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utility horizons QUARTERLY 2014 MEDIA KIT. Q4-2012 LAUNCH ISSUE!. Q1-2013 ISSUE. Q2-2013 ISSUE. [CLICK ON ANY COVER TO EXPERIENCE THE DIGITAL ADVANTAGE NOW]. Q3-2013 ISSUE. This is a ‘ Live ’ Document…
This is a ‘Live’ Document… This is an interactive document, which means that although most of the information contained herein is completely readable as a standard MS-PowerPoint, you will need access to an online (Web) connection to take full advantage of the content, portions of which are provided in an interactive online format. As the utility industry’s First and Only all-digital publication, the unique features available under our Digital ADvantage suite are best viewed and evaluated in an online environment. Should you have difficulties viewing this material or prefer to access information separately, please contact us via phone or email for assistance. REMINDER: Live links throughout this document will work in PPT Presentation Mode ONLY! TELEPHONE: 1-866-806-6549 (Dial +1-504-466-2220 Outside US & Canada) VIA EMAIL: EDT@UtilityHorizons.com
TABLE OF CONTENTS Live Document Notification ………………………………………………………………….……………………………….. 2 Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3 About F.A.C.E. ………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………. 6 Mission/Vision …..………………………………………………………………………………….................................. 7 Reader Testimonials …..…………………………………………………………………………………......................... 8 Circulation & Digital Benefits …..……………………………………………………………………………………………. 9 NEWS Features & Content Automation Rising ……………………………………………………………………………………… 11 Send Us YOUR News! …………………………………………………………………………………. 12 2014 EDITORIAL Features & Content Editorial Philosophy ……………………………………………………………………………………. 14 Editorial Features ……………………………………………………………………….….............. 15 Editorial Theme & Focus …………………………………………………………………………….. 16 2014 Issue Emphasis ……………………………………………………………………….….......... 20 Editorial Calendar ……………………………………………………………………….….............. 21 Editorial (Article) Development …………………………………………………………………… 22
TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont’d.) ADVERTISING Features & Content Introducing the Digital ADvantage™ …………………………………………………………… 24 Digital ADvantage™ Features ……………………………………………………………………… 25 Digital ADvantage™ Programs ……………………………………………………………………. 26 Digital ADvantage™ Examples ……………………………………………………………………. 29 2014 Standard Advertising Rates ………………………………………………………………… 34 2014 Digital ADvantage™ Rates ……………………………………………………………....... 35 Advertising Production Assistance ………………………………………………………………. 36 PROMOTIONAL Programs & Services Promotional Programs & Services ……………………………………………………………….. 38 MEDIA SPONSORSHIP Opportunities & Guidelines Media Sponsorship Opportunities ……………………………………………………………….. 40 Media Sponsorship Guidelines …………………………………………………………………….. 41
TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont’d.) READERSHIP: Circulation & Demographics Demographics By Geographical Regions ………………………………………………………….. 43 Contacts By Classification ………………………………………………………………………………… 44 Demographics By Utility Sector ……………………………………………………………………….. 45 FORMS: General & Guidance Guidance Forms ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 47 Contractual Forms …………………………………………………………………………………………… 48 CONTACTS News & Editorial, Advertising & Promotion, Partnerships & Alliances ……………… 50
About F.A.C.E. utility horizonsQUARTERLYis an electronic magazine (‘E-zine’) published four (4) times each year (Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter) by UtilityHorizons.com. Some of the insights, innovations and educational value you will derive from this information-rich industry journal includes: FOCUS: Each quarterly issue focuses on key elements of Automation Products, Systems & Services for the global Electric, Water and Gas Utility industries. AUDIENCE: Aimed at upper and mid-level managers and staff, no other publication provides a comparable level of focus on the ‘Renaissance’ of Automation/IT as the most valuable – and most economical – source of solutions for utilities facing the formidable challenges of the 21st century. CONTENT: Take a deep dive into the key dimensions of Utility Automation & Information Technology across all of the market/application areas within Electric, Water & Gas Utilities – packed with content that only an ‘all-digital’ publication can deliver! EMPHASIS: Unparalleled coverage of the most advanced, leading-edge automation and information technologies and practical insights for seasoned veterans and newcomers alike.
Mission/Vision uhQ is the first and only all-digital, born global, natively mobile e-magazine for electric, gas and water utility automation and information technology professionals, worldwide. utility horizonsQUARTERLYlaunched its debut issue in the 4th quarter of 2012, thereby entering the historically well-served area of utility trade publications. This was a deliberate push into the new era of digital publishing with a unique and specific mission and vision… Mission: To be the magazine that utility automation professionals count on to point the way forward and help overcome the challenges of the 21st century through automation and information technology. Vision: To elevate automation from a luxury to a necessity… the first tool that utilities think of for efficiency, economy and execution: Automation Rising!
