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The Incarnation: Luke 1-2 & Philippians 2 Analysis

Delve into the deep meanings of Luke 2:52 and Philippians 2:1-11, exploring the humanity of Jesus and the humility of Christ in the context of the Incarnation. Read about various interpretations and scholarly views on these biblical passages. Discover the profound implications of the Incarnation on Christian theology.

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The Incarnation: Luke 1-2 & Philippians 2 Analysis

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  1. Cary Christian School The Incarnation: Luke 1-2

  2. What does Luke 2:52 Mean? • Linked to Luke 1:80, 2:41 and Samuel • The provoking features are: • Grew • Wisdom • Years (stature) • Possible meanings are: • Normal statement of a child getting older • Specific words that mean exactly what they say

  3. Some important issues • Jesus and John the Baptizer spoken of here (See 1:80 and 2:40/2:52 • The words translations are not exactly the same • 1:80 – John “grew” and “became strong” • 2:40 – The toddler Jesus was “filled with” or “full of wisdom”, as He grew and became strong • 2:52 – the young man Jesus that had been teaching in His Father’s house, amazing the Rabbi’s, “increased” (?) in wisdom and grew in years and favor . . . • The Analogy of Faith

  4. Some common interpretations • Jesus was just like any other boy • Jesus was just a regular boy until His ministry at 30 • Jesus grew progressively into His calling • Jesus, as a child, did not know that He was the Messiah • Well . . .

  5. The Flow of Chapters 1-2 • The Prophecy of John the Baptizer (Luke 1:5-25) • The Prophecy of Jesus (Luke 1:26-38) • The Recognition of Elizabeth and John (Luke 1:39-45) • The Celebration of Mary (Luke 1:46-56) • Zacharias’ Prophecy (Luke 1:67-79) • John Grows (Luke 1:80) • Jesus, the Christ is Born (Luke 2:1-20) • Jesus is Presented at the Temple (Luke 2:21-38) • Jesus in Jerusalem in the Temple at His Father Business (Luke 2:41-51)

  6. Hmmm . . . It seems that everyone else knew . . . And then there is that moment at the Temple

  7. Luke 2:52 - This Phrase talks of the humanity of Jesus . . . The fast that He was Real Human, but clearly not like any other human . . .

  8. Cary Christian School The Incarnation: Philippians 2

  9. Notations about Philippians 2:1-11 • The Context is Humility • The verb “kenao” is the focus in the Christological section • The question is what does it mean • Romans 4:14 • 1 Cor. 1:17 • 1 Cor. 9:15 • 2 Cor. 9:3 • How does that meaning work within the context?

  10. How does it flow? • Had an attitude of Humility • Christ was (pre[existed]) in the “Form” of God • Did not hang on to that “form” at all costs (“with white knuckles”) • Emptied Himself • Now too the “form’ of a bond-servant • Made in the likeness of men • Had the appearance of a man • Showed humility by obedience • Obedience led to death • The Death was on a Cross

  11. How does it flow? (cont.) • God exalted Him • Made His name reside over all others • All will worship Him at His name • The name is “Lord”

  12. What did He empty Himself of? The Incarnation: Philippians 2

  13. Options • Deity • Communicable + Incommunicable Attributes • Only Incommunicable Attributes • Communicable or Incommunicable Attributes via self-limitation • Certain Attributes • Glory

  14. Some Samples • "Christ had a human soul, to which the Logos imparted his divinity, little by little until he became completely divine" (Dorner).  • Christ "laid aside his deity which was then restored at the ascension" (Gess and Beecher).  • He "abandoned certain prerogatives of the divine mode of existence in order to assume the human," e.g., omniscience" (Gore).  • "He surrendered the external, physical attributes of omniscience, though retaining the attributes of love and truth (A. M. Fairbairn). This was also held by Thomasius, Deilitzsch, and H. Crosby. 

  15. Some Samples • "Christ "lived a double life from two, non-communicating life centers. As God, he continued his Trinitarian and providential existence, and as man he was united with a human nature. He did not know consciously anything of his divine, Trinitarian existence" (Martensen). Wha!?! • "He disguised his deity and attributes, not by giving them up, but by limiting them to a time-form appropriate to a human mode of existence ... His attributes could only be expressed in relation to the (human) time and space that his human form could experience" (Ebrard). 

  16. Some Samples • "He gave up the use of the attributes (cf. Carson, FD&FPJ, 35). • ""He gave up the independent exercise of the divine attributes (Strong, ST, 703). • ""He limited himself to the voluntary non-use of the attributes (Walvoord).”

  17. Did the Son really relinquish use of the attributes during the Incarnation?

  18. What about another option?

  19. A Problem: The Text  Attributes Exercised Scriptures Matt. 14:15-21 Matt. 2:2, 27:11 Luke 7:36-50 John 4:46-54 John 1:44-51 Matt. 9:1-8 • Creator • Sovereignty • Judgment • Omnipotence • Omnipresence • Omniscience

  20. A Problem: The Text  Attributes Exercised Scriptures John 8:56-59; Mark 9:2-8 John 8:56-59 John 10 Matt. 9:36, John 8:1-11 John 10:11-17, 15:13; 1 John 3:16 John 10:18 • Immutability • Eternity • Goodness • Mercy • Love • Freedom

  21. A Problem: The Text  Attributes Exercised Scriptures John 8:56-59 John 14:7-15, 17:21 Matt.3:15, Luke 7:36-50 John 14:6 • Self-Existence • Triunity • Righteousness • Truth

  22. So . . . What did He empty Himself of?!?

  23. John 17 – The High Priestly Prayer 4 “I glorified You on the earth, having accomplished the work which You have given Me to do. 5 “Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.

  24. “. . . glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.”

  25. What did He empty Himself of?Glory

  26. What about the Transfiguration? • See John 1:14 & 1 Timothy 3:16 • Certainly “a” glory, but one that was shrouded in flesh • Think again on Exodus 33:17-23 • 20 But He said, “You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!”

  27. What did He empty Himself of?Glory

  28. Cary Christian School The Incarnation: Philippians 2

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