. The treasure we take care of through our contributions at Mass, and various Church functions that raise monies to assist those in need. We also contribute to our seminarians. We donate food to those less fortunate and in these trying times it is the difference of eating or going hungry for some families. Our time is the most precious gift we can give to our Church and our Community. We do this with various youth programs, visiting with our brothers and their family members in distress due to illness or other life changing events. Remember, don’t be just a card carrying Knight. Get up, get out and give a hand up. VIVAT JESUS! CHAPLAIN MONSIGNOR FABIAN GIMENO FR. CHRISTOPHER HOFFMANN FR. ALFEDO ORTIZ Council Officers Grand Knight……….......................John Hardin (Cindy)………………… 407-908-3913…………….…….…johnhardin6624@yahoo.com Deputy Grand Knight………….…...William Waggener (Maria)……..……. 321-284-4016……………..………….bwaggener@earthlink.net Chancellor……………………………Randal Moser……………………...….407-697-1155………………………..moserrandall@yahoo.com Warden……………….…………….. Stephen “Andy” Choma……………… 407-301-3021 ……………………stephen.choma@us.army.mil Financial Secretary…………….……Robert Birchler ………..….407-301-9004……………….………….….. rab1996@aol.com Treasurer……………….…………....Ralph Knothe (Alicia)…….…..……….407-201-3021…………………………………rknothe@4-m.com Lecturer……...………….……….…..Boyd Stodolski (Elsa)………..………. 407-201-4817 …………………………. bestodolski@cfl.rr.com Advocate……………………………. John J. Early (Mary)…………………. 407-348-6589 Recorder……………………………..Richard W. Lason (Pamela)………….407-348-6850 Inside Guard…………………………Gerald J. Strohmeier…………………..507-460-5798 Outside Guard……………...……….Ken Emede (Linda)……….…………..407-931-3344 Trustee 3 yr……………...……….…Peter Staab (Betty)……………………407-892-9323………………….….……..staabstcloud@aol.com Trustee 2 yr………………………….Mark Gervia (Bea)…………………….407-460-2009……………….…………….markgervia@aol.com Trustee 1 yr……………………….…Don Brunig (Elly)…….………………..407-933-1238 …………………….debrunig@embarqmail.com JOHN D. HARDIN GRAND KNIGHT, COUNCIL 6624 Grand Knight Report Congratulations to our newest Boyscouts having recently earned their Arrow of Light from Cub Scout Pack 662 at Saint Thomas Aquinas. Jared Wood, Joseph Hardin, Jacob Szlezak and Isaac Copenhaver. We also have five new boys from Holy Redeemer crossing over to Troop 662 from pack 826 in Kissimmee. As my time as Grand Knight starts to wind down, I look back at the wonderful things we've accomplished this year including the State Golf Tournament, the Turkey Drive, the Police and Fireman Social, the New Years Eve Party, the Clergy Social, Halloween and Christmas Party, the State Soccer competitions, the regional basketball competition and the upcoming State Spelling Bee. We'll wrap it up with the Tootsie Roll Drive (Please Answer the phone when you get the call... we're behind on getting all of the arrangements, B U T I T I S H A P P E N I N G ! Council Chairmen and Program Leads Council Director……..… Pete Bryant ……..….407-574-3429 Family Director……..….. Mark Gervia ……….…. 407-460-2009 Youth Director…………..Willy Alvarado………..407-846-1249 Columbian Squires Chief Counselor …………………………….Charles DeCarlo…….407-892-8393 Admission Chairman……Randal Moser………..407-697-1155 Retention Chairman…….William Waggener…...321-284-4016 Membership Director: Howard Stevenson hsstevenson@hotmail.com Program Chairman…..……….William Waggener.....321-284-4016 Church Director………………..Randal Moser…....….407-697-1155 Round Table Holy Redeemer….....….Howard Stevenson ... 407-847-6610 St. Thomas Aquinas......Richard DeVuyst..…..407-892-4894 St. Rose of Lima………. Joe Falco…………... 407-931-1792 Community Director…………..Charles DeCarlo….…407-892-8393 Also the Florida State Convention is coming up May 28-30 at the Renaissance Hotel across from Sea World. Any card carrying 3rd degree member can attend the convention while I and Bill Waggener will represent you as your delegates. There is a nice Ladies Luncheon that happens on Saturday, a super Banquet on Saturday evening where the Knight of the year is announced and a Breakfast on Sunday where the Council of the Year is announced for the state of Florida. You should come. Ask me or the Financial Secretary about tickets. Speaking of Financial Secretaries, I'd like to personally thank our former Financial Secretary PGK, PFN John "Pete" Bryant who has concluded his three tenure. I appreciate this journey we shared together and his guidance and mentorship. I am proud to announce that former Membership Director Bob Birchler has taken over the reins of Financial Secretary. We welcome his knowledge and love of the Knights. Please welcome Bob and thank Pete as you see them at Church or the hall. Howard Stevenson steps up as our Membership Director. He's doing a super job, especially with our Corporate Communions. Columbia Club Directors Officers of the Fourth Degree 3 Yr Director…..JAMES SCHONEFELD, Treas.....407-460-1613 3 Yr Director…..RICHARD SIKORSKI, Sec……....407-348-6331 3 Yr Director…. RICHARD QUESNELL……..........407-891-7756 2 Yr Director…..DON BRUNIG, VP…………….….407-933-1238 2 Yr Director…..PAUL SALISBURY……...………..407-935-0377 2 Yr Director…..LARRY RABB……………………..407-892-8639 1 Yr Director…. JACK EARLEY………………...….407-348-6589 1 Yr Director…..GERRY CUSHING, Pres…..……407-931-1645 1 Yr Director…. PETE STAAB…………...…...……407-892-9323 Faithful Navigator…..…. William Waggener – Maria....321-284-4016 Faithful Captain……….. James McKnight – Charla…..863-424-7222 Faithful Admiral………....Don Brunig – Elly……………407-933-1238 Faithful Pilot…………… John Hardin – Cindy……...….407-908-3913 Faithful Comptroller……Richard Quesnell Linda….…..407-891-7756 Faithful Purser………….Raymond Claus………………407-892-9269 Faithful Scribe………….. Stephen “Andy” Choma….… 407-301-3021 Faithful Outer Sentinel… Gerald Strohmeier… ..……...407-891-7556 Faithful Inner Sentinel… Gustav Tay ………………….407-240-4438 Faithful Trustee ………. .John Nasiatka ………………407- 856-4693 Faithful Trustee ………. .Joe Falco……………………..407-931-1792 Faithful Trustee ………...Pete Staab …………………407-892-9323 Family of the Month February, 2010 Jose and Virginia DeLaGarza Knight of the Month February, 2010 Bob Schroeder Council Hall Phone (407) 847-8549 Knights of Columbus Insurance Agent George Chandler Cell: (407) 435-8357 george.chandler@kofc.org Published Monthly by Knights of Columbus Council 6624 PO Box 421732 Kissimmee, FL 34744