READER TESTIMONIALS Here’s what readers the world over are saying about uhQ… “This is by far the best magazine I’ve ever read… ever!” — Executive, Metering Company (Retired) “uhQ is the future of publishing… I love the all-digital format.” — PresidentFounder, Utility Industry PR & Consulting Firm “Incredible format on the magazine!”— VP Sales & Business Development, Alternative Energy Company “Two words sum up this magazine: Must Read!”— Independent Business Consultant & Former Regulator “Congratulations on a great magazine! Very attractive layout and easy to read.” — CEO, Leading Automation Supplier “uhQ provides a great ‘under the hood’ look at what's happening in the broad utility space, including the underlying drivers that will ultimately determine our energy future. — Former Top 5 Investor-owned Utility R&D Director
CIRCULATION & DIGITAL BENEFITS • Circulation Strategy • 100% Utility Focused • 100% Automation Centric • 100% Global Digital Delivery • Highly Targeted Market Focus – not a Shotgun Blast! • Principal Benefits of the All-digital Format • Reaches all readers simultaneously – no mailing delays! • Easily transportable on your portable smart device(s) • Dynamic editorial and advertising content
NEWS Features & Content
(Click Image to View in Magazine) Each issue of uhQ contains a selective set of news releases deemed by our editorial team to reflect key developments in automation/IT markets and applications. News items address a range of categories including Contract Awards, Partnerships & Alliances, Staffing & Appointments, and Other News.uhQ believes that the most pragmatic (and affordable) measures for dealing with both the short-term and long-term effects of these interlocking trends can be found in the advancement of automation and information technologies and their expedient application across the utility landscape. NEWS: Automation Rising! The escalating ‘rise of automation’ is being extensively driven by an aging – and now rapidly retiring – utility workforce, tightly coupled with a simultaneous decline of virtually all dimensions of utility infrastructure: Wires, pipes, valves, breakers, motors, pumps and – often overlooked – legacy automation/IT infrastructure as well.
NOTE: New product releases are not generally accepted for complimentary publication; standard advertising rates apply. Send Us YOUR News! NEWS@UtilityHorizons.com • DO… • Use a standard Press Release format. • Have the word “NEWS” as the first word in your email SubjectLine. • Put your full news release into the body of your email message. • (Also) attach a copy of your news release in MS-Word or PDF format. • Follow up to make sure that your news release was received (optional). • DON’T… • Address more than one topic/announcement in each release. • Embed graphics or logos in your news release. • Writeyour release as an ad or promotional piece – just the facts, please! • Callto ask if your release will be used in an upcoming issue.
EDITORIAL Features & Content
Editorial Philosophy uhQis 100% focused on Automation & Information Technology solutions for electric, gas and water utility automation/IT professionals worldwide. That means no work gloves, bulldozers cable spools or other such products, systems or services, in keeping with our singular focus on the future and the role of automation/IT in shaping that future. uhQIs focused on the future. Therefore, traditional ‘Case Study’ articles are of interest ONLY if they are based on very recent technology (i.e., past 2-3 years) AND address contemporary topics. uhQIs dedicated to pointing the way forward by looking forward. Help us fulfill that mission by providing content that emphasizes creative and innovative forward-facing solutions that our audience can use to advance their goals and objectives across the automation and information technology spectrum!
2014 Editorial FEATURES Each issue of uhQ contains a specialized set of unique editorial features: Publisher’s Message: Publisher’s commentary centered on the content and direction of uhQ The QUEUE: Editor’s Views & Industry/Market Observations Automation Rising: Electric, Gas & Water Utility Automation/IT News & Information Inside Tracks: Interview with Industry Leaders & Visionaries FOCAL POINT: Cover Story Fast FORWARD (Formerly ‘The BLeading Edge’): Forward-facing innovations in automation/IT EDUCATION Matters: Education & Training STANDARD Bearings: Standards & Standardization REGULATION de Rigueur: Regulatory & Legislative Issues & Trends On The HORIZON: Research-based Feature PURVIEWS (Guest Editorial): Viewpoints from Various Market Participants & Observers INTERSECTIONS: The Cross Roads of Electric, Gas & Water Utilities EVENTualities: Event Calendar Thinking IT Through with Sparky Flamedrop: Sparky’s Candid (and sometimes irreverent) Commentary Loose Ends: Book Reviews & Other Market-relevant Information
2014 Editorial Theme & Focus This will be a pivotal year for uhQ as well as for the industry at large in several important ways: Aging Workforce & Declining Infrastructure will continue to be at the top of the list for utilities faced with losing their most experienced staff, just as a substantial portion of their installed equipment base is reaching the end of its 35-50 year useful life expectancy. Security & Reliability are two other important challenges confronting utilities of all types, sizes and locations. Physical and cyber threats directed toward utilities continue to rise, while utility customer expectations for service and reliability continue to push toward unprecedented levels. Looming Question: How will these challenges be met?
2014 Editorial Theme & Focus (Cont’d.)… We believe that the answer will not be singular, nor will the range of answers all be simple or straightforward; however, we also believe – and with good reason – that automation and information technology will be a ubiquitous ingredient in a large and expanding portion of the solutions. Automation Rising!
AMI/AMR/MDM • Asset Management • Business Intelligence & Analytics • CIS/CRM • Communications • Conversion, Planning & Design • DCS/PAC/HMI • Energy Conservation & Efficiency • Field Data Devices (RTU/PLC) • Field Force Management • GIS/GPS & Field Inventory • IEDS & Smart Instruments • Integration, Planning & Design • Microgrids • Mobility/Mobile Data • New & Emerging Technologies • Outage Management • Recorders, Analyzers & Diagnostics • Resource Integration • Security, Reliability & Demand Response • SCADA/EMS/DMS • Smart Cities & Infrastructure • Work Management 2014 Editorial Theme & Focus (Cont’d.)… Full Range of Automation/IT Market/Application Coverage in EVERY Issue:
2014 Editorial Theme & Focus (Cont’d.)… THEME “Shaping the ‘Utility of the Future’ Through Automation” ISSUE FOCUS Q1 An Automation Blueprint for Utilities of the Future Q2Balancing Infrastructure & Human Capital Through Automation Q3Automation, IT & OT Implementation, Integration & Support Q4Meeting the Automation Justification Challenge
2014 Editorial Calendar (EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2013) uhQ is published four (4) times annually, on a calendar quarter basis. Closing dates for the receipt of news, advertising, and editorial materials are included in the table below; however, earlier submissions are always welcome. Submissions of Article Abstracts should always be sent to us at the earliest possible date to allow sufficient time for abstract review by our Editorial Board (especially for articles targeting a specific issue), as editorial space generally fills well ahead of the Editorial Closing dates. NOTE: Above Dates Are Subject To Change With Or Without Notice
NOTICE Any fee-for-services agreement and/or the amount of any fee arrangement with a freelance writer that we recommend (or that you select separately) are strictly between you and the writer. Utility Horizons does not charge a fee for this service, nor do we receive any remuneration from writers for recommending them. Be assured that great editorial material is our sole objective in offering this service. If you would like a referral, please contact us and we will be happy to provide an appropriate writer to match your individual needs. Editorial (Article) Development Need Help Writing An Article? If you are new to developing written material for publication in industry journals or perhaps just need some help deciding on a topic that will be of interest to our readers, we are always happy to provide you with expert editorial guidance. And, in addition to providing general guidance and assistance with developing your article, we can also refer you to professional freelance writers who will write an article for you, usually for a fee. Contact Us Via Phone or Email TEL: 1-866-806-6549 (Dial +1-504-466-2220 Outside US & Canada) SEND EMAIL INQUIRIES TO: EDT@UtilityHorizons.com
ADVERTISING Features & Content
Introducing the Digital ADvantage™ 2014 marks the introduction of a new concept in digital publishing we call the Digital ADvantage. Simply stated, the Digital ADvantage is a suite of unique digital publishing features and capabilities created for the express purpose of increasing the impact of your advertising message among uhQ readers. The Digital ADvantage provides a preview of what all digital publishing will look like in the coming years, but the biggest advantage is that uhQ already has the Digital ADvantage… NOW!
Digital ADvantage Features The Digital ADvantage is a suite of unique features and capabilities available exclusively to uhQadvertisers for the express purpose of increasing the level of awareness of your advertising message among readers. Followingare a few examples of the kinds of things the Digital ADvantage can do for you, but this is just the beginning. Currently available features include: • ADaudio: Embeds an audio clip into the ad at a pre-selected point of insertion • ADvideo: Embeds a video clip into the ad at a pre-selected point of insertion • ADimation: Animates one or more elements of the ad copy in a variety of ways • ADspin: Converts the center portion of a full-page ad to a revolving marquee area that can can be changed on click (or timer) to a different set of content (e.g., ad copy for an electric meter, a gas meter, and a water meter). • ADdirector: Auto-creates an email directed to an advertiser-selected email address, allowing the reader to ask for additional information *Additional Digital ADvantage features and variations pending and can be quoted upon request
Digital ADvantage Programs PROGRAM 1: B4-G5 (Buy 4-Get 5) ADvantage • Basic Offer: Contract for a 4-ad CY2014 campaign, and get a free1-page ad in the Q4-2013 issue. (Requires signed Space Contract prior to Q4-2013 ad closing.) • (Minimum) Program Requirements: • Space Contract for at least four (4) full-page ads (one or more per issue) during CY2014 • Insertion Order for Q4-2013 issue DESCRIPTIONS & TERMS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING A FULLY EXECUTED SPACE CONTRACT
Digital ADvantage Programs (Cont’d.)… PROGRAM 2: POP (Pay-One-Price) ADvantage • Basic Offer: Up to six (6) ads of ANY size over the course of a 2014 campaign and a combination of up to four (4) of these Digital ADvantage options: • Embedded Audio OR Video (2 max) • Embedded Animation (2 max) • Direct Mailing (2 max; 4-6 month intervals) • Direct Response Ad (2 max) • Preferred ad position (as available, first come-first served basis) • (Minimum) Program Requirements: • Space Contract for at least six (6) ads (one or more per issue) during CY2014 DESCRIPTIONS & TERMS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING A FULLY EXECUTED SPACE CONTRACT
Digital ADvantage Programs (Cont’d.)… PROGRAM 3: Sponsor-page ADspin • Basic Offer: Contract for the Sponsor Page in the Q4-2014 issue, AND get a free 2- or 3-element ADspin feature in the Q4-2013 issue free. (Sponsor Page is allocated on a first-come, first serve basis.) • ADspin allows the midsection of the page to rotate on click across 2 or 3 content panels, each promoting a different aspect of the advertiser’s product or service. (See additional ADspin details provided later in this Media Kit.) • Typical Usage: Promote multiple dimensions of a given product/service across multiple market sectors (e.g., metering products for electric-gas-water markets). • (Minimum) Program Requirements: • Space Contract for one (1) Sponsor-page ad (one or more per issue) during CY2014 DESCRIPTIONS & TERMS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING A FULLY EXECUTED SPACE CONTRACT
Digital ADvantage Examples • FEATURE:ADaudio • Type: Embedded Audio • Usage: Advertisement • Size: Full-page Advertisement • Feature: Jungle Sounds • Medium: MP3 Audio Clip • Click for Sample Effect* *Requires Viewing in PPT Presentation Mode
Digital ADvantage Examples… FEATURE:ADvideo Type: Embedded Video Usage: Editorial Content Size: (N/A) Feature: Speech Medium: MOV Video Clip Click for Sample Effect* *Requires Viewing in PPT Presentation Mode
(Sponsor Page) Digital ADvantage™ Examples… FEATURE:ADimation Type: Animation Usage: Advertisement Size: Full-page Feature: Animated Elements Medium: Custom Animation Click to Sample* *Requires Viewing in PPT Presentation Mode
STANDARD HEADER CUSTOM CONTENT (Up to 3 Product/Service Panels) STANDARD FOOTER Digital ADvantage™ Examples… FEATURE:ADspin Type: Custom Application Usage: Advertisement Size: Full-page Feature: Multilateral Content Medium: Custom Animation (Request Details)
Digital ADvantage™ Examples… FEATURE:ADdirector Type: Automatic Email Usage: Advertisement Size: Full-page Feature: Direct Messaging Medium: (N/A) Facsimile Only* *Generates an actual email from ad click when enabled
2014 Standard Advertising Rates (Effective October 1, 2013) *Showcase Page is located left of Cover Page and allows free-form content (See “Showcase Page” in this Media Kit for more information) **Banner ads are located on the Table of Contents page, and only one (1) banner ad space is available per issue. All pricing is shown and payable in US dollars. (All major credit cards accepted) Frequency discounts apply during a contiguous calendar year only. (Multi-year insertions will be quoted separately.) New advertisers get an additional 5% discount on first advertisement, payable in advance. Multiple insertion rates require a written Space Contract (Forms available on request). Also see Additional Terms & Conditions, provided separately.
2014 Digital ADvantage Rates* (Effective October 1, 2013) *All Digital ADvantage Setup Fees and Insertion Rates are in addition to regular Advertising Rates. (Setup Fee is a 1-time charge, assuming there are no changes to subsequent insertions making use of the same Digital ADvantage feature(s) as implemented in the original ad.) All pricing is shown and payable in US dollars. (All major credit cards accepted) Frequency discounts apply during a contiguous calendar year only. (Multi-year insertions will be quoted separately.) New advertisers get an additional 5% discount on first advertisement, payable in advance. Multiple insertion rates require a written Space Contract (Forms available on request). Also see Additional Terms & Conditions, provided separately.
Advertising Production Assistance Need Help Creating An Advertisement? Our Creative Department can work with your in-house or contract marketing staff to design advertising that gets your message across to readers attractively and effectively. Utility Horizons Design Services are available on request at $75/hour with a 1-hour minimum. High-resolution logos and images must be provided along with copy in accordance with the above specifications. Contact Us Via Phone or Email TEL: 1-866-806-6549 (Dial +1-504-466-2220 Outside US & Canada) SEND EMAIL INQUIRIES TO: EDT@UtilityHorizons.com
PROMOTIONAL Programs & Services
PROMOTIONAL PROGRAMS & SERVICES (All Promotional Programs & Services Quoted on Request) White Paper Development: Position your product/service in a balanced and positive light with a professionally prepared White Paper. (Basic WP or research-supported WP quoted on request) Targeted Direct Mailings: Make sure that your message is being delivered to the right market segment(s) with customized direct mail to your target audience. Custom Market Research/Surveys: Identify market drivers, issues and trends; product/service satisfaction; customer wants, needs and expectations; and more with professional market research. Create a solid foundation for your market entry or expansion, new product/service launch, or benchmarking analysis. Targeted Webinars (Mid-2014): Details forthcoming in 2014…
MEDIA SPONSORSHIP Opportunities & Guidelines
MEDIA SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES For Professional & Trade Associations: Utility Horizons is committed to supporting qualified professional and industry trade associations serving Utility Automation & Information Technology markets around the world. As an integral part of our core mission to enhance Education and foster Innovation across all three (Electric, Gas & Water) vertical markets served – and also within the increasingly diverse set of Automation & Information Technology products, systems and services suppliers, consultants, integrators and users – we are pleased to offer complimentary* media sponsorships to support these vital organizations. For Commercial Enterprises: (Contact us for details) *Non-profit status may be required for some provisions DESCRIPTIONS & TERMS ABOVE ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING A FULLY EXECUTED AGREEMENT
MEDIA SPONSORSHIP GUIDELINES Utility Horizons offers three (3) basic types of Media Sponsorships, as summarized below. One or more levels may be applicable, depending on the type(s) of organization(s) involved. Alliance Partner: Alliance Partners are organizations/associations with which Utility Horizons has an ongoing and/or multi-level and/or multi-year relationship. For example, a professional association or a trade group having multiple trade events during the course of one or more calendar years may request A/P status. Trade Alliance: Trade Alliances allow for exchanges of trade show booths and/or other tangible benefits (as determined individually by and between the parties to the agreement) in exchange for special considerations, with specific details negotiated and agreed upon on a case-by-case basis. TYPE MA (Media Alliance): Media Alliances provide sponsored media support for the MA member’s promotional activities and/or events. DESCRIPTIONS & TERMS ABOVE ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING A FULLY EXECUTED AGREEMENT
FORMS General & Guidance
(Click on Images to Download) Advertising Layouts & Specifications Article/Abstract Submission Guidelines GUIDANCE FORMS
CONTRACTUAL FORMS Space Contract: A contractually binding document that specifies the number, type(s) and frequency of insertions planned for a specific period, along with any other special or pertinent details or instructions.(Download) Insertion Order: A contractually binding document that authorizes the insertion of a single ad for a specific issue. There should be a separate Insertion Order for each ad placement. (Download)
Contact us today and learn how you can reach your target audience faster and with greater precision with the utility industry’s First and Only all-digital e-magazine for automation/IT professionals worldwide! NEWS & EDITORIAL (US Central Time: UTC -6) Michael A. Marullo, Editor & Publisher Email: MAM@UtilityHorizons.com TEL: (504) 466-2220 | Mobile: (504) 231-3409 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION (US Eastern Time: UTC -5) Theresa Giacalone, Advertising & Promotions Manager Email: TMG@UtilityHorizons.com TEL: (616) 842-0975 | Mobile: (616) 218-1581 PARTNERSHIPS & ALLIANCES (US Central Time: UTC -6) Diane K. Wyatt, Media Relations Email: MAM@UtilityHorizons.com TEL: (504) 466-2220 | Mobile: (504) 231-3519